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    Jasondm007 got a reaction from TomBenz in Feature Request: Make Snippets Visible in Alfred’s Clipboard History and Sort Accordingly   
    I’d love to see an option added to Alfred that would make snippets visible in the clipboard history after they’ve been applied - and listed, in sequential order, with everything else on the clipboard.
    At the moment, when you use Alfred’s snippet viewer to paste a snippet into an application, Alfred adds the snippet to your clipboard. For instance, if you just hit ⌘V, you can paste it again elsewhere. If you open Alfred’s clipboard history, however, you’d never know it. Why not give users the option to show the snippets they’ve applied in their clipboard history (and, as they copy and paste other things, just move it down the history like everything else)? This would be a ton easier than forcing users to navigate back through the snippet viewer, just to apply a snippet they recently used. When applying different snippets, from different collections, it's easy to see how this feature could save people a ton of time.
    As far as I can tell, the only way to get around this limitation, at the moment, is to create a universal action. More specifically, the universal action is set to do a simple copy and paste from the clipboard. So, once the user has found the snippet they want to apply in the snippet viewer, they would have to (1) action the snippet from the viewer, and then (2) navigate to their new “copy and paste” universal action. Obviously, this would do the trick, as it’d get the snippet onto the (visible) clipboard history … but this is cumbersome as hell. It not only requires more clicking around, but it also necessities the foresight to anticipate when you might need to apply a snippet again, in short order, and should therefore use the new "copy and paste" universal action.
    While I can certainly appreciate why people may want to keep their snippet history out of Alfred’s clipboard history, the opposite has always struck me as equally plausible. There are a bunch of ways this could be implemented, but I prefer the following two options:
    Global Approach: In the clipboard history section dealing with snippets (Features > Clipboard History > Snippets), add a 3rd option: “Show applied Snippets in Clipboard History”. Given that Alfred already has two different options to help people integrate snippets into their clipboard history—or to, at least, provide easy access to them—this feature request doesn't seem too far astray. Snippet-specific Approach: Within each snippet, add a new option (similar to the “Auto expansion allowed” option) that users can check: “Copy to clipboard on paste”. Or, you could also just add two new options in the “Type” drop down, such as: “Plain Text Snippet - Match destination formatting on copy and paste” and “Rich Text Snippet - Retain formatting on copy and paste where possible”. My preference is for the Global Approach—or some variation of the two approaches where users could opt-in/out to everything, globally, and then opt-out/in on a per-snippet basis. But I’m open to anything!!
    And, just to be clear, I understand this is easier said than done … and that there would be some obvious limitations (like the fact that snippets applied from the clipboard history would no longer be dynamic, if they were previously) … but this is a wish list, right? This has been driving me crazy for years!
  2. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to V2arK in Integrate Warp terminal with Alfred   
    wrote a alfred workflow for it. Here it is: https://github.com/V2arK/alfred-warp-intergration/
  3. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to xilopaint in Integrate Warp terminal with Alfred   
    There are some plans for additional URI, but no ETA from Warp team.
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    Jasondm007 reacted to deanishe in Applescript reads Alfred Environment Variables in wrong encoding?   
    Yeah, but it can't read UTF8 ARGV or environment variables properly. It assumes everything is MacRoman encoding.
    You can either add some shell scripting to your AS, or use a less awful language.
    set _decoded to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (system attribute "SOME_VARIABLE") & " | iconv -f UTF-8-MAC -t MACROMAN"
  5. Like
    Jasondm007 reacted to Terminal in Feature Request: Make Snippets Visible in Alfred’s Clipboard History and Sort Accordingly   
    Actually it would likely be a trivial task to just add an option on this snippet level to `Mark as transient ` when creating a snippet. Which defaulting to that is like what they already do. 
  6. Like
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in AppleScript Dictionaries — Find and open Mac automation dictionaries   
    Indeed it looks like it needs the full Xcode for that part of the workflow to run. Kind of a heavy requirement but not much we can do. If you uninstall it after the dictionary creation, it should continue to work.
