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    cands reacted to Andrew in Fuzzy matching partly broken in Yosemite? [Fixed 2.7.2 b406]   
    Ah thanks for spotting this - It used to work (with e.g. Open With) but looks like Yosemite doesn't include certain file metadata Alfred used for this anymore. I'm going to move this into bug reports and see what I can do...
  2. Like
    cands reacted to rice.shawn in Google Translate (Languages Configurable)   
    Note: the original version of this workflow utilized an unofficial API that Google Translate exposed. Unfortunately, the Google has shut down the API. There is an alternative workflow that uses the official (paid) Google Translate API that you can find here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/translate-api. It's actually pretty cheap. 
    Here's a little ditty that interfaces with Google Translate. The upside of this one is that it gives you access to all of Google Translate's languages (or at least about 80 of them). You can enable/disable languages from inside the workflow.
    Find it on Packal.

    Current Languages:
    Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian Azerbaljani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Brazilian Portuguese Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Hatian Creole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Khmer Korean Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malay Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Nepali Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukranian Urdu Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish Yoruba Zulu
  3. Like
    cands reacted to hujhax in text-processing hotkeys   
    Hi all!  I made a workflow for making changes in place to the selected text, via hotkeys.
    I demo the main behaviors in a screencast here.
    You can download this version of the workflow from dropbox here.  (I'll get its github repository up to date shortly.)
    It requires python, but it's just using fairly standard modules: argparse, re, os, functools, and subprocess.
    Thanks for your help, everybody!
  4. Like
    cands reacted to tschoof in URL, Page Title and Selected Text Copy and Paste   
    The workflow takes the url of the active safari tab, and copies it to the clipboard.
    If you want it also throws the the page title in there. 
    If you have selected some text, it tries to recognize that and takes that instead of the page title. 
    It also can directly paste that whole string.
    That's it. Tremendously helpful for IM conversations or as a starting point for a Tweet.
    I have bound it like this
    CMD Option U to copy URL CMD Option Shift U to paste URL CMD Option K to copy Page Title and URL CMD Option Shift K to paste Page Title/Selected Text and URL  
    Originally created by Michael Matochkin, I adapted the workflow over time and now publish it here. Original credits in the readme: Based on Alfred extensions by Luca Soldaini (original applescript by Dr. Drang) and Zibity
    I've used an icon from the Stylistica Icon Set
    That should cover it. And of course: here is the UPDATED workflow download link (see my latest comment for more info)
  5. Like
    cands reacted to wookayin in LaTeX Symbols Workflow   
    Recently I've written a new workflow named 'LaTeX Symbols' !
    It will help you looking for LaTeX symbol commands with ease.
    It is quite similar to Detexify (http://detexify.kirelabs.org/symbols.html),
    and the list of symbols are borrowed from @kirel's detexify.

    You can download the workflow at https://github.com/wookayin/alfred-latex-symbols-workflow/releases or (Direct Download, v0.2)
    or, browse the github repository: https://github.com/wookayin/alfred-latex-symbols-workflow
    Please let me know if there is any bug or suggestions for improvement. You'll need a ruby installation.
  6. Like
    cands reacted to ClintonStrong in Search Safari and Chrome Tabs [Updated Feb 8, 2014]   
    Search your tabs in Safari, Chrome, Chromium, Chrome Canary, and Webkit.

    When you action a result, it'll bring your browser to the front and switch to the selected tab. You can also close a tab by holding down alt when actioning a result.

    Download from Packal
    Updated Feb 8, 2014: Made it more resilient to an AppleScript error that could cause a blank output.
    Update #2, Feb 1, 2014: Fixed regression with searching. You should be able to search anchored by words (and capital letters in CamelCase words) again.
    Updated Feb 1, 2014: Rewrote the workflow. It now supports copying the URL of a tab, viewing a tab in QuickLook, and closing a tab with a modifier key.
    Updated Oct 11, 2013: Fixed issue with improper string encoding in Mavericks and Ruby 2.0 breaking the workflow.
    Updated Oct 9, 2013: Updated for Mavericks and Ruby 2.0.0. Removed thumbnails for now (beta versions of Safari don't seem to generate them anymore). Fixed some issues where the proper window wouldn't always focus correctly.
    Updated May 4, 2013: Experimental support for webpage thumbnails. Prevent launching browsers when WebKit is open.

    Updated Mar 26, 2013: (Hopefully) prevent launching browsers when it's not supposed to, and fix an issue with it not detecting WebKit.
  7. Like
    cands reacted to senornestor in Terminal Commands   
    Search OS X Terminal commands from Alfred 2
    On Github: https://github.com/gnestor/alfred-terminal-commands
    On Packal.org: http://www.packal.org/workflow/terminal-commands
  8. Like
    cands reacted to rice.shawn in PowerPoint Remote   
    Here's a simple workflow that lets you use Alfred Remote (https://itunes.apple.com/app/alfred-remote/id927944141) to control your powerpoint presentations.
    Find it on Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/powerpoint-remote.
    Note: you need Alfred 2.6 to use this workflow. If you install this workflow on a version previous to v2.6, then you'll need to reinstall it after you install 2.6 in order to have the remote page available.
    The icons are a bit awkward, but here's a screenshot of the remote page.

