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Posts posted by Benzi

  1. This is an awesome workflow! 


    And I have a bunch of ideas ;)


    In increasing complexity ^^:

    - Allow multiple tags.

    - Copy all tasks that are currently displayed to clipboard. This would make it easy e.g. to aggregate tasks throughout the day and print them or email them as batch to so. 

    - Add deadlines to tasks (maybe add a cronjob to periodically check for due items, use ! as keyword (!tomorrow !23.12.2014, ...))

    - Add importance to tasks (maybe with stars? from * to *****, the good thing is that entering 5 stars takes a while, so one is not tempted to over use it ;), on the other hand this can be done by tags... so maybe not so necessary)

    - Allow people to share lists. (This could be done by creating tags whose content is saved to an extra file, which could be put on a dropbox share or mapped network drive.)

    - Sync with some todo app (maybe reminders, or toodledo, etc.), because my todo list needs to be portable, e.g. run on my android phone (I'm using wunderlist right now, but since version 2.0 hacking the db file is not easy anymore and there's no api up until now, so I can't suggest that at the time being =( )


    Great ideas!

    Don't know how much of it can be achieved but I'll add them to my todo list  ;)

  2. Awesome progress Benzi. So many new features so quickly.


    Just one tiny thing: I set the storage location on my Home computer. No probs. Then I go to set the storage location on my Work computer and choose the same folder in my Dropbox, and I get a notification saying todo.yaml already exists. Okay, so not a big deal, I just need to move that file out while I select the folder and then put it back in, overwriting the new one and I've got sync. Might be a good idea to prompt the user to keep the exising file (or merge them?) in this scenario, just to avoid that slightly confusing extra step for non-power users. (Then again, only power users are probably going to be using something like this in the first place, so maybe it doesn't matter.)


    Thanks again though, I'll find this very useful.



    Thanks a lot  :) You do make a valid point there, I'll look into it and see if I can come up with something. (I was busy abusing Alfred's script filter to make it do what I want last couple of days)

  3. *bump*


    Downloaded and reinstalled again, but keep having the same problem. Any ideas on how to fix it?


    Sorry, I think I missed to see your original post.


    Just to check, did you download the updated version (there are two download links in the original post) - the updated one is here (The extension name is Wikipedia ML).

  4. Years ago, I wrote a little word game puzzle called Lingo, and this is my attempt to bring that over to Alfred. It's based on a TV show I used to watch even more years ago  :)


    Lingo is a word game that gives you 5 chances to guess a 5-letter word, given a hint of two letters to start with. Every guess you make, you will be shown two further hints

    • If the position of a letter in your guess matches exactly the position of the same letter in the word to find out
    • If a letter that you have in your guess word goes to another position in the word to find out

    Here is an example:



    • Initally the hint was _ _ V _ S
    • First attempt, we tried hello. E is there in the word, and so is O but they are not in the right position, so they are marked with brackets
    • Second attempt, we tried trial - none of the letters are there in the hidden word, so no luck
    • Third try, we had elves, of which VES matched the right position in the hidden word
    • ... and so on (hope you get the idea)

    Download the game workflow and give it a go.



    difficulty to set level of difficulty you want in terms of word selection

    lingo to start a new game

    try to play a current game in progress



    This uses a word list file internally (which I got from a corpus site on the Internet - don't remember where now), and while I have tried to sanitize this a bit and remove any offensive words, please bear in mind that there can still be stuff in there and please let me know in case anything pops up! 

  5. Nice idea, I think it would be useful to steal an idea from the "Thoughts" workflow which copies the text of an entry when selected, gives feedback notifications, etc... but nice, thanks for sharing.



    This is great.


    One feature which I'd love is to be able to specify the location of the todo list database file. That way I can put it in my Dropbox and sync it between work and home. (I've done this myself with a few of my workflows if you want to see how an implementation can work in practice. In particular, see DeskDrawer, TimeZones and Time & Date Strings)



    Great suggestions, I'll definitely look into these and see what I can do. Just updated to v0.2, and the support for adding tagged to do items.