  7. Like
    Jasondm007 reacted to zeitlings in AppleScript Dictionaries — Find and open Mac automation dictionaries   
    As a quick fix, you could create the sdef for dt3 in the terminal. Then you just have to move it to a place where the workflow can detect it.
    sdef /Applications/DEVONthink\ 3.app > DEVONthink3.sdef  
  8. Like
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in AppleScript Dictionaries — Find and open Mac automation dictionaries   
    Not exactly, because the workflow also depends on knowing where the app is so it can show the proper name and icon.

    But the sdef command is a good idea! I can’t just make it work for DEVONthink and other apps though because running it always opens the app. Which is a weird experience if your cache is rebuilding and suddenly a bunch of apps open. I went back and forth with a few options and ultimately decided on a Universal Action approach.
    @Jasondm007 Please update from within Alfred and try the new version. Use the Generate AppleScript Dictionary action on DEVONthink and it’ll show up in the workflow from then on.
    I’ve also removed the :applescriptdictionariesforceupdate in favour of updating with fn↩ on any result.
  9. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in AppleScript Dictionaries — Find and open Mac automation dictionaries   
    Yeah, I found those when I poked around but unfortunately opening them didn’t work like with sdefs.
  10. Like
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from zeitlings in AppleScript Dictionaries — Find and open Mac automation dictionaries   
    Hi @vitor - This is an awesome workflow! Thanks for sharing!!
    I have a couple of apps whose AppleScript dictionaries work perfectly fine (and are visible in the Script Editor's Library pane) but aren't visible in the workflow's output. Do you have any suggestions for troubleshooting these apps? For example, one dictionary that I use quite a bit, which won't load correctly, is DEVONthink 3. The other apps are all really minor; DEVONthink 3 is, really, the only important one.
    Thanks for any help you can lend, and for the great workflow!
  11. Like
    Jasondm007 reacted to GuiB in Allow scrolling in preview side of the clipboard history   
    It would be great if the right pane of the clipboard history (the preview side) could allow to scroll to read all the contained text when it is longer than the available space. Sometimes we could have multiple clipboard contents that have some changes further down where we can't see it so we can't really know which one to choose. There's the Large Type (CMD+L) that make it possible sometimes, but other times the text is too long to make it readable using Large Type. So, adding the possibility to scroll the preview would be great! Thanks 
  12. Thanks
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from s95hc8 in How to add "SEARCH in FINDER" option to fallback searches?   
    @s95hc8 Are you still looking for a way to run a Finder fallback search?
    I came across your post today when searching for some help with something else, and I thought you might find the following workflow helpful: 
    It's a simplified version of a workflow that I use to run Finder searches. In the past, I used to rely on a hacky GUI based approach, but this one works a lot better. It uses the Spotlight service; so, assuming you haven't deleted it, you should be in good shape. If you're curious, it's the service that pops up when you highlight text and select Spotlight from the context menu. It also doesn't matter what the actual hotkey is for it (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Searching > Spotlight).
    Here's the basic setup (fallback search trigger + run script action):

    And, here's the key AppleScript:
    use AppleScript version "2.4" use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit" use scripting additions on run argv set theQuery to argv as string set pb to current application's NSPasteboard's pasteboardWithUniqueName() pb's clearContents() pb's writeObjects:{theQuery} set theResult to current application's NSPerformService("SEARCH_WITH_SPOTLIGHT", pb) pb's types() set theArray to pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSString} options:(missing value) set theString to theArray's firstObject() as text end run # Adapted From: https://forum.latenightsw.com/t/nsperformservice-in-applescript/836  
  13. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in [spacebar] as workflow keyword?   
    You don’t set it to space, you set it to '. Because when you have Quick Search enabled, that’s the character that gets output. Make sure your File Filter has with space disabled.
