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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. Another option is to use mind maps. For example I had the same problem of not being able to remember things but instead of hotkeys it was external triggers that I call with Karabiner. I made a mind map in MindNode that I can easily open and query in case I need something. The fact that mind maps are visual too helps me remember things.
  2. I added the edited workflow to small workflows in case anyone wants to download it. It's inside Personal workflows category on the bottom.
  3. Thank you @deanishe String matching works well. For some reason I thought it would be matching an entire string, not part of the string thus I chose Regex. Now I know.
  4. I would like to modify this workflow. There is a file filter swikifold that searches for folders inside a folder I specified. In my case there is one `knowledge` root folder that can be seen here and many other folders inside it. There is a modifier action alt here: That will do either of two things. It will create a folder at the root of my knowledge folder or if the passed in path is not my root folder, it will create the folder in the designated path. It also asks me what name I want to give to the folder. The problem is with these two filters here: The workflow can't do the filtering it seems. When I call my workflow, the workflow dismisses. I am not sure why. Nor do I know how I can rewrite it to fix this so it works for both these cases. If there is only one filter there, everything works. I attached my workflow above. Would love to get any help on this. Thank you.
  5. To get around that problem I was actually thinking how you can type multiple chars. So in case of GitHub it would simulate typing git instead of just g. You are right, pragmatic access to information would be even better. There is only one issue that I see with this at least given what I want to achieve. I want to quickly and reliably open a field from any contact. With the approach of passing selected contact's info, I would assume you will be limited by return and 5 modifiers with what you can pass from the contact to Alfred. Unless you want to create another Contacts Filter. With the approach of jumping between fields you can jump to any field inside a contact by typing few characters from the field name thus you will be guaranteed to get any field name even if there is 10+ fields in there. Perhaps I misunderstand how your solution is going to work. Although to be fair I mostly need about 5 fields from the contact I need access to so the ability to retrieve a field from a contact will be amazing too.
  6. Can I ask if something like this can be implemented in Alfred? It will make the contact filter a lot more powerful than it currently is. Thank you.
  7. Awesome. I forgot about the Spotlight list. Thank you.
  8. I want to exclude one app Tweetbot so that when I search for it in Alfred, nothing is returned. The reason I want to do it is that I work in Focus sessions similar to Pomodoro where I block all distracting things for 1 and half hour and focus on what I need to do. Only issue is that I sometimes do want to post a tweet and thus use Tweetbot's create tweet action. I activate Tweetbot app with Keyboard Maestro macro that will not open Tweetbot when I am in the focus session because I create a file at start of Focus session and erase it in the end. The macro looks like this if anyone is interested: However I still can access Tweetbot quickly from Alfred and I want to block that. Is there a way to blacklist an app from Alfred search?
  9. I will try to use AwGo and its fuzzy searching Thank you a lot for your insight @deanishe
  10. Also it would be nice if this matched for `open_book`. So you are not forced to type the underscore every time.
  11. Would it be possible to use Sindre's approach to node workflows. Like what he does with Alfred NPM. He calls the Script Filter with: ./node_modules/.bin/run-node. Where run-node script is this. I think this will let you avoid bundling node with the workflow.
  12. I just realised that this workflow weights 44 MB because of embedded node. That's wild. I use this workflow for searching emojis + unicode symbols that is really nice. Might not have the latest emojis though.
  13. Yeah I thought that'd be the case. Oh well. The workflow is good as it is.
  14. I meant it in the context of the GitHub Jump workflow which searches repos users starred. In my case its a bit over 4,000 thus SQLite DB is really noticeable. I have it run the `update` script every evening so it always keeps the index up-to-date and it's pretty amazing. Here is the macro that updates the index: This one workflow means I have my entire GitHub world with less than 1 second access to open issues, view repo, make releases to my own repos, clone to a directory or view PR's. The author of the workflow didn't merge my PR that adds my bindings so I added the modified workflow to Small Workflows giving credit to original author. I plan to add fuzzy search to it though so I can do queries like `face reactjs` to show me Reactjs repo because currently I have to type the entire name in full if there are many conflicting entries: Fuzzy searching would solve this. I was thinking of wrapping the workflow around AwGo to take use of what AwGo does with fuzzy searching but not sure how to combine it with the original workflow. Will try look at it again. Maybe I can extract the AwGo portion that does the fuzzy searching and apply it on the results somehow. I also plan to do a similar workflow for GitHub users a person follows. To quickly jump to their profiles, search their repos, search their stars even (if API allows) and more.
