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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. I just use a File Filter for this. Does the workflow do something extra?
  2. Yeah. Even the very fastest workflows written in compiled languages are noticeably slower than native searches (if only by a little bit). It's unavoidable due to the way Alfred runs workflows. Most workflows are written in interpreted languages, however, and they are 20x slower than native search in the best cases. Often 100x slower.
  3. You're absolutely right. I thought that option had been removed and bookmark search was now keyword only, but I was wrong. With Sierra and earlier, you could add history to your default results, as Safari exported its history (and bookmarks) to a bunch of files. As such, you could add that filetype to your defaults. I don't think it was a built-in option for the simple reason that Safari keeps a lot of history items. Many tens of thousands. That many items could make the default search much slower and less useful. Again, sorry. I thought it was no longer possible to add bookmarks to default results. Yeah, it's of interest to many, if not most, users. But that's not the same as being something that should be integrated with Alfred's default search results. As noted above, there are a huge number of history items, and they could potentially overwhelm everything else. As you've probably noticed, Alfred strongly encourages you to limit its default results to a very small set to keep search fast and results relevant. Alfred is designed to use "fragmented", i.e. focussed, searches. That's what gives it its speed an accuracy. You've probably noticed that it can be difficult enough finding the file or folder you want with a File Filter when there are several dozen (semi-)matching results. Dropping 50K history items into the default search will give you the same problem there, only worse, overwhelming applications, contacts, bookmarks etc. (Imagine trying to find "Google Chrome" or a "Google" bookmark when there are 3000 google.com history items.) As such, I think it's very unlikely that Alfred will gain the ability to add Safari (or Chrome) history to its defaults. I'd actually not thought about combining bookmarks and history. I'm currently working on a Safari workflow. I'll look at adding a combined search that covers bookmarks and the last few thousand history items.
  4. Why does it matter that it's native? High Sierra removed Safari's exported bookmarks and history data, so you can no longer include them in Alfred's default search results (at least, not without jumping through a lot of hoops). As a result, you have to use a keyword, which means there's no practical difference between a native feature and one provided by a workflow. And while I don't speak for the Alfred team, I think that native history search is unlikely to be added. It wasn't a feature of earlier versions when Safari's history data were officially available, so I don't expect Andrew will add it now that the data are private and contained in one of Safari's internal databases. The new bookmark search also involves accessing a private Safari file, but importantly, that is to maintain an existing feature. Sensible developers tend not to add new features that rely on the internal data of other software. That's a different question altogether. If that's your goal, why don't you post a request for a workflow in the Workflow Help & Questions forum?
  5. Before posting a feature request, please use the forum search to ensure you're not posting a duplicate request or asking for something that already exists. This is both. Safari history search for Sierra and earlier. Safari history search for High Sierra.
  6. I think that's still the case, yes. I was mistaken earlier when I said "Profile 1".
  7. I think it’s Alfred. https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/10766-unable-to-find-bookmarks-with-new-bookmarks-feature/?tab=comments#comment-55388
  8. That's not quite the same as "cannot search through chrome bookmarks"… AFAIK, Alfred doesn't support multiple profiles yet. It only reads the bookmarks in "Profile 1", which is presumably "Work". EDIT: My bad. I think Alfred only reads bookmarks in "Default".
  9. That's not necessary. That would be a silly way to do it when multiple variables are already supported.
  10. Which version of macOS are you running? Which version of Chrome are your running? How many Chrome profiles do you have? Are you trying to search the default profile?
