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Everything posted by nikivi

  1. Never mind all this. I solved it by simply running these `hub` commands in iTerm by creating a zsh function and calling that in iTerm. Zsh function: # Fork cloned repo gfr(){ hub fork git branch --set-upstream-to nikitavoloboev/master master git remote rename origin upstream; git remote rename nikitavoloboev origin } And I just made AppleScript run the commands in succession like so: ❯ cd ~/dev/forks/codehn && gfr && exa Here is the final workflow in the odd chance anyone wants to use it. ? Thank you very much @vitor
  2. Yay. It now forks the repo. However a strange thing happens where the AppleScript that should then cd into the directory I moved to ~/dev/forks doesn't do that. It prints: cd Updating new remote: ~/dev/forks/bat && exanikitavoloboevnikitavoloboev instead of `cd ~/dev/forks/bat && exa. It's strange because I thought that Bash should run things one after another. So it should wait until hub fork finishes doing its thing. And then runs the other stuff like moving the directory, running the two git commands I do: #/usr/local/bin/hub branch --set-upstream-to nikitavoloboev/master master #/usr/local/bin/hub remote rename origin upstream; git remote rename nikitavoloboev origin And then I echo the path of where the fork now should lie with: echo "~/dev/forks/$CLONE_DIR_NAME" The only thing I did change was to add source ~/.zshrc at the top of the Run Script object. Here is the updated workflow. Here is what I get in debugger when I run the action. Should I perhaps put some pauses in the bash script? It already runs slower than I would like it to presumingly because of me sourcing my entire shell env.
  3. The only hub related option I see there is: hub.protocol=https The rest is things from my git config file. Here is an image of it, maybe it is helpful:
  4. I don't have this file. And both of those variables are empty for me. The hub fork works perfectly well when ran from iTerm.
  5. I started to colour Alfred objects that have errors in them and need to be fixed in red colour. A kind of TODO but without actually writing TODO in a note or anywhere. I also made a KM macro to quickly do the colouring of the object so I don't have to do it manually: It helps me quite a bit.
  6. I have this workflow originally made by @vitor and modified by me. It is messy but it works for nearly everything I need it to do. Except one thing. This script tries to run inside it `hub fork`. I have downloaded hub on my system. And I give the full path to hub like so: /usr/local/bin/hub. This fails for me and doesn't actually do the fork. If I run the same command in my terminal however, the command works perfectly well. The debugger shows this when I run it: [2018-05-14 20:31:17][input.scriptfilter] Processing output of 'action.script' with arg '/Users/nikivi/dev/clones/subliminal' [2018-05-14 20:31:17][ERROR: action.script] Error forking repository: Unauthorized (HTTP 401) Requires authentication fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git I suppose it is because Alfred doesn't see my GitHub credentials attached to my Git config but I am not sure how I can solve this, if I can. The purpose of this this object is that after I scan my ~/dev/clones directory and get a list of different repos there, I run an action and it forks the repository using `hub fork` command and then moves the repo from ~/dev/clones to ~/dev/forks. The moving part works, it's the forking that doesn't. Thank you for any help.
  7. I have two themes I like to use. One dark and one light theme. I would like to have Alfred use one of these themes in some apps but not others. In my case I would like to have Light theme be Default. However I want to make iTerm and Sublime Text two apps where Alfred invocation (both normal hotkey or triggered through hotkey or external trigger) will use the Dark theme instead. Would this be possible to add to Alfred?
  8. nikivi

    Ayu Light

    Turns out someone already made a perfect light theme. Thank you @Florian and his Paper theme.
  9. nikivi

