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    luckman212 got a reaction from Floating.Point in Alfred Deeplink - get URI to open Workflow Editor directly with a specific object highlighted   
    I thought this workflow might be useful to some (for sure it's a small group!) - so posting it here.
    It copies a "deeplink" to a specific workflow object, which is a link that uses the alfredpreferences:// URI scheme to open the Workflow Editor directly to a specific Workflow, with a specific Object highlighted. This might be useful to developers, or anyone really, for keeping notes or internal documentation about specific Workflows you're working on.
    See README for details on how to use...
    Requires Python3 + Alfred 5.1+
  2. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Is there a URI scheme to open Alfred's Debugger?   
    Looks good. Another tip: /usr/sbin/spctl -vv --assess --type install /PATH/TO/BINARY will confirm that it worked. You’ll either see rejected or accepted and your information. If you get the latter, you’re good.
    If you want to script that you don’t even need the -vv, it’ll give an exit code of 0 if it’s good and non-zero if not.
  3. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from Alan He in Is there a URI scheme to open Alfred's Debugger?   
    I was wondering if there was a URI scheme e.g. alfredpreferences://openDebugger that could be called from within a running workflow to open the debugger, for example to alert the user about some error that has occurred.

    If there isn't such a thing, please consider this a feature request!
  4. Like
    luckman212 reacted to deanishe in Can Alfred search the Mac Keychain   
    URL schemes are poor man's automation used by iOS developers. AppleScript dictionaries is where it's at!
    Unfortunately, Keychain Access doesn't have one of those either
    Realistically, I think your best bet is "generic" AppleScript automation to simulate the input:
    tell application "Keychain Access"
        delay 0.5 -- wait for app to open/activate
        tell application "System Events"
            keystroke "f" using {command down, option down} -- ensure search bar is focussed
            keystroke "my search terms" -- enter search query
        end tell
    end tell
  5. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from pseudometa in Get Currently Edited Workflow URI   
    Want to add one FR follow-on to this thread:
    It would be a nice quality of life addition if, when triggering Alfred to open his Preferences by typing Cmd⌘+comma, he would open directly to whichever workflow was responsible for generating the selected result.
    For example, if I have a workflow with a script filter that generates a list of recently copied images, it would be excellent if pressing ⌘+, would jump right into that workflow's editor, with the script filter object highlighted.
  6. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Get Currently Edited Workflow URI   
    The > is used for redirection in a shell, which explains why iTerm wouldn’t make that clickable (correct behaviour) and if you tried that without quoting it you’d likely get a few files created. I’d expect that percenting-enconding it would indeed work.
  7. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from chadv in Dragging all items out of Alfred's file buffer   
    I was surprised this wasn't possible, but today I wanted to drag 2 items I had collected in Alfred's buffer to another app that can receive file drops. I found out that it only seems to allow dragging 1 file at a time from the buffer area. 
    Am I missing something or is there any way to do this?  Yes I know about "actioning all items" to send buffer contents to a workflow but I specifically need to drag them in this case.

    (Alfred 4.5 b1252 by the way...)
  8. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from Terminal in Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match   
    I'd like to suggest a feature:
    - Allow Universal Actions to appear or not based on a regex pattern match. This would be better than just "Text" or "URL". My Universal Actions list is pretty long and unwieldy. There are easily 30-40 items when I call up the menu. Yes I know latching brings the most used ones to the top, and I know I can filter them by typing a few letters. But sometimes my brain works at very low capacity. Having it limited by regex would make Universal Actions a lot nicer!
    related tweet: https://twitter.com/luckman212/status/1532802001620414464
  9. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from vitor in Can we use variables such as alfred_workflow_uid in the JSON config workflow object?   
    @vitor Just wanted to thank you again. The {const:alfred_xxx} syntax is working perfectly!
  10. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Can we use variables such as alfred_workflow_uid in the JSON config workflow object?   
    How are you doing it? For variables that Alfred sets you use the {const:} format rather than {var:} (see docs).
  11. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from kpw in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    Latest release: v2.3.5
    Hey guys,
    Thought I'd share this little workflow. I found myself often needing to dump out the last N clipboard images from Alfred's history to disk. It was tedious before, find the right item, copy it back to the pasteboard, paste into Preview, save as PNG, give it a non-overlapping name, etc. So I created this to make it semi-automatic. Shouldn't need anything special, but please let me know if you run into any trouble.
    Feedback welcome! One thing for sure I would like some advice on is whether the Script Filter (Python) could be turned back into a List Comprehension which from what I've read is more efficient. I couldn't figure out how to do that and also dynamically update the database rows (e.g. converting "/" to " / " so that Alfred's word matching would match correctly, picking a nicer generic icon when app name==null etc). @deanishe if you have time I'm sure you know the answer to this...  