  14. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in start applescript, display notification with Alfred, continue applescript   
    @xilopaint is building a Python3 library for workflows. One of the things it allows you is to call a notification with the workflow’s icon. Which is exactly what notificator does, so that’s what the library uses—it includes the full script. I was letting @xilopaint know I made an update, so the library could be updated to ship the latest version (which is the one I support).
  15. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in Filterning apps that appear in Alfred   
    I don’t use tags, so can’t say.
  16. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in Filterning apps that appear in Alfred   
    Add them to the Spotlight Privacy tab in System Preferences.
  17. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in start applescript, display notification with Alfred, continue applescript   
    Worth noting it is now just a script, thought it used to be an app. It has gotten a major overhaul since the conversation in this thread. It used to be more generic and do some of what you ask but it required a setup process. Since realistically I only used it for Alfred (and that was always the motivation), I removed the configuration so it can just be “download and use”.

    With that in mind, your requests are technically possible but out of scope. Though the whole thing is a single short script with comments so you can edit it to your needs.
    To display a different icon you need to build a different app. That’s essentially what the script does, it creates the app which is then invoked.
    It is auto-rebuilt if it’s older than 30 days when called, so a changed icon is eventually renewed.
    Yes, by making several copies of the script and changing the constants under # Check for required arguments to something else.
    Same as above, by changing the app’s name. This one I will change the default, to name apps as Notification for WORKFLOW_NAME.app. Should make them easier to identify in Preferences. I’d like to keep “Notificator” at the start so they’re all together and easy to find.
    Pinging @xilopaint for the Python3 library inclusion. Just pushed the change.
    Thank you for the kind words!
  18. Thanks
    Jasondm007 reacted to vitor in How to add "SEARCH in FINDER" option to fallback searches?   
    Nice share @Jasondm007. Do you have the workflow published somewhere to receive contributions? The code can be shorter, some of the lines aren’t doing anything:
    use framework "Foundation" on run argv set theQuery to argv as string set pb to current application's NSPasteboard's pasteboardWithUniqueName() pb's clearContents() pb's writeObjects:{theQuery} set theResult to current application's NSPerformService("SEARCH_WITH_SPOTLIGHT", pb) end run  
  19. Like
    Jasondm007 reacted to KennyP in Direct Access to Alfred's Default File Actions - A Feature Request   
    Hi @Jasondm007! I didn't notice the "Action in Alfred" there, it is what I needed, thank you for pointing out for me!
    I'm still same with you, like to be able to see all the actions being added.
  20. Thanks
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from KennyP in Direct Access to Alfred's Default File Actions - A Feature Request   
    Hi @KennyP! Since posting this, @Andrew added the "Jump to" option to the "Action in Alfred" action, created Universal Actions, and even further improved things in Alfred 5. I think most of the key default actions are now accessible directly using "Action in Alfred" (with the "Jump to" option) or indirectly through other tools. But I'm sure there are still plenty of exceptions.
    Which file action did you want to use directly in your workflow? I'm not great with these things, but maybe I could help.
    FWIW: I'm with you, and would still like to see all of the default Universal Actions added directly to the "Jump to" dropdown in "Action in Alfred" (which was, in effect, what I was asking for above in #2). It would make things a lot easier than having to poke around and find what you're looking for. Cheers!
  21. Like
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from JJJJ in How to add "SEARCH in FINDER" option to fallback searches?   
    @s95hc8 Are you still looking for a way to run a Finder fallback search?
    I came across your post today when searching for some help with something else, and I thought you might find the following workflow helpful: 
    It's a simplified version of a workflow that I use to run Finder searches. In the past, I used to rely on a hacky GUI based approach, but this one works a lot better. It uses the Spotlight service; so, assuming you haven't deleted it, you should be in good shape. If you're curious, it's the service that pops up when you highlight text and select Spotlight from the context menu. It also doesn't matter what the actual hotkey is for it (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services > Searching > Spotlight).
