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ER: further 1Password integration

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In addition to going to websites it would be great to be able to do something like:


1p <type for match>


and then just get the password for that item in the pasteboard


This would allow for faster copying of frequently used passwords like Twitter, Facebook, etc. for use elsewhere

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To expand on what David said - Alfred stays well clear of your encrypted data for your own safety. As such, he doesn't get anywhere close to your passwords to copy them to the pasteboard, he simply passes you on to the 1Password plugin in your browser which handles the security.

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A thought...


Is there a URL scheme, or something, that you could tie into so if you hit ENTER it goes to the web plugin, but if you hit CMD+ENTER it goes to the app with the search pre-filled and you can copy there by hitting CMD+OPT+C?


It's more work than what jorbsd proposed, but keeps you secure.

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Although Alfred may not directly interact with 1Password passwords - if you have an a long randomly generated password and need to put it into an application (lets say a password for a mail account) then you would copy and paste the password.  If you have clipboard persistance active in Alfred then this would be stored (as cleartext?) for the specified length of time.


Therefore is it possible to detect where the copy came from and actively ignore 1Password?

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Although Alfred may not directly interact with 1Password passwords - if you have an a long randomly generated password and need to put it into an application (lets say a password for a mail account) then you would copy and paste the password.  If you have clipboard persistance active in Alfred then this would be stored (as cleartext?) for the specified length of time.


Therefore is it possible to detect where the copy came from and actively ignore 1Password?


Alfred already has in the settings the ability to ignore stuff copied from certain apps. Check the preferences and you'll see that apps like 1Password are already in the ignore list for saving in the Clipboard History

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there a URL scheme, or something, that you could tie into so if you hit ENTER it goes to the web plugin, but if you hit CMD+ENTER it goes to the app with the search pre-filled and you can copy there by hitting CMD+OPT+C?


I would be REALLY happy to see this, but not sure if 1Password currently has an URL scheme or will get one in v4. But this would be an excellent idea, since 1Password DOES support this for their iOS version (I have this in Launch Center Pro).

Edited by jphorn
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  • 2 weeks later...

To expand on what David said - Alfred stays well clear of your encrypted data for your own safety. As such, he doesn't get anywhere close to your passwords to copy them to the pasteboard, he simply passes you on to the 1Password plugin in your browser which handles the security.


I see the security issues but I'd also be happy to see enhanced integration with 1password. Alfred could call 1password to ask for the master password and automatically copy the one you was looking for. I understand 1password had first to provide a way for native apps and not just browsers to connect to its database.

Edited by gelo
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Is there a URL scheme, or something, that you could tie into so if you hit ENTER it goes to the web plugin, but if you hit CMD+ENTER it goes to the app with the search pre-filled and you can copy there by hitting CMD+OPT+C?

This is a great idea. I'd love seeing this in 1Password and look forward to adding it :)
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I managed to get pretty close by creating a workflow with keyword `pw` that runs this bash script:

osascript -e 'open location "x-onepassword-helper://search/{query}"'

You use it by typing something like "pw twitter". That opens the 1Password mini search and you can then press the right arrow key and hit enter to copy the password.

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  • 2 months later...

I managed to get pretty close by creating a workflow with keyword `pw` that runs this bash script:

osascript -e 'open location "x-onepassword-helper://search/{query}"'

You use it by typing something like "pw twitter". That opens the 1Password mini search and you can then press the right arrow key and hit enter to copy the password.


In Alfred 3 you can easily add this applescript to it, to automate it completely:

tell application "System Events" to tell process "1Password mini"
	set frontmost to true
	key code 124
	delay 1
	key code 36
end tell

The delay has been enough for me all the time :)


Only problem i have is that things like "This is a test" don't work as it has spaces in it :/ no clue what 1password wants instead lol

Edited by FroZen_X
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