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    luckman212 got a reaction from devalias in keyword aliases   
    Yes, I suggested https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/12717-multiple-keywords-to-trigger-the-same-script-filter/ it a little while ago... Great idea and would be immensely useful to those of us "scatter brains" 
  2. Like
    luckman212 reacted to evdev in Multiple keywords to trigger the same script filter?   
    I'm surprised there isn't more demand for this feature, I constantly find myself typing different keyword triggers when I want to perform the same action. For the same reason, I also set up multiple duplicate search engines in my browsers that use slightly different keyword variations but all point to the same custom URL query (like ama, amz, amzn that all perform the same custom Amazon.com search when typed in omnibox and Tab key is pressed)
    When I'm in a moment of mental flow and I suddenly want to check for X on site Y, I want to do so the quickest way possible with the minimum effort/resistance. Same goes for the terminal, once I find myself using a command more frequently, I set a few minimum-character aliases for it like dk, dock, dkr (all aliasing docker) which allows my brain multiple neural pathways for it to be correct in the midst of focusing on a more complex task. I find that it helps my flow state significantly because there's less chance of mental disruption especially when recalling newly created aliases/keywords where the brain's connections aren't very strong yet and will still require more intensive memory lookups during your typing thought process.
    All that aside, does anyone have any workarounds for this with Alfred workflows other than duplicating them and setting different keywords? Would be nice to have more low level access to Alfred's triggers but in lieu of that I wonder if a meta-workflow workflow could be worth experimenting on. If it would allow one to set a number of aliases for any of a user's currently installed workflows it could be potentially useful.
  3. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Script Filter JSON: parameter for "do not update knowledge / latching"   
    As part of Alfred 5:
  4. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to Andrew in "Treat Input as Universal Action" reverts back to ON every time you save a Script Filter object   
    @luckman212 this is now in Alfred 4.6.7 b1304, let me know how you get on
  5. Like
    luckman212 reacted to Andrew in "Treat Input as Universal Action" reverts back to ON every time you save a Script Filter object   
    @luckman212 Thanks for spotting this, I'll get it fixed in v4
  6. Like
    luckman212 reacted to dfay in Alfred 5   
    Just saw the blog post and I’m wicked curious to know what this will bring!
  7. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from vitor in clipboard.alfdb - sqlite3 db - primary key - datahash   
    Thanks @vitor -- I ended up down a rabbit hole but came out the other end with a solution. At first I was trying to compile a custom build of sqlite with the SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT flag enabled, but that dead-ended. Then I learned that every sqlite db has a hidden unique column called rowid that I was able to hack into the .py script below. It works well enough for me. Maybe useful to someone else, so I'm posting it here.
  8. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to Vero in possible bug, or just PEBKAC issue with keyword metadata (kMDItemKeywords)   
    @luckman212 Sorry about the slow reply on this one.
    I've mentioned this to Andrew to take a look at how Alfred treats the individual keywords. However, the simplest solution in the meantime would be to add "disk space" as a single keyword. This will give you the exact results you need without having to wait for us to investigate.
    [Moving to Investigating]
  9. Thanks
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    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Way to trigger Workflow Preferences Search from inside a workflow?   
    Different thing. If I’m understanding correctly, you want to go directly to the Workflow’s preferences but @luckman212 wants to go directly to an object. Basically what ? already does but programmatically.
  11. Like
    luckman212 reacted to Andrew in command to open workflow preferences?   
    Alfred internally has a URL scheme to open the preferences to certain pages, sometimes used by the ? keyword. I'm reluctant to make this a public accessible feature as this makes it significantly more tricky to make changes in the future for something which won't be used much.
    Having said that, in my wider plan, I do have some ideas written down to make a configurable user-facing "preferences" per workflow which would show when installing a workflow.
  12. Thanks
    luckman212 reacted to Andrew in Script filter items without uid are erroneously being sorted to top when actioned if arg doesn't have a space after it [Fixed 4.6.4 b1289 pre-release]   
    @luckman212 interesting spot, thanks.
    I couldn't get a fix for this into the 4.6.3 release (earlier today), but I'll have it fixed for the first 4.6.4 pre-release in the nearish future.
  13. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Window Switcher — Switch to a specific window of an app in the current Desktop Space   

    Search app windows in the current Desktop Space via the win keyword. ↩ to switch to the selection.