  9. Like
    cands reacted to franzheidl in Copy Paths to Clipboard (POSIX, HFS, '~/', quoted, etc)   
    Just added an option to copy the path(s) of the current document(s) or Finder item(s) as a properly encoded file url.

    Also changed the hfs option to use '-hfs' (incl. the leading hyphen), and updated the icons.
    GitHub: https://github.com/franzheidl/copy-paths-to-clipboard
    Download: http://cl.ly/YX1Q
  10. Like
    cands reacted to cortig in Outlook for Mac workflow   
    Hi All,
    I created three simple workflows to search for either Messages, Contacts or Events in Outlook for Mac.
    The workflows are for Outlook 2011. They assume your identity is named Main Identity (I purposefully wanted to avoid searching backed-up identities, but the search scope can easily be edited).   The workflows are available here. (zipped archive)               Corentin    
  11. Like
    cands reacted to ctwise in Menu Search   
    The previously released menu search workflow has been universally panned due to the poor performance of the AppleScript that dumps menu contents. The caching of results worked very poorly as a stop-gap. So, I've re-written the menu extraction in Objective-C. It's much faster. The source is here: https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows
    You can download the workflow directly from http://tedwi.se/u/db
    To recap, this workflow lets you trigger an application's menu's from Alfred. For example, if you're in iTerm and trigger Alfred, you can type 'm view' to get a list of all menu items with 'view' in the name or that belong to the 'view' menu. Selecting one of the entries triggers the corresponding menu entry in iTerm. In one sense it gives you a command-line to control your applications.
    The workflow has the beginnings of shortcut key display as well but it's currently disabled due to numerous bugs.
    v1.3 - Provide error message when assistive devices isn't checked.
    v1.2 - Skip the Safari History and Bookmarks menus. They take too long.
    v1.1 - I fixed the bug with Alfred not remembering selections and added AlleyOop support. Download from the same link.
    Requires OS/X 10.7+.
    You need to turn on OS/X assistive device support to allow this workflow to operate. You can find the checkbox in Settings. The settings page looks very different in recent versions of OS/X but the wording for providing access for assistive devices is very similar no matter what OS/X version you're using. Here's an image of the settings from the latest version of Mountain Lion.

  12. Like
    cands reacted to Matthew Lancellotti in Regex - Run and save regular expressions!   
    Version 1.5.0 is here.  Here are the improvements:
    A checkmark appears on the icon when your regex is valid (correct syntax). Regex will not execute invalid regexs. It is…awesome.
    You have full control to do custom regexing by opening the file at ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.verykiwi.com/RegexSequences.pl. Your custom regexs remain even when updating Regex.
    Quoted regexs (sq) can be saved.
  13. Like
    cands reacted to Matthew Lancellotti in Regex - Run and save regular expressions!   
    Perform a search and replace on copied text, and save regexs for future use.
    Please visit http://code.instructorium.com/regex for more information.  (also on Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/regex )  A summary is below:
    Commands you can use:
    1. Any regular expression (no keyword necessary, Perl-style) "s/this/that/msg" "s@\$(\d+)\.(\d{2})@$1 dollars and $2 cents@g", etc.

    2. Follow your regular expression with " save as " and then a name in order to save it for future use. "s&this&that&xg save as mythisthat", etc.

    3. Use the "regex" keyword followed by the name you saved it under to execute a saved regex. "regex mythisthat", etc.

    As far as I know, it works on all versions of Alfred 2 and all versions of OS X.  Your custom workflows are saved under ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/workflows/com.verykiwi.regex/RegexSequences.pl.  You can delete the com.verykiwi.regex folder after uninstall.  Feel free to contact me if you have any issues.
  14. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in SynAnt — Substitute words by checking against a thesaurus   
    Use the thesaurus service provided by words.bighugelabs.com to get synonyms and antonyms to words.

    To set up, get an API key and set it in the Workflow Environment Variables.

    You can then check for synonyms and antonyms by calling syn or ant followed by a space and the word you wish to check against.

    Alternatively, select a word and press the shortcut you defined to get the results. Pressing ↵ on a word will paste it to the front most app, which is useful when writing a text and want to change a word in place.

    If you want to use one of the results to refine your query, press ⌘↵ (synonyms for the word) or ⌥↵ (antonyms for the word).
    Download | Source
  15. Like
    cands reacted to Carlos-Sz in Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 (Alfred 4)   
    Please, try this version.
    Make sure you’re using Alfred 2.5 or later.
    Sure, as soon as I have a new major and final version I’ll also update it there.
    The latest version, with Yosemite initial support, is 8.9. You can download it here.
  16. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in Move to...   
    This is a safety feature of the underlying AppleScript which is doing the file move in Finder. I accept that this (and no notifications) isn't ideal and a complete overhaul of the file interactions is planned for a future version of Alfred.
  17. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in File System Navigation and Text Matching   
    This is now available in Alfred 2.4 b274 available as a beta build: http://blog.alfredapp.com/2014/07/25/alfred-v2-4-yosemite-fixes-and-many-improvements/
  18. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in File System Navigation and Text Matching   
    This option will be in the next release, enabled by default...