    Download Latest Release:
  12. Thanks
    luckman212 got a reaction from Andrew in Multiple keywords to trigger the same script filter?   
    Thanks for fixing! Looks like it works fine on 5.1.2133 🙂
  13. Like
    luckman212 reacted to Andrew in URL Scheme (or other method) to open Alfred's Preferences e.g. to the "Features → Clipboard History" section?   
    @luckman212 good good
    If you update to 5.1 b2132, I've actually tweaked the URL scheme to be alfredpreferences://navigateto/... but it'll be backwards compatible with the link you're using (for now). If this URL scheme is ever officially supported, it'll certainly use navigateto/
  14. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from Chris Messina in Multiple keywords to trigger the same script filter?   
    I saw this has been asked a few times before (e.g. here) but there wasn't a clear answer.

    Since Alfred 4 is coming soon, I would like to throw this into the pot to see if it might be possible.
    My brain is getting old. It's hard to remember all the different keywords and hotkeys I've set up. To aid myself I like to be able to use multiple keywords to trigger the same workflow step.
    Example, I have a workflow for connecting Bluetooth devices, that I trigger using `bt`
    instead of just "bt" I'd like to add a few more keywords, e.g. "blue", "connect", "audio" etc.
    I know I can duplicate the script filter opject and connect its Output to the same step—it's a poor man's workaround, but it'd be cleaner and better to allow multiple keywords, such as this:


  15. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Multiple keywords to trigger the same script filter?   
    Yes, it works as a variable. Which means that if your workflow has user-configurable keywords, the user themselves can make that value have multiple keywords by using the ||.
  16. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Multiple keywords to trigger the same script filter?   
    Starting from Alfred 5.1 (currently in pre-release), multiple keywords are supported.
  17. Like
    luckman212 reacted to cocoaaa in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    Thanks for a nice workflow. I find it very useful for my note-taking system:)
  18. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from cocoaaa in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    Latest release: v2.3.5
    Hey guys,
    Thought I'd share this little workflow. I found myself often needing to dump out the last N clipboard images from Alfred's history to disk. It was tedious before, find the right item, copy it back to the pasteboard, paste into Preview, save as PNG, give it a non-overlapping name, etc. So I created this to make it semi-automatic. Shouldn't need anything special, but please let me know if you run into any trouble.
    Feedback welcome! One thing for sure I would like some advice on is whether the Script Filter (Python) could be turned back into a List Comprehension which from what I've read is more efficient. I couldn't figure out how to do that and also dynamically update the database rows (e.g. converting "/" to " / " so that Alfred's word matching would match correctly, picking a nicer generic icon when app name==null etc). @deanishe if you have time I'm sure you know the answer to this...  

    Download Latest Release:
  19. Haha
    luckman212 got a reaction from Vero in List file metadata   
    It's ok. These are just nitpicks. There are 1001 ways to achieve the same goal in programming. That's part of the fun.
    In any case, the days of humans having to think about these things are numbered. With ChatGPT cranking out better code than I could ever hope to write, it appears my future is working in a coal mine, not in a comfortable chair critiquing Alfred workflows 😐
  20. Haha
    luckman212 got a reaction from TomBenz in List file metadata   
    It's ok. These are just nitpicks. There are 1001 ways to achieve the same goal in programming. That's part of the fun.
    In any case, the days of humans having to think about these things are numbered. With ChatGPT cranking out better code than I could ever hope to write, it appears my future is working in a coal mine, not in a comfortable chair critiquing Alfred workflows 😐
  21. Thanks
    luckman212 got a reaction from sepulchra in List file metadata   
    Maybe I'm late to this party but, just in case: @sepulchra you don't need regex to extract a single piece of metadata as a plain string. You can use e.g. 
    mdls -raw -name kMDItemFSCreatorCode /path/to/file  
  22. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from vitor in List file metadata   
    Maybe I'm late to this party but, just in case: @sepulchra you don't need regex to extract a single piece of metadata as a plain string. You can use e.g. 
    mdls -raw -name kMDItemFSCreatorCode /path/to/file  
  23. Like
    luckman212 reacted to Vero in Undo deletion of Snippet collection   
    @RiONOntE Did you accidentally delete a snippet collection? If so, take a look at your Mac's Trash, as the collection is only moved there. Unlike web services where you lose access to the directory you're deleting, the snippet collection is still on your Mac.
    Most users also either use a sync service or Time Machine on their Mac, so the collection is backed up and recoverable in more than one way. 
    Having said that, I like the suggestion of highlighting how many snippets are included in the collection that is being deleted, so I'll pass that suggestion on.
    Let me know if you need any help recovering a collection
  24. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Prefer “with input as argv” For Running Scripts   
    When running a script from Alfred, be it a Run Script Action or Script Filter Input, always prefer with input as argv over with input as {query}.

    The former allows you to forego escaping the input so you can be confident whatever the user typed will be faithfully transmitted to the script. If you’re unsure how to pass your argument, see the placeholder text Alfred presents when switching languages: it teaches how to assign the input to a query variable. You do not have to do it specifically in that manner, acting on the input without assigning to a variable first works just as well.
  25. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to oorbx in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    it works now ! 
    thanks a lot
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