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Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 (Alfred 4)

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Posted (edited)

Alfred 4

Read about this workflow below.


This is an update to address the new Alfred 4 data folder (thanks to xilopaint).

DOWNLOAD Evernote Workflow 9 beta 4 for Alfred 4



Alfred 3 workflow to search and create notes in Evernote.



  • ens to search in every note field
  • ens @ to search in a selected notebook
  • ens # to search notes with a selected tags

You can use ent (search in titles only) or enr (search in reminders) or entodo (search to-do notes) or enrec (search notes updated within a week) or enu (search notes with a source URL) instead of ens.

You can select multiple tags to fine tune your searching. Just add a second hash sign and select or type the tag e.g. ens #tag1 #tag2 :my query

In addition, you can select a single notebook then tags too e.g. ent @notebook #tag1 #tag2 :my query

Note that, if you want to select a notebook and/or tags, the query goes after the colon sign as seen above.


  • Return key to open the note
  • Shift key to preview the note
  • Option key to set a reminder
  • Control key to paste the note text content to the top most application
  • Function key to open the note URL
  • Command key to append text (from clipboard, selected text or typed) or selected file(s) in Finder. After pressing the Command key a new Alfred window will be shown so you will be able to select the text source and the action:
    • Return key will append without date
    • Option key with append with current date

Hint: You can also use the Command key to only add tags to a note. To do so, type or select a tag and don't type anything after the colon then select the source "Type a Note" e.g. enn #tag :

Note that Alfred Fallback Search is also supported (you have to add it in Alfred 2 Preferences>Features>Default Results, then click Setup fallback results button).


Keyword enn


You can optionally type the note title or, for a more complex creation, follow the syntax below:

@Notebook #tag1 #tag2 !reminder :Title

  • @notebook: after typing @ a list of notebooks will be displayed then select one or type it; the default will be used if omitted
  • #tags: after typing # a list of tags will be displayed then select one or type a new one (multiple tags are supported, type each one after a hash sign)
  • !reminder: after typing an exclamation point a list of reminder suggestions will be displayed then select one or type a custom reminder such as in 4 days or 05/01/2014 or 05/01/2014 at 2:00
  • Title: at the end, after a colon (or the second colon if you are adding time in your reminder)

Note that items of the syntax are optional, however the syntax has to end with a colon, with or without typing the note title e.g. #tag1 :

Note Content Source

  • From clipboard
  • From selected text
  • Typed directly in Alfred
  • From Safari or Google Chrome URL
  • From message(s) selected in Mail app
  • From file(s) selected in Finder app: you can create one note with files or one note for each selected files. Alfred File Browser also supported.

Type a Note also supports multiple lines and, in this case, the first line will be the title of the note e.g. enn Line 1 /n Line 2 /n Line 3


  • Return key: create a note
  • Control Key: create a note and open it
  • Command key: append text or file to a note
  • Option key: append text to a note with current date

How to Append

  • Highlight one of the note content source e.g. From Clipboard
  • Optionally type tags and a reminder e.g. #tag1 #tag2 !tomorrow
  • hold command key and hit return key
  • select a note from the list (search by title only) and hit return key


  • Message subject as the note title
  • Message received date as the note creation date
  • Message Link as the note source URL
  • A short header (e.g. sender)
  • A plain text version of the email content


Note Templates


Read about templates here.



Bring Alfred and type the keyword enpref:

  • Search wildcard: you can set the workflow to automatically use the Evernote search wildcard (*) or you can set the workflow to use only if it is typed (the Manual setting may by faster in a huge note collection).


Download Evernote 9 beta 3

  • Release date: 99 Jun 2019
  • Made in OS X 10.13.5
  • Requires Evernote 7.2 from evernote.com
  • Requires Alfred 3
  • Download now


Download Evernote 9 beta 2


For Alfred 2


  • Version 8.992
  • Release date: 20 Feb 2015
  • Made in OS X 10.10.2
  • Requires Evernote 6.06 from evernote.com
  • Requires Alfred 2.6 or later
  • Download now


What's new?

