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Everything posted by ctwise

  1. I like the terminal support in Alfred (prefacing commands with '>') but it always opens a new terminal window. I would prefer that the commands execute in the current terminal window. Luckily there's a new 'Custom' option for handling terminal commands. The following was taken almost verbatim from the iTerm site (http://code.google.com/p/iterm2/wiki/AppleScript) and will execute terminal commands in the active iTerm2 shell. It will launch iTerm2 if it isn't currently running. on alfred_script(q) tell application "iTerm" activate try -- We don't need error messages set miniaturized of windows to false end try try set _session to current session of current terminal on error set _term to (make new terminal) tell _term launch session "Default" set _session to current session end tell end try tell _session write text q end tell end tell tell application "System Events" set visible of process "iTerm" to true end tell end alfred_script
  2. Hosted database was dead. It's working again now.
  3. Simple workflow that shows Time Machine status and lets you start and stop a backup. Download from here - http://tedwi.se/u/dc
  4. I've been looking into Objective-C through the Scripting Bridge to pull down menus, both for speed and the possibility of getting shortcut keys as well to display. But my lack of knowledge of Objective-C and Cocoa are greatly hampering my efforts.
  5. I'm still having issues kicking off a background update that doesn't cause Alfred to hang waiting on the initial script. I've temporarily commented out the line that does the background update. In the meantime, my use of it caused me to change how the workflow searches for menu items. Instead of searching just the menu item name, it searches the whole path, e.g., 'm insert', 'm break' and 'm section' will all find 'Insert > Break > Section Break (Next Page)'. It uses case-insensitive grep, so you can do things like '^insert' to find everything belonging to the Insert top-level menu. Re-download the workflow to get the latest.
  6. Ruby. I'm no guru but I use it to hack together support scripts during development, e.g., data transformation, etc. The new workflow version is here - http://tedwi.se/u/db I added caching but, given the circumstances, it's very coarse. If we've never seen the app before we dump the menu contents into a file in /tmp/. Subsequent invocations, if we find the menu contents in /tmp/, we use them but kick off a background process to regenerate them. That way, we get immediate response but, by the time we get to the end of what we're typing it's current to the given app. It's pretty wasteful, but, oh well. Seriously, this was a flat-out fantastic idea.
  7. Alfred waits for a script to finish before re-running it with further input. This works as designed. But it appears to also wait for child processes. If my script spawns a background process and returns Alfred waits for the background process to complete.
  8. It's early days yet. I expect a lot more script support will come out in the 2.x series. But everything's getting locked down for 2.0. A bunch of people (myself included) have asked for timeouts, so script execution only happens when a key hasn't been pressed for x ms. An instance id would also be very useful, you should make that request in the request forum.
  9. That is awesome. I created a variant that: 1. Displays the menu path as the subtitle, e.g., Apple > Recent Items or Project > Recent Projects. 2. Displays the icon of the application next to the application's menu items but displays an OS/X icon next to the Apple menu items. But, as discussed, this is slow for applications with many menu items so I won't be publishing the variant until I add menu caching.
  10. I can't recreate that error, even with an empty database. But, I threw in an error check anyway which hopefully will head it off. Just re-download it.
  11. Alright. :-) Even though I can't stand PHP it has built-in support for sqlite3, so you can download the updated workflow from the same place - http://tedwi.se/u/d9 - It uses a tiny PHP script to pull the Alfred items from the database.
  12. Could it be possible to just add the capability to disable hotkeys instead? So instead of blanking them on import, just disable them. Then the user can decide to enable them or change them at their discretion. Otherwise the user has to go through the readme or other documentation to figure out what the workflow writer thought would work best.
  13. You need to have the command-line tools installed to build gems with native extensions (that's the compiler toolchain, headers, etc.). It's available in Xcode which is free on the App Store but is an enormous download. If you go that route, after you install it, go to Preferences -> Downloads and install the Command Line Tools from inside Xcode. You can also go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads and download the Command Line Tools .dmg and install from there - it's much smaller and doesn't install Xcode. You have to register at developer.apple.com to download anything but it's free.
  14. Here's a workflow that is based on David Ferguson's and Clint Strong's that merges the OS/X recent documents and Alfred recent documents into one list - http://tedwi.se/u/d9 It uses Ruby, you MUST install the Ruby sqlite3 gem before it will work: sudo gem install sqlite3
  15. I do Java development and my IDE eats up almost all of the possible key chords. That leaves me with control-option-command+<letter>. So, control-option-command-m is Mail, etc. I thought it would be too many keys but it actually works very well.
  16. Very cool. I adapted yours, added network name and support for multiple networks. Also threw in a MAC address keyword. Thanks! http://tedwi.se/u/d8
  17. AlfPT (alfredrepo.tom-hunt.co.uk) is attempting to fill that slot. It's a little rough around the edges right now though.
  18. zsh is part of the base os/x install. Here's the list of all of the built-in shells: /bin/bash, /bin/csh, /bin/ksh, /bin/sh, /bin/tcsh, /bin/zsh. The list of all "known" shells is in /etc/shells. It would be awesome if any one of them could be used in place of bash.
  19. I'm proposing this suggestion so that it strengthens the functionality exposed to user workflows, and - potentially - allow users to modify how "built-in" features work. Items like Calculator, System, Terminal and Dictionary should definitely be convert-able to workflows with the addition of preference pane support and conditional branches.
  20. It would be nice if workflows could have preference panes and define preference items, e.g., "Standard <checkbox>", "Input <drop-down list>", etc.
  21. Simple workflow to display the top 10 cpu-using processes. It can be downloaded from here http://tedwi.se/u/d6 or from AlfPT. It assumes that the 'kill' workflow (http://tedwi.se/u/cx or AlfPT) is also installed to provide process killing capabilities.
  22. Very nice. I like the multi-layer actioning approach but it doesn't work well when some of the commands take options or keywords. Nevertheless, I really liked the OS-specific icons and stole them for the latest version of the VMWare Fusion controller. Thanks for the great work!
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