    Here's the basic setup (fallback search trigger + run script action):

    And, here's the key AppleScript:
    use AppleScript version "2.4" use framework "Foundation" use framework "AppKit" use scripting additions on run argv set theQuery to argv as string set pb to current application's NSPasteboard's pasteboardWithUniqueName() pb's clearContents() pb's writeObjects:{theQuery} set theResult to current application's NSPerformService("SEARCH_WITH_SPOTLIGHT", pb) pb's types() set theArray to pb's readObjectsForClasses:{current application's NSString} options:(missing value) set theString to theArray's firstObject() as text end run # Adapted From: https://forum.latenightsw.com/t/nsperformservice-in-applescript/836  
  22. Like
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from KennyP in Direct Access to Alfred's Default File Actions - A Feature Request   
    I would love to be able to directly access all of Alfred's default file actions in my workflows.
    @Andrew recently added some awesome new actions for the buffer - and, Alfred already included some of the other default file actions, like Reveal and Browse - but I'd love to be able to access other default file actions, too - such as Open With, Recent Documents, etc. At the moment, if you want to access these without extra steps, you have to use GUI-based approaches that type the file action's name into the File Action panel, which are always imminently fragile and problematic.
    There are a variety of ways this could be implemented, but here are some early thoughts:
    Create a new action, in the Actions section - perhaps called Run File Action - where the user can use a drop down to select the file action they would like to run on the file paths that are being passed to it. You might think of it as a more specific application of the "Action in Alfred" action. At a minimum, the dropdown should be populated by whatever file actions the user has enabled (Features > Actions > File Actions). However, if you wanted to get fancy, it'd be even better if the dropdown included both Alfred's file actions AND any the user has created. In theory, the dropdown might operate something like Alfred's "Call External" output, except that it is displaying Alfred's default file actions and any the user created.  Add a new option in the "Action in Alfred" action, which includes a dropdown allowing the user to specify the action that will be run on the file paths included above. The dropdown could operate like either of the options described above (just default file actions or include the user's file actions, too). Unless the user enables this option, of course, the default would be to send the file paths to Alfred's File Actions panel, allowing the user to select for themselves (i.e., the same way they do now). Add a new option to the "Call External Trigger" output that allows the user to access Alfred's default file actions Provide AppleScript access - enhance this existing "actions" command. Example: tell application "Alfred" to action OpenWith theFilePaths  
    If I had to choose from these options, I'd probably go with the first or second option. But I honestly don't care how it gets accomplished! And, while I didn't include it above, if you really wanted to step things up, I would include some kind of error feedback mechanism - such as a notification, etc - for when users pass file paths to file actions they should not have - such as when they've passed more than one file to an action that can only handle one file, or when the file action is tied to a specific file type that does not match the files the user is trying to pass to it. Again, these are just fancy bells and whistles, I'm not picky here!!
    @Andrew Is there any way we can get better access to Alfred's default file actions? 🙏 They're great, and I'd like to start tapping in to these more - as opposed to trying to recreate them myself, in a workflow, or going to GUI route. As always, thanks for your consideration! Long Live Alfred!!
  23. Like
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from devalias in Multiple keywords for a single script filter   
    Hi @Ingolmo - I'm new to Alfred, and was wondering if you ever figured out how to use more than one keyword in a script filter? 
    I'd like to avoid duplicating the script filter a bunch of times with different keywords (within the same workflow), and haven't come across any discussions of this issue beyond your post.
    Thanks for your help!!
  24. Like
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from Vero in Alfred 5 Featured on Product Hunt Today - Help us get the word out?   
    Congrats on the big release today, @Andrew & @Vero! You guys rock!!
  25. Thanks
    Jasondm007 got a reaction from Andrew in Alfred 5 Featured on Product Hunt Today - Help us get the word out?   
    Congrats on the big release today, @Andrew & @Vero! You guys rock!!
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