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Everything posted by esv

  1. no, I've got that part (although the opposite - I want my keybind to only work in a specific app) This shortcut works to open a selected file in a text editor However, it also opens a text editor when I edit filename in that file manager. I want to disable behavior #2, so that ⎇S keybind does NOT work when I'm renaming a file or I'm in a search field or I can't attach my workflow since only images are accepted, so just attaching the screenshot (ignore the top left icon, the universal action works fine for the purposes of this post, but the keybind in the bottom left corner is what it's fully working)
  2. I've used the default Universal Action template to open some selected files in an app via a keyword, but I'd also like to be able to do it faster by just pressing a keybind. However, I only want this keybind to be active when Universal Action panel is invoked, not globally How would I do that?
  3. I have a workflow that opens selected files in file managers in a text editor via a keybind that is only active when those managers have focus But then this workflow is also triggered when I edit a file name, although in this case I only get the text editor launched, but the file is not opened (i guess it's not counted as selected) Is there a way to disable this workflow/keybind when the file manager is in the "text field editing" mode? Or at least when there is nothing selected?
  4. Thanks, that's a good tip, though then I'd lose the in-filesystem categorization (e.g., currently aliases in some subfolder allow me to know which app within that category are installed and maybe delete old unused ones), also, wouldn't want to redo all that work again For now I'll just clean trash and otherwise ignore the dupe from time to time
  5. It's an app, I already have it included, but I use aliases to add a common category to a name so, for example, if I have two search apps, I can type "Search" and both apps will appear instead of having to type a specific name (and also some apps can't be moved to a different folder, while aliases can) Would be great if I could add an exclusion path manually without that having to go through that buggy Finder file selection dialog
  6. Seems like because I've added custom file type 'com.apple.alias-file' to search items, now I get them found even in Trash, which is undesirable However, I can't filter out ~/.Trash in the Search Scope since I can't even navigate to that folder even when I paste the path as is So how do I exclude trash from polluting the results?
  7. Thanks for the tip, but it doesn't work with tab focus changed in the system settings, it still changes fields (and previously I was copy&pasting tab just like if you add paste/insert space it works)
  8. I'd like to autocomplete some snippets with a literal tab, but inserting it as a suffix had no effect (althout space works fine)
  9. Once I scroll to the top/bottom of an Alfred generated list, I'd list to just stop there to signify that I've reached the beginning/end instead of continue scrolling from the other end And only if I release/press the arrow key again, it should then wrap around and continue scrolling (You can AltTab utility how it's implemented, it's the best approach to wrap around vs. just doing it automatically)
  10. I'd like to have as broad fuzzy content search filter as possible, so I disable Words in the Fields Then there is this anchored option, which when disabled should NOT anchor my query and instead prepend a wildcard * So I'd assume it should be more permissive in search Test: a file with a line that has only this text a×××z search text: a××× (without the last z) I'd assume anchoring makes no difference here since it prepends *, but then when I untick Anchoring I can' t find the file anymore Also, when search text is ××× without the starting a I'd assume Anchoring would make a difference since it requires * to match, but then it makes no difference, both options match the file
  11. I'd also love this feature - change cursor thickness/color separate from the text color AND disable the blinking
  12. It seems to me that Alfred is sending X amount of backspaces to delete the snippet keyword trigger (visually slow) and insert the snippet text via clipboard (not so slow) But Mac has these functions that are available in any text fields defined via ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict that can move by Word instead of the slow movements by char Would it be possible to somehow integrate this into Alfred and (depending on the keyword composition) delete back by word+char instead of just by char (e.g., Alfred would simulate a custom keybind and this keybind would be defined to delete a word)?
  13. I'd like to have a small preferences file that contains only the most important data - all the configs that I adjust in the Alfred preferences. And given that there is now a Gallery, the most I need is a list of workflows that could be redownloaded at any time on a new machine. However, currently Alfred.alfredpreferences also stores binary data, e.g., executables and images, for each of the workflow, which pollutes the config thus making version control a bit harder and also ignificantly increases the config size Maybe there could be an option to store the actual workflows separately and have Alfred.alfredpreferences only store the relevant info.plists? And this would need to be paired with a mechanism to redownload the latest versions from the gallery from the list of workflows (I understand not all workflows are in the gallery, but a) this is optional and b) you can always copy the new Alfred.alfredworkflows file along with the preferences)
  14. If you use some emoji snippet package or something similar, you get thousands of json files in your Alfred.alfredpreferences file. This complicates backup/sync as filesystems don't deal with a lot of little files very well, so e.g. intstead of an instant copy of you preferences it takes some time This might also slow down/increase memory consumption for cloud sync as afaik they also aren't very efficient with a lot of tiny files And for such imports the files never change, so you don't benefit from not having to waste time redownloading the whole pack on a tiny change So maybe instead Alfred could by default store each snippet pack as a single database file or a compressed folder of little files?
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