  • 9 beta 3: minor code optimizations and updated workflow preferences (enpref keyword)
  • 9 beta 2: bugs fixed and Evernote API updated
  • 9 beta 1: Alfred 3 support
  • 8.991: Evernote 6.06 initial support
  • 8.9: Yosemite beta and note templates support
  • 8.7: interface bugs fixed
  • 8.6: enn issue fixed
  • Improved reminder time support e.g. Tomorrow at 2:00
  • Added support for tags that start with a hash sign e.g. #Home
  • Added support for tags that start with an at sign e.g. @Work
  • Added support for notebooks that start with an at sign e.g. @Notes
  • Workflow should be faster in most of cases
  • When appending from a search result now you can hold Option key to include current date
  • Type a Note supports multiple lines (first line will be the title) e.g. enn Line 1 /n Line 2
  • New Keyword enl and its hotkey to load the last search query
  • Added support for some of Alfred 2.3 new features

Workflow version history here.

Edited by Vero
Cheeky edit to make the download link for the most current version more obvious at the top of the post

I don't get any results other than the message "Evernote searching" ??


Edit: It started working. Does this workflow searches Evernote in background or does it rely on spotlight's metadata?


Is there a way to include a search for Evernote note titles only in the global search?


I don't get any results other than the message "Evernote searching" ??


Edit: It started working. Does this workflow searches Evernote in background or does it rely on spotlight's metadata?


Is there a way to include a search for Evernote note titles only in the global search?


You can search only in titles using intitle:


So if you are searching for notes that have the word “movie” just type intitle:movie


More hints here: http://dev.evernote.com/documentation/cloud/chapters/search_grammar.php


In addition, remember that Evernote does not search for half words. Use asterisk if you want to type only part of a word e.g. mov*

Posted (edited)

Any way to make a slight tweak so it opens in main evernote window (as opposed to a separate popup with the entry)?-- Thanks!- this works great.

Edited by pdadoc

Are there any other workflow other than this one? I am not really sure what happens in the background but when I search for something, I have to wait a few seconds for results to come back whereas if I use spotlight search, Evernote results are instant. 


Are there any other workflow other than this one? I am not really sure what happens in the background but when I search for something, I have to wait a few seconds for results to come back whereas if I use spotlight search, Evernote results are instant. 




Any way to make a slight tweak so it opens in main evernote window (as opposed to a separate popup with the entry)?-- Thanks!- this works great.


Evernote for Apple Script does not have a direct way to do that (as far as I can see). Anyway, I’ll try to find a workaround… Remember that you can see results in Evernote using the fallback search (see initial post).


Are there any other workflow other than this one? I am not really sure what happens in the background but when I search for something, I have to wait a few seconds for results to come back whereas if I use spotlight search, Evernote results are instant. 



How many notes do you have? It’s fast here but I have about 100 notes.


I’ll see what I can do to tweak the workflow making it faster.


Florian has an Evernote workflow with a different (faster) searching approach though I’m not sure it searches for content.


Works very well, but as mentioned it sometimes hangs a few seconds.
I'd add that Spolight allows to preview the results as well, while I can't do that from alfred if use the previewer (shift).


Thanks much for your work anyway.



Works very well, but as mentioned it sometimes hangs a few seconds.

I'd add that Spolight allows to preview the results as well, while I can't do that from alfred if use the previewer (shift).


Thanks much for your work anyway.




Can you please test search with this new version (beta)? Download


Regarding Spotlight and preview. This workflow is using Evernote Script Dictionary instead of reading files directly. Right now the Evernote script does not give the path to the note (or to its image preview), only a reference to the note. Though Evernote scripting does this its quick look is not prepared for that, at least not yet. Anyway, I’ll try to find a way to make things easier just in case the title is not enough.

