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Posts posted by sepulchra

  1. Thanks @vitor. That is much much cleaner and instructive. I didn't put it on github as I didn't know if it would be of value beyond being an example to the wider community. In essence everytime i start a new project with its own set of folders, I would replicate this and created the specific folder paths etc. Look how much cleaner this looks:



    I never have used the split argument object and it works as I have configured it, but is this how it "should" be?


  2. My work often has me creating lots of repetitive folder trees for projects and they tend to be cyclical, so I usually make a template and keep making the same project folder trees for months. Over the years I’ve attempted making these in a variety of ways. This started with Automator and then getting help to implement in alfred back in 2018.  I then also saw this recent workflow shared, and I remembered I had created something similar by just using automation tasks and no external dependencies.




    I owe most of this workflow’s setup to some of that early experimentation and @Stephen_C's experimentation on his folder workflows.


    I’d figured I would share and see if would be useful to others and if there might be some helpful tweaks I could make. I’m not so sold on the icon yet. Also @vitor I would love for you to weigh in as you also seem to find useful tweak or efficiency. Here is the tree: https://transfer.sh/62F5tkcvDU/Folder Tree TEMPLATE.alfredworkflow


    I do wonder if this has any practical purpose beyond being an example? In it's current form, users could use it as a template but would need to set the argument to their custom folder paths.



  3. 17 minutes ago, olfway said:

    Thanks for your suggestions!

    If I understand correctly then I have two options with workflows – run workflow for copy to clipboard or run workflow to paste, right?


    If I would run workflow to paste then I'll miss alfred's clipboard history viewer, so that's not an option


    So it seems the only way I can use it – create a workflow to get current selection, strip whitespaces from it and paste it to clipboard and assign it to cmd+c hotkey

    But there will be a problems here – sometimes I want to copy images or files and sometimes I copy via menu instead of hotkey and sometimes iTerm itself copies selection to clipboard


    Probably if Alfred would have a trigger like "text content copied to clipboard" and output like "replace content in clipboard history" then I would be able to make a workflow which would work.


    But actually I think that whitespace trimming is so basic feature, so it could be added as a feature to alfred's clipboard manager itself

    Unless I am misunderstanding something these actions should still be in your clipboard unless you check "mark transient in clipboard" in the "copy to clipboard" object. if you copy or paste in frontmost app they should still stay in your clipboard after you paste. In my screenshot below, my actions for Reverse Line Order and Shell Escape Text both remain in the clipboard after pasting in the front most app.




  4. @BootySlayer If you right click on your theme in the left column, you can choose "share on alfredapp.com." It will provide you with a link that you can share here. that is also a great looking theme.


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