  19. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in File System Navigation and Text Matching   
    Hey there, just to chime in... I'm aware that this is useful and have added a ticket into my tracker so you can expect some improvements in a future release
  20. Like
    cands reacted to _mk_ in OmniFocus Task Actions [Updated to 3.1]   
    OmniFocus Task Actions Alfred 2 Workflow
    Master your OmniFocus tasks from Alfred

    Use Alfred to:
    Search for tasks Search for folders Search for projects Search for contexts Search for perspectives View tasks of a folder View tasks of a project View tasks of a context View tasks of a perspective View Inbox tasks View tasks completed today Act on your tasks:Check/Uncheck Flag/Un-flag Change Project Change context Defer start/due date Append a note Open in OmniFocus Installation
    Download and import into Alfred 2.
    .of - Show list of available commands  
    Manage your folders
    .offf [part of folder name] - Search for folders ENTER - Show available tasks of selected folder CMD+ENTER - Focus folder in OmniFocus .oftf [folder name] - Show available tasks of folder ENTER - Show task details CMD+ENTER - Focus task in OmniFocus  
    Manage your projects
    .offp [part of project name] - Search for projects ENTER - Show available tasks of selected project CMD+ENTER - Focus project in OmniFocus .oftp [project name] - Show available tasks of project ENTER - Show task details CMD+ENTER - Focus task in OmniFocus  
    Manage your perspectives
    ​.offv [part of perspective name] - search for perspectives ENTER - Show available tasks of selected perspective CMD+ENTER - Open perspective in OmniFocus .oftv [perpective name] - Show tasks of perspective ENTER - Show task details CMD+ENTER - Focus task in OmniFocus  
    ​Manage your contexts
    .offc [part of context name] - Search for contexts ENTER - Show available tasks of selected context CMD+ENTER - Focus context in OmniFocus .oftc [context name] - Show tasks of context ENTER - Show task details CMD+ENTER - Focus task in OmniFocus  
    ​Manage your tasks
    .offt [part of task name] - Search for tasks ENTER - Show details of selected task .ofti - Show tasks in Inbox ENTER - Show details of selected task .ofdt - Show tasks completed today ENTER - Show details of selected task  
    Act on your tasks

    !oftheme - Switch between dark and light theme  
    ​SHIFT+CTRL+I - Show tasks in Inbox SHIFT+CTRL+D - Show tasks done today SHIFT+CTRL+T - Search for task SHIFT+CTRL+P - Search for project SHIFT+CTRL+C - Search for context SHIFT+CTRL+V - Search for perspective SHIFT+CTRL+F - Search for folder  
    Version 3.1 (2013-12-26)Fixed "Tasks done today" showing wrong tasks new feature "Search tasks" to find tasks by part of their names Version 3.0 (2013-06-06)complete re-write of the workflow to make it easier to maintain and more reliable workflow now uses a single script filter instead of 8 streamlined scripts and removed duplicate code Version 2.4 (2013-04-23)search for folders show tasks in folder use CMD to focus project, context, folder, perspective in OmniFocus instead of showing the tasks bugfixes Version 2.3 (2013-04-20)fix no results when searching for german umlauts (and maybe other accented characters Version 2.21 (2013-04-20)Bugfixes Version 2.2 (2013-04-20)Bugfixes Hotkey support new task actions:add/append note (thanks to uscmeche) change project change context Version 2.1 (2013-04-18)search for perspectives in context, project and perspective search all contexts/projects/perspectives are shown if no search string is entered the flagged status of a task is visible in all task result views the database is queries instead of the project metadata to find projects to improve performance task details link to project and context view task's start and due date can be deferred from task details view Version 2.0 (2013-04-12)show inbox tasks show tasks completed today new task detail view with all task actions unflag and uncheck tasks support for a dark and light icon theme new icons Version 1.3 (2013-04-09)actions are prefixed with a dot to move workflow actions to top of search results in Alfred search for contexts show available tasks of a context project search is now case insensitive new icons for contexts/projects task state icons:transparent: normal task orange: due soon red: overdue bugfix: due dates did not show up correctly if a start date was set for a task Version 1.2.1 (2013-04-07)bugfix: tasks did not open in OF if it was not already visible in the current OF viewtasks open in a new OF window now and focus the containing project Version 1.2 (2013-04-07)search for projects show available tasks of a project Version 1.1 (2013-04-04)show start date, due date and context as task subtext added Alleyoop support Version 1.0 (2013-04-03)initial release Plans
    ignore case when searching for projects search tasks by context search tasks by perspective + context search for contexts search for perspectives open tasks in OF in new window rather than using the foremost one query tasks by perspective from database and not from OF window add tasks to OF (not sure about this one as there are already awesome workflows available ) show inbox tasks
  21. Like
    cands reacted to andrewning in Reference Importer   
    small improvement for pulling out the DOI of a PDF automatically
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