Posted (edited)

Can you please test search with this new version (beta)? Download


Regarding Spotlight and preview. This workflow is using Evernote Script Dictionary instead of reading files directly. Right now the Evernote script does not give the path to the note (or to its image preview), only a reference to the note. Though Evernote scripting does this its quick look is not prepared for that, at least not yet. Anyway, I’ll try to find a way to make things easier just in case the title is not enough.


First of all thanks for your great work and sharing it.  :)

Is this right, Evernote has to run/be open all the time. It's not like search via spotlight?

Edited by DJay

Can you please test search with this new version (beta)? Download


I did, and I didn't notice much change comparted to the previous version.

I still can't preview the note like in spotlight, and it still hangs a few seconds, sometimes showing an set of note before switching to another.

I think it doesn't correctly recognize text with special accents like "maïs" (corn in French).


@ all


RIght now Evernote does not give too much commands to talk directly to it (in order to make scripts).


The intention here is to make use of those commands.


So this workflow may work for some users as it is (Evernote running, no preview…) though improvements may come of course.


However, if you need spotlight approach there is a great workflow made by Florian. Check it here.

Posted (edited)

I have about 2 thousands notes. I tried this workflow and so far it works faster - http://florianpellet.com/alfred/


I still have about 100 notes. Most of them vey short.


Can you please make an intitle search in my workflow? Open Alfred window and type en intitle:your query


Replace your query for something else of course. :)


I’m saying that because my workflow is also searching notes content.


@ All


I have played around with Evernote and spotlight. Though I see it can be useful for some users the Evernote preview is very limited. It is just a screenshot of part of the note. For me it is barely usable. If I search for content the tiny screenshot can’t show anything that helps identify the note.


But as soon as Evernote provides a command to handle preview I’ll surely add the feature.


In the meantime, the workflow now always displays a first item that will show the results in Evernote just in case the note title isn’t enough:




Download the new version here.

Edited by Carlos-Sz

Perfect work, one simple question: 


What is the text initiation for the functions? 

I will shortcut "New Evernote from clipboard" and text selection. 


Best regards


Good addition.

Thank you for work on this extension.


Thank you for your feedback.


Works great. I have 1000+ notes and it's really speedy.


Great to hear. Search for content can slow down things a bit.


Perfect work, one simple question: 


What is the text initiation for the functions? 

I will shortcut "New Evernote from clipboard" and text selection. 


Best regards


I started the code to create a new note in Evernote:



  1. New Note from Clipboard: selecting this will create a text note in Evernote with the Clipboard content (you can optionally type the note title)
  2. New Note from Text Selection: for example, you select a text in iWork that you want to add to Evernote. After selecting it, bring Alfred, type evnew keyword and select New Note from Text Selection (you can optionally type the note title). A new note will be created with the text selection.
  3. Type the Note: if you have a piece of information that you want to quickly save in Evernote just type something and click Type the Note item and a new note will be created in Evernote.

In addition, if the top most app is Safari, Chrome or FireFox the URL will be also saved in the note.


I’m still testing these features that’s why I didn’t talk about them yet.


Sry, i think it was a misunderstanding: 


I mean, i will set a Hotkey for "New Note from Clipboard" and "New Note from Text Selection. 


<< seriously, i cant set pictures here >>


If i set it to none, only the Alfred prompt comes out. In other workflows i can set the Argument to Text and the indicator for the options. 

Is this also possible in your Workflow?


Best regards and thx


Sry, i think it was a misunderstanding: 


I mean, i will set a Hotkey for "New Note from Clipboard" and "New Note from Text Selection. 


<< seriously, i cant set pictures here >>


If i set it to none, only the Alfred prompt comes out. In other workflows i can set the Argument to Text and the indicator for the options. 

Is this also possible in your Workflow?


Best regards and thx


Got it. :)


I’ll fix it as soon as possible.

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