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    Pittsburgh, PA

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  1. I'm really glad to hear this as I deleted Alfred Remote from my iOS devices because I mistakenly believed it wasn't under active development. Kudos to the team for keeping it bug free. It has given me no troubles through several iterations of iOS. I just thought it was abandonware. I was wrong. Redownloading now. :-)
  2. I hit the 'c' key and Alfred immediately crashes. This is the same key I would press to get to the clipboard. Now it is happening with other things. I reindexed everything and deleted the spotlight folder, however it is only a bandaid for this issue. I rely heavily on Alfred's clipboard features. Until I have a chance to buy another app, I need this.
  3. Nope. That doesn't work either. Is there a way to send you some diagnostics data?
  4. Alfred crashes each time I try to access the clipboard manager. macOS 10.13.1, iMac 27" 5K late 2015. The gif is below. Alfred build: 3.5.1 It's only happened since the latest macOS update. https://imgur.com/LQ90oHm
  5. I am a new developer and am wondering if I could get a workflow for IntelliJ? I am a Computer Science major so I expect to be able to make my own soon but I am kinda in a bind with skills right now-- I'm just starting out. I will need IntelliJ next semester which is in two months. Want to get a nice workflow in order to speed up coding. Thanks in advance.
  6. Getting an error in the workflow when downloading gists. NoneType object as no attribute split.
  7. Great workflow idea! I'll have to see how it works.
  8. Does this fix compatibility issues or does it just tell us which version of Spotify we have?
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