  6. intro.png


    Here is Todo. My version of a todo list management workflow using Alfred. This allows you to add quick entries to a list of todo items, view them, delete one or all of them, and highlights items that have been pending too long  :)


    Detailed documentation is available at GitHub.


    Getting Started


    • todo this is the main keyword, and lets you get started
      • todo <new task> will add a new task
      • todo will display the list of tasks
      • todo # will display the list of tags
    • add <new task> will add a new task
    • done will show you all items that have been marked as done
    • clear to remove items

    Adding todo items

    • Typing add a new task will create a new task titled 'a new task'. This will be tagged #default
    • Typing todo #work sign off document will create a task titled 'sign off document' and tagged #work
    • Typing add !! this is sticky will create a pinned item titled 'this is sticky', tagged #default

    When adding items, add and todo keywords are interchangeable, although the key difference is add allows you to add items with the title twice; todo provides a more informative feedback on screen




    If you wish to load todo items in bulk, use the import keyword, described later below under Advanced Options


    Hotkey Support:

    • If you set a hotkey (Alfred removes configured hotkeys when you install a workflow) by opening up the workflow, then you can use the hotkey to import the selected item in Mac OS. e.g. select some text, press the hotkey, and the selected text will be parsed and added as a todo item ---- Select this entire line of text and trigger the hotkey to create a pinned item, tagged !! #forum


    Command modifiers:

    • Pressing fn key when selecting an item will enable edit mode for that item - this works for both todo items and tags
      • In edit mode, use the same syntax that you use to create a new todo - e.g. #newtag new todo text. Todo will identify which portion you need to change and update them accordingly
    • Pressing Shift will allow you to mark an item as done. You can view all done items with the done keyword
    • Pressing Cmd will help you delete either a todo item, and all items that match a specific tag
    • Pressing Alt will help you list out all items that match the currently selected items tag
    • Pressing Ctrl will help you pin/unpin a todo item. Pinned items will always be displayed first (they can be deleted as usual)
    • If you press the Tab key against a todo item, you will be shown all todo items with the matching tag
    • Pressing Enter will copy the text content of a todo item to the clipboard




    Download the workflow from here and give it a try. This theme works well with the workflow.





    Detailed documentation is available at GitHub.




    Default todo setup with a few items:



    What's new?


    26 April 2013 - v2.2

  7. Still no luck I'm afraid... test.sh output is different: 



    bash-3.2$ sh test.sh
    UUID:            e52f2309-8f90-43e0-bbe6-9c74d215860c
    State:           powered off (since 2013-02-26T15:27:50.000000000)
    bash-3.2$ sh virtualbox_control.sh
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Would you like me to try any other command to help debug?
  8. Hi, I have a Windows 7 VM but it never shows up at all. Any idea why?



    bash-3.2$ sh test.sh
    Name:            Windows 7
    Guest OS:        Windows 7
    UUID:            e52f2309-8f90-43e0-bbe6-9c74d215860c
    State:           powered off (since 2013-02-26T15:27:50.000000000)
    UUID:            e52f2309-8f90-43e0-bbe6-9c74d215860c
    State:           powered off (since 2013-02-26T15:27:50.000000000)
    bash-3.2$ sh virtualbox_control.sh
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
  9. ....I'm working on using a similar tool called Mountain Notifier, which I should have ready to release pretty soon. Also, it uses Growl via Applescript, so doesn't require growlnotify to be installed. And it automatically chooses between Growl or Notification Centre based on the selection in Alfred.


    I'll try and get it out before the weekend. (It's basically done, I just need to double-check everything's working as it should.)



    Awesome! Can't wait  :)

  10. Hi @Carlos,  Have you had a look at https://github.com/norio-nomura/usernotification


    You can actually send a notification to Notification Centre with any bundle indentifier (including Alfred) from the command line.


    Perhaps this could help remove the dependency on needing Growl?



    ./usernotification -identifier "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2" -title "EggTimer" -subtitle "Timer" -informativeText "Timer text or something"

  11. Edit - Also, any chance of getting Penny Arcade and CTRL + ALT+ DEL added by default?  :P


    Sure added them. Also check out the latest version from the download link - v0.2 has filtering support. And if you really want it, you can assign a hotkey to a particular strip too.


