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  1. Hi pseudometa, Hope all is well. Hyper Seek has been so great but unfortunately stops showing results again. Could it be the same problem like before? Thank you. [09:48:45.693] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'lfred' [09:48:45.988] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Script with argv 'lfred' finished [09:48:45.993] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] {"rerun":0.1,"skipknowledge":true,"variables":{"oldResults":"[]","oldQuery":"alfred"},"items":[{"title":"\"alfred\"","uid":"alfred","arg":"https://www.google.com/search?q=alfred","subtitle":"Loading Inline Results…"}]} [09:48:46.094] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'lfred' [09:48:46.428] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Script with argv 'lfred' finished [09:48:46.433] STDERR: Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Total: 0.227s, "alfred" [09:48:46.433] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] {"variables":{"oldResults":"[]","oldQuery":"alfred"},"items":[{"title":"\"alfred\"","uid":"alfred","arg":"https://www.google.com/search?q=alfred"}]}
  2. Hi pseudometa, Hope all is well. The workflow is so good! Unfortunately, it now stop showing search results. Below are the screenshot and debug info. The following are the app and OS version. Could it be fixed? Thank you very much! Alfred 5.1.3 Pre-release OS Sonoma Hyper Seek 1.9.0 [21:01:24.648] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'tansfield' [21:01:24.983] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Script with argv 'tansfield' finished [21:01:24.989] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] {"rerun":0.1,"skipknowledge":true,"variables":{"oldResults":"[]","oldQuery":"stansfield"},"items":[{"title":"\"stansfield\"","uid":"stansfield","arg":"https://duckduckgo.com/?q=stansfield","subtitle":"Loading Inline Results…"}]} [21:01:25.089] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'tansfield' [21:01:25.390] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Script with argv 'tansfield' finished [21:01:25.395] STDERR: Hyper Seek[Script Filter] Total: 0.192s, "stansfield" [21:01:25.396] Hyper Seek[Script Filter] {"variables":{"oldResults":"[]","oldQuery":"stansfield"},"items":[{"title":"\"stansfield\"","uid":"stansfield","arg":"https://duckduckgo.com/?q=stansfield"}]}
  3. Hi Vitor, The terminal opens but does not show the command. I followed your recommendation, used the run script action, and got the workflows working again. Thank you so much!
  4. Hi All, I have workflows using terminal commands to open links with a specified browser but they do not work after upgrading to Alfred 5.0.0 EA7 [2043]. When the workflows are activated, only a terminal window shows but the browser does not open the link as before. Is there any way to fix it? Thank you.
  5. Hi Dean, Hope all is well. The Default Folder X workflow has been wonderful in my daily work. I recently installed the version with updated Python support, but now it is stuck at "Please try again in a second or two". Could you please advise on how to fix it? Thank you for your time. -------------------- 14:18:53 workflow.py:2061 DEBUG ---------- Default Folder X (0.3.0) ---------- 14:18:53 background.py:240 DEBUG [update] background job started 14:18:53 workflow.py:2254 DEBUG set last run version: 0.3.0 14:18:53 workflow.py:2103 DEBUG ---------- finished in 0.070s ---------- [14:18:53.541] Default Folder X[Script Filter] { "items": [ { "valid": false, "subtitle": "Please try again in a second or two", "icon": { "path": "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertCautionIcon.icns" }, "title": "Waiting for Default Folder X data\u2026" } ], "rerun": 1 } [14:18:54.245] Default Folder X[Script Filter] Queuing argument '' --------------------
  6. Hi Vitor, I tried to use the updated Default Folder X workflow but it keeps stuck at "waiting for data" while other updated ones are working well. Below is what the debug window shows. How can I fix it? Please advise. Thank you. -------------------- 14:18:53 workflow.py:2061 DEBUG ---------- Default Folder X (0.3.0) ---------- 14:18:53 background.py:240 DEBUG [update] background job started 14:18:53 workflow.py:2254 DEBUG set last run version: 0.3.0 14:18:53 workflow.py:2103 DEBUG ---------- finished in 0.070s ---------- [14:18:53.541] Default Folder X[Script Filter] { "items": [ { "valid": false, "subtitle": "Please try again in a second or two", "icon": { "path": "/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertCautionIcon.icns" }, "title": "Waiting for Default Folder X data\u2026" } ], "rerun": 1 } [14:18:54.245] Default Folder X[Script Filter] Queuing argument '' --------------------
  7. Hi Vitor, Below are great workflows I use daily. Thank you. Word Search | Packal Default Folder X | Packal Alfred-Outlook | Packal Best regards, Roger
  8. Hi Vero, I followed the instructions but still have no luck to have Python-2 workflows run. Could it be because of what I did before seeing this post, as described by The right and wrong way to set up Python 3 on MacOS | Opensource.com? I did set the global version to 2.7.18. Thank you. Best regards, Roger
  9. Hi All, Hope all is well. I have been trying to merge PDFs with the merge command on my M1 MBP running the latest best of OS Monterey but keep have the following error. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you. -------------------- [01:19:43.338] Alfred PDF Tools[Keyword] Processing complete [01:19:43.341] Alfred PDF Tools[Keyword] Passing output 'test' to Run Script [01:19:43.547] ERROR: Alfred PDF Tools[Run Script] . 01:19:43 workflow.py:2055 DEBUG ---------- Alfred PDF Tools (2.16.0) ---------- 01:19:43 workflow.py:1462 DEBUG reading settings from /Users/r/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/com.xilopaint.alfredapp.pdftools/settings.json 01:19:43 workflow.py:2339 DEBUG update check not due 01:19:43 workflow.py:2074 ERROR 'abs_path' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/r/OneDrive/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5F1A3B2C-C394-4B63-9DF9-6AE0DF8B5CE4/workflow/workflow.py", line 2067, in run func(self) File "alfred_pdf_tools.py", line 780, in main abs_path = os.environ['abs_path'] File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/UserDict.py", line 40, in __getitem__ raise KeyError(key) KeyError: 'abs_path' 01:19:43 workflow.py:2097 DEBUG ---------- finished in 0.020s ----------
  10. There is no "appearance" folder. The output is as follows. ls: /Users/rcl/OneDrive/Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/appearance: No such file or directory
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