  15. I actually do have several thousand repos. ? And this workflow is insanely fast. All it lacks is fuzzy searching. But I will add a PR for that soon. I hope it is possible.
  16. Here is one workflow that queries SQLite in Go. I am also experimenting with a workflow that uses SQLite. Native or library support for it would be really cool indeed.
  17. I do. There are places people wrote about how to use them in Go. Will read that and try.
  18. This makes perfect sense indeed. I will give it a look. Thank you. I think I have an understanding of how I can make this work.
  19. The goal is to try to make a library or something that would make the transition of my Alfred workflow Go code to the web as painless and easy as possible. So I can write for both platforms in a way. This of course only applies to workflows that actually need an iOS counterpart.
  20. But now that I think of it, I can also potentially make a few web pages that would serve the same purpose as I outlined above. A simple search bar with programmable suggestions. I can open web pages quickly from Launch Centre Pro and then do my thing on the web page. Will give that a go I think, I think it can host these web workflows under GitHub pages too so all is free. Plus I can potentially use some other cool features web stack provides. Will try to port my Web Searches workflow first. Although I really hate having to rewrite my Go code logic in Javascript even if it's not as much. Maybe I can use this and have my Alfred Workflows I write in Go have a very easy web partner to go with the workflow so I can use it from iOS or other devices. Holy shit, why haven't I thought of this before. I really like this idea. ✨
  21. Will give it a go. Haven't used the app in years. Nor am I any good in Python or the coding part. But will try. ? If this actually works and would let me transfer some of my favourite workflows to iOS, I would be really happy.
  22. For this point, perhaps you can run binaries created with Swift or Go to mitigate this issue? True. But it is still better than what Apple provides. A single Spotlight search that searches everything and is not programmable. Also true. But it would still be better than nothing. There are many Alfred workflows I use that I would love to use from iOS. My own web searches workflow and my mind workflows are two prime examples but there is many more. In fact it would be quite amazing to see some innovation come in regards to making workflows that actually use some iOS APIs. Like searching currently open Safari tabs in iOS Safari (ala Safari Assistant). The way I envision the app will work and feel would actually make the app top 3 of my most used apps so it would sit right at my dock. My dream for iOS would be an easily accessible interface of Launch Centre Pro (where you have 200+ actionable buttons accessible with < 2 taps where the buttons activate alfred workflows or Workflow's app actions (this one is already possible with URL schemes)). The Alfred app itself as I see it simply needs to have a search bar on top. You type things. Suggestions you programmed to show, show and you can action on them to do things. Open URLs, go places in iOS perhaps and more. Alfred app should then allow to somehow allow users to write the programs (workflows). Transfer them to iOS Alfred app and then users can run them from there. The Alfred iOS app I am thinking of pays only small resemblance to workflow iOS app. Alfred iOS app should only provide the means to do specific programmable searches where you can transfer workflows made on mac to iOS. In fact it would be quite cool to combine Workflow's sophisticated and less sophisticated actions and treat them as building blocks for workflows. For example make a workflow to present some results where some items from results will activate Workflow macros via URL Schemes. The big point here is that you can make iOS Alfred workflows on your mac and then simply transfer them to iOS. And that would make developing iOS workflows quite enjoyable. Thus Alfred app will simply act as a way to run these iOS workflows via a similar to Launch Centre pro interface. In my mind this all looks reasonable to do and would be a killer app for iOS if done well. Aside from restrictions of only running compiled workflows, I think this should work. But also I believe there are apps like Pythonista that probably bundle a python interpreter with app. Perhaps Alfred can do the same with ruby and python to run scripted language workflows too.
