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Everything posted by xilopaint

  1. Oh, I had set the wrong action (continuity options instead iPhone call). Sorry for bug you!
  2. haha sorry for my bad english, Andrew. I cannot make iPhone calls anymore:
  3. Thank you for sharing. I have been searching for a package tracking API to create a workflow. So your workflow is very welcome, but it will only be really useful to me once I can search for saved tracking numbers.
  4. Update (v1.1.3): Fixed a bug that could create an empty output file when merging certain PDF files.
  5. Starting debug for 'WebScreenshot' [2016-07-28 12:36:13][ERROR: action.script] ./_licensed/imgur-screenshot/imgur-screenshot.sh: line 113: terminal-notifier: command not found ./_licensed/imgur-screenshot/imgur-screenshot.sh: line 113: terminal-notifier: command not found dyld: warning, LC_RPATH ~/Library/Frameworks in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Flip4Mac WMA Import.component/Contents/MacOS/Flip4Mac WMA Import being ignored in restricted program because it is a relative path ./_licensed/imgur-screenshot/imgur-screenshot.sh: line 113: terminal-notifier: command not found
  6. Update (v1.1.2): Fixed a bug in Merge file action that may cause the output file is moved to trash when its name is identical to any of the input filenames.
  7. I have a very dumb question. When using the workflow I get links like this: file:///Users/usuario/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202016-07-25%20at%2017.04.24.png How can I manage to get a imgur direct link to post the image in this forum? What am I missing?
  8. input = dcalc 06/07/2016 +20d x weekends date format = dd/mm/yyyy The correct output should be 03/08/2016.
  9. Update (v1.1.1): Added ability to set the output filename when merging files.
  10. Alfred PDF Tools Description Optimize, encrypt and manipulate PDF files using Alfred. Usage Alfred PDF Tools can be used by the following file actions: Optimize: Optimize the selected PDF files by entering the intended resolution of the output file (150 dpi is used if no value is input) and the document will be improved with increased contrast and straightened text; Deskew: Straighten the selected PDF files with no further appearance changes; Encrypt: Encrypt the selected PDF files by entering a password; Decrypt: Decrypt the selected PDF files by entering their password or just ↩ if they’re not password protected; Merge: Merge the selected PDF files. Use the ⌘ modifier key if you also want to move the source files to Trash; Split by Page Count: Split the selected PDF file by page count; Split by File Size: Split the selected PDF file by file size; Slice in Multiple Files: Slice the selected PDF file in multiple files by entering page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas (e.g. 2, 5–8, 20-); Slice in a Single File: Slice the selected PDF file in a single file by entering page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas (e.g. 2, 5–8, 20-); Crop: Convert two-column pages in single pages; Scale: Scale the selected PDF files to a given paper size. Contribute To report a bug or request a feature, please create an issue or submit a pull request. Credits This workflow relies on pypdf library by Martin Thoma, docopt by Vladimir Keleshev and K2pdfopt by willus.
  11. Foursquare Search A workflow for Alfred 3. Download and Installation Download the workflow file either from GitHub releases or Packal website and install it by double-clicking on Foursquare Search.alfredworklow. Configuration and Usage Foursquare Search can be used by the following keywords: 4sqconfig to set a location (e.g., "Cupertino, CA") to the following searches; 4sqexplore to search intelligently by categories, venues names, tips etc (e.g., "pizza place"); 4sqsearch to search for venues by names. Contribute To report a bug or submit a feature request, please create an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub. Credits This workflow relies on Foursquare API, Alfred-Workflow library by Dean Jackson and docopt. License Foursquare Search code is released under the MIT License.
  12. Atelier Dune Light seems to be the best available light theme for my taste. However I would like to see anything like the IDLE color scheme.
  13. Thank you for sharing! Could you suggest some good themes for white backgrounds? It seems most of them have poor contrast.
  14. Thank you Vero! I am editing the post after David Ferguson kindly send me a simple workflow with comments explaining the usage of Args and Vars utility.
  15. Yes, I had noticed that after the discussion. Thank you!
  16. Sorry for bumping the topic. Is there any feature in Alfred 3 to address this?
  17. The size is not as relevant for my question. I just intend to know how I can bundle a non-python library with the workflow in case it's possible. We can suppose just as an example that Ghostscript was 2MB instead 100+.
  18. Ok, but if a random non-standard library is not as large how could I bundle it with the workflow once it's not a python package?
  19. Is it not possible to bundle it with less files, the strictly necessary to make pdftops and ps2pdf work?
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