    Configure the Hotkey for faster triggering.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  14. Like
    luckman212 reacted to andy4222 in Open a URL in MS Edge in InPrivate browser   
    open -na "/Applications/Microsoft Edge.app" --new --args {query} -incognito  
    This command works. Edge and chrome are chromium based so all commands should be interchangeable
    PS: This is easily available on stackoverflow and other forums
  15. Like
    luckman212 reacted to Andrew in Cannot pass strings with # to web search if url itself contains #, or if string has more than one #   
    Alfred (as of 4.3) actually has a new internal URL parser which, on quickly checking, actually handles this specific scenario correctly. This URL parser is used in most places throughout Alfred, but currently not in Custom Searches and the workflow Open URL Action, as I want it to be fully tested and verified before potentially causing a regression for a highly used "working" feature in Alfred.
    URL parsing is in fact an extremely complex task to do correctly, as there are a number of assumptions which have to be made, which is why Apple's own APIs don't do it automatically. Alfred's parser splits the URL string into the relevant components, then uses Apple's NSURLComponents to construct and encode the URL.
    Just as a purely "as interest" note, here is a screenshot of the internal testing tool I created to Alfred's [future] URL parser to make it easy to see that URLs were being split and parsed correctly:

  16. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Script Filter JSON: parameter for "do not update knowledge / latching"   
    I got that, but it should work the same for both cases. From the docs (emphasis mine):
    Sure. If you’ve tried the above and confirmed it’s not working, I’ll take a look and try to understand why.
  17. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in selecting a result while rerunning a script filter   
    If you set a uid, your selection will be maintained (and jump around) as the order of results changes.
  18. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from kpw in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    Latest release: v2.3.5
    Hey guys,
    Thought I'd share this little workflow. I found myself often needing to dump out the last N clipboard images from Alfred's history to disk. It was tedious before, find the right item, copy it back to the pasteboard, paste into Preview, save as PNG, give it a non-overlapping name, etc. So I created this to make it semi-automatic. Shouldn't need anything special, but please let me know if you run into any trouble.
    Feedback welcome! One thing for sure I would like some advice on is whether the Script Filter (Python) could be turned back into a List Comprehension which from what I've read is more efficient. I couldn't figure out how to do that and also dynamically update the database rows (e.g. converting "/" to " / " so that Alfred's word matching would match correctly, picking a nicer generic icon when app name==null etc). @deanishe if you have time I'm sure you know the answer to this...  

    Download Latest Release:
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    luckman212 got a reaction from noisyneil in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    Great. Yes I suggest you learn a little more about the Workflows, they are very powerful. Each workflow has its own variables. Start here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/variables/
  20. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from noisyneil in ClipSaver - save & convert images from clipboard history in various formats   
    @noisyneil sure, all you would need to do is edit the "dest_dir" workflow variable and set it to just "Desktop":

  21. Like
    luckman212 reacted to gmile in launching app with custom PATH environment variable   
    Thank you, @luckman212 yesterday I found another thread, which lead me to studying ENV vars in Alfred more. I ended up adding PATH to my workflow environment, and everything went smoothly since then. Btw, for some reason, specifying a full path to elixir binary didn't work – attempting to run a workflow would stumble upon an error coming from script execution step, saying something about unable to fork a Unix process 🤔 (I happen to no longer have the text of actual error anymore)
    @vitor thanks, that help article I missed. Very useful indeed.
  22. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Unrecognized selector sent to instance on quicklooking URL (macOS Sierra bug)   
    @deanishe @nikivi In case you’re still interested, I finally released my mackup alternative; you’re the first to know. The current list of supported apps is a tad weird, some of them may even be discontinued. I’m not particularly enthused about the problem space of backing up app settings, I just wanted something fairly robust for my needs and it didn’t exit.
    I’ve been hackilly and manually using snippets of this code over the years and it has worked well, but because it’s only needed on occasion I had been indefinitely putting off making it into a proper tool.
    I’ll probably expand the list of supported software, but that’s hand waved into the future. I take PRs, the format is dead-simple.
  23. Like
    luckman212 reacted to vitor in Invoke Clipboard Manager in the middle of the workflow   
    Welcome @jason721b,
    Something like this should work:
    require 'json' ARGUMENT = ARGV[0] unless ARGUMENT.nil? puts({ items: [{ title: ARGUMENT, arg: ARGUMENT }] }.to_json) exit 0 end # Use clipboard when no argument given require 'csv' require 'open3' CLIPBOARD_DB = File.join(ENV['HOME'], 'Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases/clipboard.alfdb') # The number after `desc limit` determines the number of results CLIPBOARD_ITEMS = CSV.parse(Open3.capture2( '/usr/bin/sqlite3', '-csv', CLIPBOARD_DB, 'select item from clipboard where dataType = 0 order by ts desc limit 40;' ).first).flatten SCRIPT_FILTER_ITEMS = CLIPBOARD_ITEMS.each_with_object([]) { |item, array| array.push(title: item, arg: item) } puts({ items: SCRIPT_FILTER_ITEMS }.to_json)  
    Stick that code in a Script Filter without a Keyword, Argument Optional, and Language set to /usr/bin/ruby. Then add it right before the step where you usually invoke Alfred’s Clipboard History. Depending on how the Workflow is set up, you may need an Argument and Variables Utility as well to save any information of make the argument empty.

    What the code does: if you type something and press ↵, it will use that as the argument; if you don’t type, the newest 40 (by default) clipboard items will be shown to you, and you ↵ on any to pass it as the argument.
  24. Like
    luckman212 got a reaction from vitor in Wrong icon shown in the "web search" object?   
  25. Like
    luckman212 reacted to deanishe in Alfred with Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC).   
    Here's a workflow that should show your Carbon Copy Cloner tasks in Alfred. It works with the sample input you gave me.
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