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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Updated to 2022.4. Use Alfred 5 features GUI User Configuration. Remove update conditional.
  2. Updated to 2022.2. Use Alfred 5 Automation Task to get Frontmost App.
  3. Updated to 2022.9. Use Alfred 5 Run Shortcuts object. Do not accept new arguments when start from File Action or Universal Action. Remove update conditional.
  4. Probably due to the new behaviour in Google Drive. The solution is to no longer add both drive paths but instead add the folder which contains them. If you want to ignore some, add them to the ignores list (use the unique string in the name for matching). In the Alfred 5 version of the Workflow, that will be the supported method.
  5. Welcome @Roy Mosby, Related: Snippet import from CSV files. @dfay has a script for it.
  6. It does what it says on the tin: shows Alfred, optionally with some text. Sounds like the perfect case for External Triggers. If the Workflow creator adds it, it will allow you to call the Workflow from another with the exact arguments you want. Or, with User Configuration they can make the text in those Hotkeys configurable. Both are simple to add, no code necessary.
  7. Not yet. That step serves to narrow down the list of cases. What it means is the cause is something specific to your setup, but still not obvious what. Are you syncing your preferences? Which service do you use? In Alfred Preferences → Advanced → Learning, untick the checkbox then set it again.
  8. Welcome @Viola, It depends on the exact nature of your request. Alfred isn’t a password manager; apps who deal with passwords (there are several) tend to do just that. Technically you could use Alfred to store and retrieve passwords, but I’d recommend finding a password manager you like then using Alfred to interact with it. There’s an official Workflow for 1Password as well as third-party Workflows for KeePassXC, Bitwarden, Keychain (native to macOS), and probably others.
  9. Some changes, like setting Hotkeys or changing Keywords can be preserved. But if you’re deleting, adding, or reconnecting objects, it becomes tricky to reliably know what to keep and what to discard on update, which effectively is replacing the old version with the new. The best way to go about it would be asking the developer to officially add the Hotkeys or External Triggers that you can call. The other way is to set a separate Workflow which calls the one you want, however feasible from the objects it has (e.g. connecting a Hotkey to a Show Alfred Utility).
  10. Please never say “latest” but always the exact version. Especially when dealing with betas, “latest” isn‘t specific enough, can be wrong (e.g. auto-updater hasn’t kicked in), and makes it impossible for anyone else to know if their version matches the report. To receive informed help, it is imperative to provide precise information. Unlikely. Ventura is a beta, things will be broken. On beta 1, I found and reported settings URLs which outright opened the wrong pane. The dictionary is there but uses the old name (System Preferences, not System Settings) and doesn’t work. x-apple.systempreferences: still works to open panes, as does opening them directly from /System/Library/PreferencePanes/.
  11. I can’t reproduce, everything is working fine for me. Which beta are you on, what’s your version of Alfred, and how exactly are you trying to open the preferences?
  12. If you create a new user account on your Mac temporarily, does it still happen on the new one?
  13. Welcome @Guy with a beard, It’s important that you specify your exact version of Alfred and macOS so the issue can be narrowed down.
  14. Yes, the External Trigger (which has been expanded in Alfred 5) continues to be appropriate for it.
  15. I don’t have any tagged music files to verify, but try with File Filter Input set to only check for the kMDItemDisplayName field.
  16. Welcome, Use a Spotlight comment in the app. Or make a Workflow with a Keyword Input connected to a Launch Apps and Files Action.
  17. Thank you. This one is one of my personal favourites. The mediainfo download page changed, so it was no longer being retrieved correctly with _sharedresources. Fixed in the latest version, just released. You can also fix it with brew install mediainfo.
  18. I don’t use Downie and that script is doing GUI automation, so I can’t look into it further. Best I can do is recommend a download Workflow which I now works and is maintained (disclaimer: I’m the author).
  19. It’s the file at ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases/clipboard.alfdb.
  20. Welcome @bpantaloni, Since terminal-notifier is just for notifications, deleting it shouldn’t pose a problem. If you instead prefer to mark it as trusted, there are a few options.
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