  11. Sorry. What I meant specifically is "what data format does Zapier expect?" Is [ABC]+[XYZ] the way to tell Zapier to put ABC in one column, and XYZ in the next? It doesn't matter. I've looked at the documents myself. You need to POST your data to the webhook endpoint, either as JSON or x-www-form-urlencoded. What are the field/row names: Assuming your fields are called URL and Text, your curl command should look like this: curl -ssL -X "POST" "$ZAP_URL" \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" \ --data-urlencode "URL=$url" \ --data-urlencode "Text=$selection" I don't think it's necessary to pay for a Python course. There are loads of free resources. https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/wiki/index#wiki_new_to_programming.3F
  12. You don’t. This breaks the app signature and Gatekeeper won’t let it run.
  13. I've no idea how Zapier works, but could you explain what this is supposed to mean: Like, why would you want [http://mail.google.com/...] + [Dear Mike,...] added to a spreadsheet? There are two chief problems with your workflow: You're trying to add {query} to the URL, but {query} isn't set. The data are in the variables, so you'd use $url and/or $selection instead. You can't just add arbitrary data to a URL and expect it to work. It needs to be URL-encoded first. I'll fix the workflow if you can explain exactly which data you want adding to the URL.
  14. A bit, but the screenshots are JPEGed to death and I can’t read anything. Please export and upload your workflow somewhere (Dropbox?), so I can download it and see it for myself. Python would be a good choice. Ruby is as capable, but not as easy to understand. PHP is an awful language, but useful.
  15. Usually, you can fix that by digging around in the workflow and renaming the directory the Ruby gems (libraries) are in to match the new Ruby version. So, if it’s called “2.0”, rename it to “2.3”.
  16. Here's a workflow that gets the data from Chrome and sets corresponding workflow variables (url, threadID and selection). It's not at all clear what you want to do with the data next, so I've just connected a Large Type output that shows them in a big, black window.
  17. If you can be more specific about what you're trying to do, I can provide more useful help.
  18. You can get the URL of the frontmost tab with the following JavaScript, as described in the stickied thread: Application('Google Chrome').windows[0].activeTab.url() You can get the selected text with this: Application('Google Chrome').windows[0].activeTab.execute({javascript:'window.getSelection().toString()'})
  19. Strictly speaking, that’s also not really an Alfred question, as you’re asking about browser automation However, there are lots of forum users who can answer it. But not if you don’t tell us which browser you’re using…
  20. Adding a path is not enough. You also have to click the Advanced… button and add the type of file you want to show up, too. Drag your disk into that list (which should add public.volume) and then it should show up in search results. That's the way search works in Alfred and why it's so fast. It shows search results as soon as they start coming in and then updates them as and when more results come in. You should get into the habit of checking the right result is selected before hitting ↩.
  21. Have you tried the Zapier forum? It seems that you're using Zapier's service and Zapier's workflow, so Zapier's forum would be the logical place to ask.
  22. I really think you should look at using a List Filter. It'd be a bit of work to add all your URLs, but should be manageable as long as the list doesn't change all the time.
  23. That's not possible with Alfred's built-in actions. You need to write your own workflow that implements the "if URL matches *.sharepoint.com*, open in Chrome in my VM" logic. In Sierra and earlier, you can filter Safari's bookmarks with a File Action, but in High Sierra it has become significantly more complicated to read Safari's bookmarks in a workflow. Basically, you have to parse the property list they live in. Not quite. Ultimately, it needs a valid URL, but it supports the {query} and {var:XYZ} macros in the URL field. So you can set the URL to, say, https://{var:subdomain}.web.sharepoint.com/{var:path} and pass in path and subdomain variables to alter the actual URL that is opened.
  24. No, it isn't. There is the occasional post about a workflow on the Alfred blog, but the actual Alfred team don't appear to be particularly heavy users of workflows. As there's no central source of Alfred workflows, there's no way to calculate a top 10 or the like. I have some stats from Packal that Shawn gave me, but they're very out of date. There are a few places, like the awesome Alfred workflow list, but I'd take that with a pinch of salt, as the main inclusion criterion appears to be submitting a pull request to add a workflow (i.e. actual awesomeness doesn't appear to be a requirement). You can also search GitHub for repos tagged with "alfred-workflow", but a lot of developers put all their workflows in a single repo, and so the utility of the search is somewhat limited by that.
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