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Everything posted by GuiB

  1. @Twice Bitten, since you are not mentioning which Terminal application you are using, I guess you use Terminal.app. So, to "pass the text into the current Temrinal session window" and keeping your default Terminal integration as it is in Alfred (so you can keep your other action to open a new Terminal Session if you want), you can create a workflow that pass your text to a Run Script object with the script language set to /usr/bin/osascript (AS) and with the script set to: on run argv tell application "Terminal" activate -- comment this line if you don't want to send the Terminal window to front do script (item 1 of argv) in tab 1 of window 1 end tell end run or if you want to change Alfred's Terminal integration as mentioned by @vitor and use ! , you can set Alfred to use a Custom terminal application and set the script to : on alfred_script(q) tell application "Terminal" activate -- comment this line if you don't want to send the Terminal window to front do script q in tab 1 of window 1 end tell end alfred_script
  2. @davidtesler I updated the workflow to strip any non-numeric characters from your query (should better work with different phone number format). I'm not sure if Ring Central does it by itself, but based on @raygan's post above it shouldn't and this should help. New workflow: https://d.pr/f/xmMuSE Best!
  3. @davidtesler I don't have Ring Central and never used it, but I made a workflow based on the above posts. Not sure if this will work, but this can give you a start Workflow: https://d.pr/f/LiaYHQ
  4. There's a preference to disable the sound in the Notification Settings at: The Bell Icon (top right corner) -> Notifications Settings -> Notification preferences -> Play a sound when I receive a notification @dfay , could this help to uncheck this?
  5. If I get what you want to do, here is an updated workflow: https://d.pr/f/Qy36hV In short, you don't need to use the Hotkey object to get the clipboard content or to pop Alfred, but use it simply to launch your workflow. Then, you connect a keyword object to get an Alfred field to write your query and then you append this query + clipboard to your file (the clipboard accessed using the Alfred's clipboard content variable) Hope this helps!
  6. As @deanishe says, but to simplify the 'connect to a Terminal Command with the command cd "{query}" ', actually with Hyper you can simply do an "open this folder with this application" where "this application" will be Hyper. I mean, to build it yourself, just do: Go inside your Alfred's Preferences at your Workflows tab Press the [+] button at the bottom of your Workflow list and select: Examples -> Simple Folder Search Double click the File Filter object and change the keyword to: >find Click the Save button to save your preferred keyword Double click the Open File object and drag-and-drop your Hyper.app application into the right drop target (where it says: the default application) Click the Save button to save your object Then, you should be able to invoke >find myproject With this you don't even have to change the custom terminal in Alfred and add my script, but if you plan on using Hyper I think it would be useful if you want to invoke Hyper using the Open Terminal Here or other Terminal object of Alfred.
  7. You should be able to use Hyper by using my script that you can find in the attached post. You will need to set Alfred to use a custom terminal (Alfred Preferences -> Features -> Terminal) and paste my script in the bottom text area. Then you should be able to use the Open Terminal Here action from Alfred when inside the File Action menu
  8. Just press CMD+S again and it should save it. I mean: 1) CMD+S from the Snippet History to pop the Snippet window 2) CMD+S from the Snippet Window to save the Snippet (which does the same as pressing the Save button)
  9. @ssppjj, just highlight/select the clip in your history and press CMD+S. This will pop Alfred to save the clip in your snippets collection.
  10. Create a workflow and look for the File Filter object. It is especially made for searching files and that you can set a specific scope. Look here for more information on it: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/file-filter/
  11. This is a different problem. This is a workflow that is simply a file scanner that is set to scan a specific kind of files in a specific directory ( ~/Library/Mail ). This is a specific configuration that work with Apple Mail since Mail put its email database inside a folder hierarchy composed of .emlx files which can be directly accessed by Finder. Spark uses a different database composed of SQLite files. Therefore, the workflow you are linking (or a modified version) can't be used with Spark and you would need to create a new one that can interface with the SQLite database. If you want to go this route and create your own workflow, you can have a look and find Spark's data folder here: ~/Library/Group Containers/3L68KQB4HG.group.com.readdle.smartemail
  12. @Appu Mohan, some time ago I did a plugin for Spark to work with Alfred. You can have a look at the attached discussion link for the download file and how to install it. But in short, download the applescript file here and drop it into your folder at `~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Plugins/Email/Spark.applescript` Hope this helps!
