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Posts posted by andy4222

  1. Hi Alfred team, 


    I'm passing in args to Run Script, which will be used by the `open` command to open different browser modes. However, this command fails when I pass in the args. It works when I directly specify the command and not use args. It's something with the "space" character in the args but I can't seem to figure out what to change. Tried escaping with space with `\` and `\\` as well. 


    Could you please help

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/my74m8uqk4pwnxy/Browser MODES - COPY.alfredworkflow?dl=0

  2. 2 hours ago, vitor said:

    A Workflow like TinyPNG also does compression,

    Yeah, I prefer something local which is what `Optimise Image Colour for Sharing` would provide.  Don't prefer uploading my images to a remote server for compression, who know what's their privacy policy :)



    2 hours ago, vitor said:

    I see the value in these as automation tasks. Most require using external tools (e.g. to convert video you’d use ffmpeg, which does not ship with macOS) so they require a different type of consideration.


    Thanks for considering!!

  3. Hi Alfred team, requesting a few new Automation Tasks. Feel free to share if this is the right place for a request like this or the Github repo.


    - Merge images to make a GIF

    - Compress images

    - Convert video format (e.g. MKV to MP4)

    - Convert video to GIF

    - Merge PDF files

    - Merge text files with a separator in between the contents of each file (like a `=======` maybe which translated to a separator in MD format)

    - HTML to markdown (with images of course) and vice versa

    - Currency conversion


    Not sure these are large or small enough to be part of Automation Tasks but just putting it out here. :)


    Please like or comment on this post to acknowledge if a team member has read it. Thank you 🙇

  4. 9 hours ago, FaradayFluff said:

    I suppose the Buffer would only be needed if I was trying to copy a group of files to a single destination

    You don't need Buffer for that either. Universal Actions accepts multiples files. Select all the files in Finder and then press the Universal Action trigger button (For me its double tap Shift key) and you can do all operations on multiple files that you could on one file. 



    You could also write a workflow that would show you the list of source folders and the list of destination folders. This would work if you want to sync all files. Customizing this would need more effort, although could be doable. 

    I feel you might need Hazel which automatically manages files your you in the background based on the rules you specify. There are also some free options I found like https://github.com/tfeldmann/organize but require more setup I guess. 


  5. Superb. It works!! The `Get Path Dirname` was enough. I didn't need `Split Argument`. Screenshot below


    Automation Tasks are so good. Thanks for blazing fast releases @vitor


    I also wanted to check if there is any documentation or guideline on how to create/contribute Automation Tasks? Seems they are basically a config that Alfred reads internally and I opened a bunch of them but some contains a minified shell script and some contains a different script. Any possibility of a different language like JS or Python?




  6. I figured out one hurdle after looking at other workflows by Vero and Vitor. Seems we can add a JSON config and set the desired variables.  The only problem I am facing right now is that I want to save the file in the same directory where it is now. I tried adding `save_in` to the below config, but it didn't do anything


      "alfredworkflow" : {
        "arg" : "{var:image}",
        "config" : {
          "tasksettings" : {
            "save_in" : ".\/",
            "out_format" : "{query}"


  7. Hi Alfred team, thanks for making Automation Tasks. These modules are so good and have replaced multiple workflows for me very quickly. l ❤️ them.


    I was trying to make a workflow that converts the image format based. I was trying to to use "Convert Image Format" Automation Task. Basically, the user enters the image format and it should be an input to this Automation Task and tell it to set that as the output format. How can I achieve this? Right now, I have to set it manually for each type.


    Also, noticed there are other Automation Tasks that have the same barrier. Would be great if we can pass in the input to them. 




  8. @rob213


    Here are a few more lists I found on Github. Keep in mind these are not "Official", but as you can see from the repo stars, ton of people have been using them for years, including myself. 





    Importantly, Alfred team is shortly coming out with workflow portal/store soon, so all these repo's could be consolidated there. :)

  9. 2 hours ago, vitor said:

    Alfred Preferences → Advanced. Look on the right side (third, fourth, and fifth popover buttons).

    I did, but there isn't an option to "Copy File to Clipboard"


    Basically what I want is to search a file, and then press cmd + return or opt + return and the file is copied to the clipboard (not the file path, but the actual file). Right now, this can be done by searching the file, then hitting tab, then selecting "Copy file to Clipboard". I want to reduce the steps needed to copy the file

  10. Thanks


    1 hour ago, vitor said:

    you can have ⌘↩, or ⌥↩, or any combination of fn⇧⌃⌘⌥ with ↩.


    Any way I can change the behavior of the default file search? Right now, if I open Alfred and hit space, it starts searching files, but I can cannot use this feature of setting what happens when I do on holding cmd or opt key. 




  11. Hi!


    What I want:

    Build a workflow that searches files in a specific folder and list them. The list of files should automatically appear even if I don't start typing the search query. 


    What I tried:

    I did use File Filter that performs search in a folder, but I have to type a search query to find files.


    What can I do so that this workflow list the file automatically in that folder rather than me performing a search query? Would be great if the files are sorted newest > oldest


    An enhancement would be if I can also search for all files with a specific format or use * to list all files 

  12. Hi Alfred team and community, I have been using Alfred Snippets for text expansion for sometime. I face this issue where the snippet expands slowly, and the by the time it expands, I have written another word. So the new word gets mixed with the expanded word. e.g.


    Snippet: didnt Expansion: didn't


    When trying to type `didnt know` (which should expand to `didn't know`) , it sometimes becomes `didn'tknow` (I am sure I am adding a space in the middle, but it gets lost). Sometimes it becomes `kdidn'tnow` or `diknowdn't`. 


    Anything I can do to fix this?

  13. Hi Alfred team and forums users, is there a way to open a dialog box with two or more text input fields? Something like this:





    I wanted to create a workflow that asked user for a few inputs and processed them further. I think technically something similar could be done with multiple Script Filters (where each one asks for an input and then the next one), but that doesn't feel right as user should be to see all inputs they provided at the same time. Any way to accomplish this with Alfred? I also tried Alfred 5 EA but that doesn't have this feature either (Keyboard Maestro has this feature, but I love Alfred and want to consolidate all things into it)





  14. Hi Alfred Team,


    I was hoping that you  would consider having an app store or extension store (or consolidated list of workflows on github) so it's easier to discover new workflows?


    I know there are many workflows that are already created by various users, but maybe for the new ones, we can have a consolidated github repo? I'd assume some of the existing workflow creators would also be open to creating PRs to this repo.


    Having a consolidated place makes it easier to find things for users, especially for new users. I know a few friends (non-developers) got Alfred with powerpack after watching blaze through my work with Alfred workflows, but they could not extend it further due to discovery and relied on me to find workflows for them.


    Thoughts? @Vero @Andrew @deanishe. (Tagging you for visibility. Apologies)


    PS: I'm still a fan and heavy user of Alfred and vouching for new features in it.

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