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Everything posted by vitor

  1. The setting that governs that is Alfred Preferences → Features → Clipboard History → Advanced → Ignore data marked as Concealed.
  2. Thank you for the kind words. Due to the nature of the operation, the alternative would be to check all possible actions on every banner then perform on the one whose name indicates it closes the notification. However, that is considerably slower and it would require getting the names of the Close and Clear All operations in every language, which either requires configuration or becoming even slower. I spent a ton of time on that. In other words, there’s always a trade-off. I picked the least annoying one. Maybe you can change Slack’s notification type to be different?
  3. Try replacing the Open File with a Run Script Action. Leave everything at the default but make the Script: open -a 'Secure File Deletion' "${@}" Does that work for you? If not, what does the debugger say?
  4. Welcome @jrk, You can make a workflow to connect a Keyword Input to an Open URL Action, which lets you define the browser. See the Getting Started Guide for an interactive tutorial on making a workflow.
  5. That’s due to changes Apple has been making for a few OSs which are making preferences harder to use from the outside. That’s why you get that generic icon too. On the Alfred Gallery there is System Settings and Open macOS Settings Panes. Both solve the issue in different ways. They are in English, but you can edit them to the Spanish names.
  6. Alfred uses standard macOS APIs. If your underlying operating system is misbehaving, that’s what you need to fix. Check a more general forum for macOS (such as MacRumors, or Apple’s own Forums), where you’re more likely to find someone with the same problem.
  7. It can’t return back to search because it doesn’t know you got there through search. You could’ve selected files in the Finder, or used a custom File Filter, or Script Filter, or gone through the navigation pane, or any other combination. This workflow is meant to be flexible and work from any place. What you’re asking for is specific to your usage so you’d need to make a workflow which behaves that way.
  8. Thank you for the kind words. You can only rename one file at a time. Renaming multiple is a complex action usually involving some kind of sequencing, and renaming multiple to entirely different things even more so. I’ve never seen a way to do it that I found ideal, neither in GUIs nor in CLIs (and I wrote some, too). The ones that get close still require understanding the rules beforehand. It would also be incompatible with the feature to reopen the Universal Actions panel after renaming, which I find immensely more valuable and have a need for significantly more often. I don’t intend to add the feature unless the solution is so good and clear to regular users that it’s worth a rewrite of the workflow (which likely would need to happen).
  9. Updated to 2024.1. ↩ now deletes the path and reruns the search.⌘↩ removes path from list for current run and reruns.⇧↩ adds path to File Buffer.Updated icon.
  10. As you can see, those are different. And it seems like the one in Google Drive has tighter permissions. Change everyone to Solo lectura.
  11. That link says the video is no longer available. Either way, everything is correctly set up. Try any link by running yt-dlp in the Terminal, that’s what the workflow uses. If you get an error, report that one to them as they’re the ones with the power to fix it.
  12. Your Run Script has a mistake: "${$1}" should be "${1}".
  13. They would have to be executable on any macOS, that’s a Unix thing. Yep, that’s the correct solution. Removing and reinstalling the workflow should get you to that state too, since the most likely reason for that file to not executable is that it lost its permission.
  14. @bdruth That looks like a file permissions issue. Do you perhaps sync your preferences with Maestral? Try deleting the workflow and installing it again. That should get you sorted.
  15. Change the script to "${1}" in place of the source file and either use a Hotkey with Argument Selection in macOS or if you’re using something else use the Automation Task in Files and Folder → Selection in Finder.
  16. Welcome @Flavinsh, Update to 2024.1, just released, which fixes that.
  17. It didn’t, because you already have folders ticked in Extras. In general, it is recommended to not add too much there to not pollute results and instead use the specialised methods (or a workflow) to find files and folders.
  18. Try clicking it. You’ll be taken to the workflow’s Gallery page. In other words, it’s the same thing so leave it as is.
  19. On the contrary, it is not super simple because Firefox doesn’t make it so. On every other major browser it is indeed trivial and there are Automation Tasks to do exactly that. @Stephen_C’s solution will work in just about any app, including Firefox, but you have to select the URL yourself. Browser’s usually set that to ⌘L.
  20. Usage Convert dimensions via the conv keyword. Type a number to see all available units with their full name and symbol. Type a unit to filter. Pressing ↩ on a partial match triggers the autocomplete. See all possible conversion targets when matching a unit exactly. Type further to filter for target units. Connector words (“to”, “as”, “in”) are optional to help with readability. Rounding precision and notation can be set in the Workflow’s Configuration. ↩: Copy result to clipboard. ⌘↩: Paste result to frontmost app. Configure the Hotkey or use the Universal Action as shortcuts to convert results from Alfred’s Calculator, Clipboard History, or selected text. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  21. Click the (…) to the right of Alfred filters results and change Match Mode to one of the word matching options.
  22. This usually means you installed Python from their website, in which case you have to install the certificates too.
  23. Not sure I get this part. Drag where? Also, it’s not clear to me what exactly you want to happen, which results you want to see or not. The Ignore in Alfred workflow might be what you’re looking for.
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