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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. The one installed on your system or the one included in the workflow?
  2. Got you. One observation: your do shell script line is technically incorrect. It should be do shell script "/usr/bin/open -a Firefox.app " & (quoted form of site) Because you're passing the URL to a shell, if it contains any characters with special meaning in a shell ("&" is a common one in URLs), you need to quote the URL or the shell will misinterpret it. As a rule, any variable you pass to do shell script should use (quoted form of theVariable), as it's liable to die in flames otherwise.
  3. AFAIK, Robert isn't a member of the forum, so he isn't going to see your post (and he's clearly the best person to be asking). You'd probably have more luck opening an issue on GitHub (which is where the blog post you referenced linked to).
  4. I think the closest you can get without 3rd-party software (or AppleScript support in your scanner's software) is Preview's File > Import from <NAME OF SCANNER> menu item (if it's still there).
  5. I've stickied a thread at the top of the forum now that I have a user-friendly fix available. (@vitor's script relied on pip, which is every bit as difficult to work with as he says). And yeah, it is pretty big. It's broken an awful lot of people's stuff Touch wood, a fix is in, and the workflow I posted should at least fix users' workflows, although developers will still have a lot to do. In my defence, I've been using the offending section of code for literally over a decade. It has always worked flawlessly on Linux and OSX. Until Sierra. EDIT: Haha! I found it. This is where I got the code from about 14 years ago.
  6. Unless you need to open the URLs in a specific way, you don't need to use AppleScript to talk to different browsers. You can just use the open command with a URL: # open in default browser open https://www.google.com # open in Safari open -a Safari https://www.google.com # open in Chrome open -a "Google Chrome" https://www.google.com If that would work for you, then you wouldn't need to use the crazy language that is AppleScript. Opening a fixed series of URLs can be as simple as this.
  7. See this thread for a temporary fix till Fabio pushes an official update to the workflow.
  8. See here for a easy workaround till I can update all my workflows.
  9. Please see this thread for an easy, temporary fix for users till devs can push new versions of their workflows.
  10. Here's a thread for the issue and fixer-upper workflow. Please continue the discussion in there. (It doesn't really belong in the Alfred Bugs forum, as it's not an issue with Alfred).
  11. There is a bug in my (unofficial) Alfred-Workflow library that causes very many workflows using it to hang quite dramatically on Sierra. If you are affected (i.e. you see Alfred's CPU usage spike to 100%), Activity Monitor will show two Python processes like this (choose View > All Processes, Hierarchically), with the bottom one at ~99% CPU (this screenshot is actually of a non-misbehaving workflow): Download and run this workflow, which will update any old versions of Alfred-Workflow in your installed workflows. That should get your workflows working again until the workflow developers can push official fixes.
  12. Renaming the workflow directories doesn't fix anything. It just makes it easier to see which workflow is in which folder (as Alfred gives them meaningless names by default).
  13. I've built a workflow that should be able to fix any other workflows affected by this bug.
  14. TEMPORARY FIX Grab this workflow and follow the instructions on how to use it. It will replace buggy versions of Alfred-Workflow with a working one in any workflows you have installed. Vítor posted a handy script that can fix all your workflows at once. If you're not a big shell user, here's another way: Download the latest release of Alfred-Workflow Extract the zip file In Alfred Preferences, right-click on the broken workflow and choose Open in Finder Replace the workflow directory in the broken workflow with the one from the Alfred-Workflow release you downloaded Repeat for any other workflows causing the same issue This will make the workflow fully-functional again.
  15. Yes. I'm in the process of updating my workflows and releasing new versions.
  16. What? Like grep for? update_settings and run_in_background are your huckleberries: grep -R update_settings . | grep -v /workflow/ grep -R run_in_background . | grep -v /workflow/ That should filter out the library itself. Hopefully, @vitor will show up with some of his CLI wizardry to expand that to return the folders the library wants installing in
  17. Released v1.25 with an extremely important bugfix for Sierra. Please see the notice at the top of the OP for details. I've also added a new feature: session IDs and session-scoped caching. A session ID is valid as long as the user is using your workflow. If they switch to a different workflow or close Alfred, the session ID is reset. The Workflow3.cache_data() and Workflow3.cached_data() have a new session argument. If session is set to True, the cache will magically [1] expire when the user stops using your workflow or Alfred. It's awesome for data like a list of tabs/windows for Application X. They're slow to fetch, but you don't know how long you can cache them for, as they're liable to change shortly after your workflow runs (or as a direct result thereof). It's currently not very magical at all. It works by prefixing the cache filename with the session ID, so it fills your cache with lots of files. There is a Workflow3.clear_session_cache() method, but that's currently very dumb and deletes all session-scoped data. I'll add some smarter cleanup code once I figure out where the best place to put it is (hopefully, so you won't have to run it manually).
  18. Updated today. Hopefully, the occasional hanging should be fixed. It also now conceals copied passwords from clipboard history managers by default.
  19. Updated today to stop the hanging background processes.
  20. What are you building? Also, you can get away with creating your own JSON/XML in AppleScript easily enough as long as your variables are simple.
  21. Be sure to post the workflow when you're done. Sounds super useful.
  22. Alfred's Reveal File action can't do this, it appears. You'll have to use AppleScript. Finder's reveal command works correctly with multiple files (i.e. tell application "Finder" to reveal severalFiles).
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