  23. I've been thinking about this idea more and more and recently I think I found a usable interface in which you can use the full power of Alfred in iOS. My problem lies in that a vast majority of my workflow around using my mac relies on the Alfred launcher. There are many workflows I use and I try to use Alfred launcher as interface for everything that is searchable. This brings a huge issue in that, all this power in terms of workflows does not translate at all to iOS. Specifically I want to use my Web Searches workflow inside iOS. I want to fuzzy search for a website to search on and make my search. There is nothing like that on iOS that does it. Sure, you can probably make an iOS app that does this and release it but why make an entire app around this one feature. Or take @deanishe incredible Searchio workflow. It would be amazing to have a way to make a search with suggestions from an iOS device. Not only ones that are preconfigured as default search in Safari. Again you can probably make an entire iOS app that wraps Searchio capabilities and release it. I think though that you can realistically make an iOS Alfred client that can use Alfred workflows you can use on mac. Or even make dedicated iOS Alfred workflows that you can then test out on mac and use from iOS. All you really need in the iOS app is ability to use the workflows you make and have the ability to call these workflows via external triggers which in iOS land can be used from url schemes. It can use the same format as Alfred uses. The JSON schema for script filters and some objects should be transferrable. i.e. Open URL object can instead of opening URLs in mac browser, open the URL in Safari iOS browser. The script filters can be dumbed down to only include the return action. No modifiers as you can't use them on iOS. And then you can either use these iOS Alfred workflows from Alfred app itself where the interface can be designed to achieve this calling of any Alfred workflow in your iOS Workflow library with ease or you can provide external triggers to these workflows with URL schemes (similar to external triggers). This way you can call the workflows through something like Launch Centre Pro and the workflow will open to be operated from Alfred. The using of workflows should be simple. I am thinking of a simple search bar on top that gets activated as you enter the workflow. And then as you type, suggestions you programmed to show will show. In case of my Web Searches workflow, it would be nice to have a similar ability to control the flow from one script filter to another. Although of course not as complex as mac's. For example I would love to use Alfred My Mind from iOS. This workflow is really simple in that it is one script filter that lists my bookmarks which on return will open in the browser. One can imagine an iOS app that can achieve this simple task. A search bar on top that searches through a list of items (Alfred JSON schema) and on return does the action of opening the URL in browser. I can give some design mockups on how I envision the app to look that I can make in Sketch. I can also offer my help to make the actual iOS app that provides these features as I believe @Andrew is really busy with making the mac Alfred app the best it can be. I genuinely think that if implemented well, this would be incredibly valuable as it will bring at least partly the power that the mac platform has and bring that power to iOS. I do everything through Alfred interface and I really need the ability to translate this Alfred world and use it from iOS. I hope I am not alone in feeling this way. I am very eager to help make this happen and can offer any help needed to bring this to life.
  24. I really wish you could jump to a contact field in Alfred contact view from the keyboard. I am talking about this view: Where the field name here is `github` or `reddit`. So I can open this view. And then press `g` and `github` field will be active so I can press return on it to open the URL. The reason why I really need this is that I want to create a workflow that would pragmatically open a field URL attached to a contact. Here is an example workflow where I want to use this in. In here I want this `ctrl` modifier to open GitHub link attached to the contact: If this feature would be implemented, this would work. Aside from doing the workflow, the feature on its own would be incredibly useful as I use contacts file filter a lot of times during the day and I hate always having to down arrow to go to the field I need in a contact. Thank you a lot if you do consider adding this to Alfred. I would really really appreciate it.
  25. A simple file filter for folders does work in the end. But that full fledged window is quite fancy. I was just wondering if it was available in any way or only Alfred can use it.
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