    Ayu Light

    Thanks. Fixed. ?
  10. nikivi

    Ayu Light

    Ayu Light Theme I have recently started using more light themes for writing code and have been enjoying using Ayu theme across all my editors. Sublime / VS Code / Vim. So I made a light theme for Alfred that I now use. Here is how it looks: I use D'Angelo theme for when I want to use a 'dark' theme. Ayu Light Theme Download
  11. Released new update to update the index for the wiki. The wiki is pretty big now and I use it myself many many times a day. I hope someone else might find it useful too. Let me know if you do. ? This should be the last update with manual index update, next update should install the SUMMARY.md index from GitHub and cache it for a week or so. I am still battling with how to make it work on the Go side but I'll manage it soon. Also I cannot wait to split the mess that this workflow is and separate the curated lists stuff and put it in Alfred Learn Anything. Everything cached and automatically updated right from GitHub. Would be crazy cool. Hope you like the update. ?
  12. Since Alfred allows to colour workflow objects to many colours, I wonder if anyone actually use this feature to somehow separate objects in some way. Perhaps by group or some kind of category or meaning. I know I am curious about this as I never actually added any colours in my workflows, only notes. I was inspired to ask this question from @deanishe's Safari Assistant workflow as I saw he used colours to neatly group certain workflow objects together that I found quite cool. Anyone else does something similar? Would love to hear your thoughts/reasoning on it.
  13. I am currently 'solving' this issue for myself by automating insertion of the external triggers with same trigger name. Which whilst a bit annoying, works. I will try to install things not from npm though going forward.
  14. Also in case of MDN, there is no .alfredworkflow file anywhere to be found. Only way I see how to install it is npm.
  15. Will I get workflow updates this way? I am not too familiar with Alfy.
  16. Yes I did. I guess there is no way to avoid it then. Oh well.
  17. I have a few workflows that I installed with npm. The issue with these workflows is that I often like to add an external trigger to the workflows I am using. However after a few days or weeks, the workflows randomly reset to their initial state, disregarding all my changes. An example of a workflow that reset itself multiple times already is MDN. But there is many more. Why does this happen? And can I avoid it?
  18. So simple but so powerful. I didn't know pbcopy would copy the file content like that. Thank you for sharing it.
  19. Alfred forum together with Keyboard Maestro are my two favourite places to talk about macOS and the awesome things you can do with it. I always wanted to create a chat room where people can share their experiences and the cool things they have made/done on macOS/iOS. Be it some Alfred workflow, KM macro or an new app you have found or made. I made a Telegram group to fill this void in my life and hopefully meet and talk with more likeminded people who are also passionate about mac and what you can do with it. If you are interested in joining. Here is the invite. Hope to see you there. ? P.S. This is not strictly an Alfred chat but Alfred is a pretty awesome part of the macOS experience. This forum is still the best and preferred place to ask any Alfred related questions as anyone can search and query this forum. The chat is made to share experiences and talk about how you can connect all these cool apps and tools to work together in new and novel ways.
  20. I love having some kind of consistency in whatever I am doing. I recently wrote a wiki article about my process I go through when making and releasing workflows step by step. Currently this includes Go workflows I write with AwGo library and my non Go workflows I write that I publish in small workflows repo. I really hope that this article will be helpful and I am very open and eager to receive thoughts and feedback on it. Thank you. ? Read the article
  21. Updated Web Searches and all my other Go workflows to actually properly use Updating. Plus moved to a library I actually understand for making CLI tools so hope to extend these workflows and new ones in the coming time. If you use this or any of my other workflows, you can update them (or download them) manually from releases now. From then on everything should just work™️. ? Small workflows was also recently updated and should also just work too with auto updates.
  22. There is a really awesome workflow you can use for this called WorkflowDirectory. It can let you search all workflows you have on your system and open them in your preferred editor, go inside them to see contents (→ arrow). Or if you develop workflows I added an action to export the workflow to the Desktop for making new releases. Here is my modified workflow with the export action. Although the export function by @vitor fails when I try to export workflows that don't have the user.workflow.0EK.. name. Not sure how to fix it. Here is how it looks when searching:
  23. I just realised that the workflows I shared in small workflows repo I have here don't actually update properly. The .alfredoworkflow files don't update as changes to the .alfredworkflow file don't get picked up by Git it seems. My approach in updating the workflows is that I make some changes, update the version number, then swap the .alfredworkflow file and push the changes. For example I just updated `File actions` workflow here. I pushed the latest .alfredworkflow file (ver. 1.0.5) but if you click download you will get only ver. 1.0.3. How do other people do it? I basically tried to replicate what @vitor does but this approach seems to be failing for me and I noticed it only now.
  24. For keywords though I use the workflow here: https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/11001-searching-for-keywords-with-a-workflow-is-insane Alfred hopefully will come with the native version of this in the near future. Can't wait for it myself.
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