    PS: I think I had to slightly modify the CTRL one because the version you gave me wasn't working for me straight off for some reason.

  12. Great idea.  This can replace all my normal comic workflows.  Two questions:


    1) Any chance of moving the source to github?

    2) I wrote plugins for Penny Arcade and CTRL + ALT + DEL comics (here).  Any chance of getting them added?




    Edit - Any clue why the alphabetical sorting is wrong for the Dilbert comic (here)?


    Just added the code to GitHub : https://github.com/BenziAhamed/comics-alfred


    re: the Dilbert order, I think Alfred is doing a sort of the feedback items based on most used.

  13. Though, it'd be cool to make use of the quicklook functionality of Alfred. If the argument of an <item> is a url, then shift will display the quicklook of that URL. That would enable the user to see all comics without re-popping alfred everytime. What do you think?



    But I agree with Florian regarding the usage of the shift-key. When I first tried the workflow in action it seemed intuitively to me to use shift.


    First off, yes, the Shift key idea is good.


    Hmmm.... that is going to be a bit tricky. If I need to get the arg to be the URL of the strip, for every strip I would need to access the feeds first (before even showing the list of comics), strip out URL and populate it in the feedback items. I suppose such a naive approach would slow things down. Unless some sort of caching mechanism is introduced, so that it has to fetch the latest URLS for all comics just once per day. Bottomline, its going to take some time if I go down that route + might be slow if the internet speed is not that great, which in this day and age, happens to be true for some folks [me :-(]


    Second, XKCD (one of my usuals) has this little thing that the real punch line of the comic is in the alt text of the image. So, if you were hovering your mouse over the comic in the website, you can read it. Can't achieve that with quick look, afaik. (For  XKCD here, I am generating an HTML on the fly and then using quick look to show that page, so...)


    Shift idea was cool though. Will think about it more :)

  14. That's great! I don't do programming so I have to ask… Would it be hard to modify to get also Garfield and Baby Blues?





    Love this one. Would be great if you could expand it and make this a daily cartoon workflow with a whole list of cartoon commands.



    Work in progress, but have a look at my new workflow here - better than this in some ways...


  15. An experimental workflow in Python. Displays a list of comics that you can read straight off of Alfred.


    Download: from here  (always the latest version)

    Developer side note: The experimental part comes in the form of - it is very easy to extend this workflow if you know a little bit of Python / intermediate programming skills and have a solid RSS feed of a comic you like. Add the code for the new comic in the plugins folder, and as long as it follows the method signature the sample code provided has, you have a new feedback item and comic to read.

    Source Code Repo: GitHub


    Version History

    v0.1 - Initial version

    v0.2 - Added search support for the list of comics. So typing "comics dilb" will just list Dilbert strip option. Searches are performed against the title and subtitle of each strip. Added a couple more comics to the list based on requests, and two courtesy Jefferson).



    Have fun.

  16. If you plan to add to it, I would suggest open a new email message on top of copy to clipboard. I don't know about anyone else, but I would use the heck out of that.


    Try the latest version at the original download link. If you select any of the two options (Interactive / Save entire screen) while pressing the "Alt" key, you get the choice to open the taken picture in a new Mail message. This does not work for the copy to clipboard modes though.



  17. Heads up, in interactive to screenshot, you missed the N off the word screen...


    My bad! :) fixed it now. I'll see about your suggestion - don't know quite how to achieve it, but if I can, will update the workflow...




    AWESOME thats what i really searching since a couple of month without any apps (except alfred ;-)) and customizations. THANKS 


    Also special thanks: Now i know how to set Hotkeys on every workflow :D


    Your welcome! Glad to be of help...

  18. 58f3773be0597_ScreenShot2017-04-16at7_22_43PM.png.886cee51227e19b4742b8ba62bdf1c74.png


    Description: Shows summary information about your laptop battery (charge, time, status, charge cycles, and health - % of maximum charge your battery can now hold compared to its original design capacity)

    Usage: enter the keyword "battery"

    Tested on: Mountain Lion, MacBook Pro

    Download: from here



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