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Everything posted by vitor

  1. To force that URL to always open in Brave, use a Run Script with default settings and code: open -a 'Brave Browser' 'brave://settings'
  2. It finds where your preferences are stored and counts the number of directories in the workflows directory. osascript, cat, ls, wc, tr are all standard tools you can find more about online or by running man TOOL_NAME in a terminal. You’re repeating questions you’ve already been given answers to. Keyword → Run Script → Copy to Clipboard. In Run Script: readonly sync_dir="$(osascript -l JavaScript -e 'function run(argv) { return JSON.parse(argv[0])["current"] } ' "$(cat "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Alfred/prefs.json")")" for workflow in "${sync_dir}/workflows/"*; do /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print name' "${workflow}/info.plist" /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'print webaddress' "${workflow}/info.plist" echo done
  3. @pankajsz That is a bug in Microsoft software which they seem interested in solving. The proper way to go about it is to give Microsoft more details about the issue so they can understand and fix it.
  4. The script should be included inside the Workflow. In its folder. In the Run Script, you use the relative path: /usr/bin/python3 ./2jpeg.py "${1}".
  5. Added as an alternative on the table.
  6. That is for Safari. QuickTime Player doesn’t provide a programatic way to enter PiP.
  7. vitor

    Alfred 5

    To each their own. I don’t find tool wars interesting, everyone should use what fits them best:
  8. vitor

    Alfred 5

    I have written and used enough Electron apps to know I want to avoid apps made in it. And yes, I did try VSCode. It’s definitely one of the good ones, but not worth the tradeoffs. Neovim in iTerm tabs. Even the Swift I’ve written was coded that way.
  9. vitor

    Alfred 5

    I have no opposition to the idea, but I also think it’s the domain of each editor’s plugin ecosystem. I wouldn’t think it an optimal use of time to learn to make (and maintain) plugins for several editors (including the one I use, which is not VSCode). There are many more improvements coming in Alfred which have a greater impact on Workflow development and thus take precedence. It’s not like the plugins need Alfred changes (you should be able to use log, as @nikivi suggested), so any developer has the tools to make one for the editor they favour.
  10. Alfred uses Spotlight’s indexing, which seemingly excludes those. It would be possible to make a Workflow to search hidden files but it would be slower so it would be best to first define exactly what it needs to search for (e.g. only home directory?).
  11. The resize is happening before the video starts streaming. Tell it to wait until playback starts. function run(argv) { const quicktime = Application("QuickTime Player") if (quicktime.running()) quicktime.windows().forEach(w => w.close()) quicktime.activate() quicktime.openURL(argv[0]) while (!quicktime.documents[0].playing()) delay(0.2) quicktime.windows[0].bounds = {x: 739, y: 262, width: 1498, height: 689} }
  12. I understand you’re figuring these out as they work, but if you give a better picture of the whole from the start we arrive at a better solution faster. Your code works for me, though you can replace Application("QuickTime Player") with quicktime now. To assist further, I’ll need to see the full code as you have it, and a real URL.
  13. It is. Use find . -name 'projects'. Search in Alfred for ?keyword g and you should see the possible culprits. Another way is to backup your Alfred Preferences, then go into your Workflows directory and delete them in batches of (say) 10 and try again until it doesn’t break. Then you narrow it down from the last batch. The prompt is from macOS, not Alfred. Alfred doesn’t know that will happen before trying to run it, and trying to find out on every run could have a noticeable lag (checking for code signature is slow). That would again have tradeoffs for all for an extremely niche and rare need. See if Console.app registered the occurrence. It may have the full path to the binary.
  14. Alright, let’s improve the whole script at once with everything you want. Change the language to /usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript) and use this code: function run(argv) { const quicktime = Application("QuickTime Player") if (quicktime.running()) quicktime.windows().forEach(w => w.close()) quicktime.openURL(argv[0]) quicktime.activate() } That will close all QuickTime windows (not just the current one). If you don’t want QuickTime to be brought to the front, remove quicktime.activate().
  15. Try (above the other code) osascript -l JavaScript -e 'Application("QuickTime Player").windows[0].close()'. Or Application("QuickTime Player").quit() to quit it altogether.
  16. Welcome @KouFribz, Skype has been an Electron app for a number of years, and those have always hard poor automatability. There may be an URL scheme or API for limited interaction with it as a service, but for the app itself it would require Microsoft to make changes.
  17. Are you sure it’s a URL QuickTime can play? If so, share a smaller version of the Workflow you have and I’ll take a look.
  18. Those are unnecessary, yes. The correct code is open -a 'QuickTime Player' "${1}" (I fixed it in the post above too). One of the quotes wasn’t correctly replaced.
  19. Those aren’t emoji in the technical sense. They aren’t represented as encoded characters but are images. It doesn’t mean it can’t be done as a Workflow—it can—but the considerations are different. For example, instead of shipping everything the Workflow would have to do a web search for the specific images like the Giphy Workflows do. If there are popular websites for those types of images, search for Alfred Workflows with the name of the site.
  20. You’re on the right track but have a few errors. In the List Filter, have just the URL as argument. In the Run Script, Language has to be /bin/bash or /bin/zsh. In the Run Script, Script has to be open -a 'QuickTime Player' "${1}".
  21. @tbundick If you’re only looking to open multiple web searches at once in a browser, connect a Keyword to multiple Open URL with the search query. If you’re looking to show multiple results from multiple search results at once, that isn’t really viable and depends on the searches themselves having APIs or something to grab on to.
  22. It says the opposite; that it is unlikely to be the reason. How does Microsoft Remote Desktop usually handles the clipboard? Is it synced? New posts make that harder to track, so I’ll merge them. I’ve edited the thread’s title to not mention a specific version. Also, please provide the requested debugging information, as well as your exact versions of Alfred, macOS, and Microsoft Remote Desktop.
  23. Updated to 2022.1. Adjustments to list outward spacing in IPBoard.
  24. Right-click the canvas → Triggers → Universal Action. Name: Open AM URL in iTSShow for: URLsSingle Input Arguments Connect it to the Argument and Variables Utility. With a single object, two new interaction modes opened up: Copy a link. Now open the Clipboard History and press your actions shortcut (see what it is in Alfred Preferences → Universal Actions → Show Actions). Search for Open AM URL in iTS.Select a URL anywhere. Press the Universal Actions shortcut (see what it is in Alfred Preferences → Universal Actions → Selection Hotkey). Search for Open AM URL in iTS.
  25. Consider diversifying the ways people can interact with it. Universal Actions are in particular useful. People already know their shortcut for it, and can use it from a link in Clipboard History as well.
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