  13. @Andrew, great addition, thanks! Just played a bit with it and this will be useful, but I was wondering if it would be possible to make it so it filters the list or the Up/Down arrows jump between fields that match the query? For example, if I have a Work Phone Number + a Work Address, I could type "work" and use the arrows to jump between those fields.
  14. Also, if you need to change field between different outputs, you can add a "Dispatch Key Combo" key object to insert a TAB or ENTER or anything else (like to CMD+V that I use inside the workflow to paste the image) that you would normally do in-between you different expansions
  15. @Matty To expand to multiple types (text + image), you can use an RTFD file or by chaining multiple of the examples (by inserting delay in between if needed)... Here is the same workflow but I added another example with chained items (Image + Text). Workflow: https://d.pr/f/iy98Ne
  16. @Matty and @egmweb, sorry I wanted to send it to you sooner, but I'm quite busy at the moment, but here is a workflow as example that I have uploaded some of those tips many months ago. The RTF example inside it is not useful anymore with Alfred 4, but you can have a look at the Expand Image example and the RTFD example. In short, you need to create a file with the content that you want for expansion and use it has the file path for the script inside that is connected after the Snippet Trigger. Just copy and paste the one that is useful to you into a new workflow and change the file path + the Snippet expansion keyword and you should be good. Example Workflow: https://d.pr/f/PCcxuP Best
  17. Not exactly a single key, but you can assign a "double tap" from a modifier key. For example: Option+Option If you want a single key, you would need another application that can customize your key configuration from a lower level like Karabiner Element. I'm not using it since I didn't think of any tricks that I would use from it (yet), but I think this should make it possible for you to do what you want. However, just my 2 cents, honestly I don't know why I would assign my Option key to limit it to only pop Alfred since, as much as I love Alfred, my Option key is pretty useful to insert symbols. So I would be more inclined to use the Double Tap instead of going the Karabiner route. But you can try both and see what you prefer. Or, as an idea, you could set only your right (or left) Option key to pop Alfred so you have your other Option key to work normally Best!
  18. @deanishe, yep this is what I've seen yesterday as well. It seems to be on and off since may. I won't get my hopes up that they will come back... we will see
  19. @evanfuchs, yeah nofile.io seems to be down... not sure they will get back, but here is what I think are the 2 last scripts from my posts above. My answer regarding @Jasondm007 's script (using AppleScript): https://d.pr/f/2yFEeJ My other script (using Bash): https://d.pr/f/yLrWRS Hope this help!
  20. Make sure that your have checked/set those items: Do you have "[ ] Automatically expand snippets by keyword" checked? (This is your Master checkbox to activate the auto-expansion of your snippet in Alfred) Do you have the box under the column "A->" of your snippet checked? (This is the checkbox to activate a specific snippet for auto-expansion) Did you set a Keyword for you snippet? (This is what you need to type to activate the auto-expansion of your snippet)
  21. From my tests the bug is not because the keyword object is activated externally, but because it has an empty 'Title' or 'Subtext'. Your "{var:empty}" get changed to an empty string, so it does the same. For now, just replacing your '{var:empty}" to any string (but only spaces since Alfred strip them) will repair your workflow. So, the problem is "Getting" into a keyword object that has no Title or Subtext defined. I mean arriving to the keyword from another object won't work, but invoking it directly using it's keyword work.
  22. @Chris_YZX, I can still access it from the link above, but here is from another link/website in case this better work for you: https://d.pr/f/er1jIz
  23. @deanishe, yes, it wasn't clear if it was possible to retreive the contact information from the api, so I gave an alternative if @Dreamisdead could only get the name of the contact and have the contact information from is own Address Book database... But yes, if everything is inside your API, then yes it shouldn't be too difficult to write a script filter to extract the full contact information from the API. Also, a little tip, if you want to access the email or phone or something directly from your first Script Filter, you can make use of your modifier keys to access them directly. For example: CMD+Enter to get the email address and put it in your clipboard directly or opening a new email with this address directly... it's up to you! Happy coding!
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