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Everything posted by giovanni

  1. A customizable dashboard for your GitHub repositories for Alfred 5. More info here 📖 Download here ⬇️ Feedback welcome! 👋
  2. if by 'interacting' you mean scrolling down with spacebar/keys, it seems to work fine for me
  3. also, is it possible to call user configuration variables as snippet keywords? it does not seem to work for me.
  4. It seems that variable names are case-sensitive in User Configuration... ... but turn to case insensitive (and therefore not matching) in Keyword objects?
  5. three things: 1. get the json output from the requests call: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json() 2. call the links part of the requests object for item in response['links']: 3. "items": alfred_results should be "items": alfred_items
  6. I am assuming you tried item[id]? Are you sure you get an output from the server? If you provide the actual script (with the API key) I can help troubleshoot. Also, you probably don't need to assign uid for this particular application.
  7. still working for me too, but I am not on Ventura yet... I agree it would be great to have a system without pre-defined locations. I realized I have this info in my Almanac and I made it more evident in version 1.4 (press option to show date/time and timezone). One could envision a separate workflow, still relying on wttr.in but for timezones only.
  8. the advantage of a snippet is that you don't need to launch Alfred... others might know a better system, but if you don't want to use a general keyword for a list filter, you will need one keyword per letter, like this. The symbol is currently saved in the clipboard, you can mark it as transient if you like.
  9. welcome @mebbert! I have the same need and I use snippets for that, I shared here a couple (β is triggered with ;;b etc), you might use them as templates for others. Another option is to create a list filter as in the thread you linked to. We can help create that as well if you like.
  10. welcome @bjornelvar! assuming that you want to open the site upon actioning the result (ie pressing enter), you can pass the URL as an argument (basically replacing "url" with "arg" in your script below), and then connecting the script filter to a 'Open URL' object. This should also work as Quick Look url (tapping shift or ⌘Y, to see a preview without actioning).
  11. A first release is here. As I mentioned, not thoroughly tested (especially importing from URL), feedback welcome. Note: it might need a reload after installation (bug documented here). As the developer pointed out, it is tedious to work on a Workflow that changes its own plist file!
  12. not always. For example for Wikipedia actioning a result from this search below will go to the target page
  13. Searchio! also did that. I have a Python3 version if you are interested in trying it, but it is not thoroughly tested so we might need to troubleshoot
  14. Sorry @xilopaint I was out. I just tried again both versions 4.1 and 4.2 and I am able to encrypt and decrypt PDF files on my M1 MacBook Pro. Let me know if you need me to test anything else.
  15. did you install python with brew? A quick search leads to this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44649449/brew-installation-of-python-3-6-1-ssl-certificate-verify-failed-certificate/44649450#44649450 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50236117/scraping-ssl-certificate-verify-failed-error-for-http-en-wikipedia-org
  16. sorry I can't think of anything else to try. I installed it fresh onto another computer and it works for me. If you want to post the alfred-convert-GC.log file somewhere, I am happy to review it.
  17. could you try to delete both folders? The one in Application Support and the one in Caches, then rerun your query?
  18. it has both fiat and crypto? are both EUR and USD listed?
  19. I see, and may I ask you to also check the active_currencies.txt file in the /Users/sandro/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/alfred-convert-GC/ folder? Does it have a list of fiat and crypto currencies?
  20. what is your update interval? perhaps you can force refresh by deleting the exchange_rates.pickle file? It should be in the /Users/sandro/Library/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/alfred-convert-GC/ folder
  21. are you sure it's completely blank (no spaces)?
  22. can you try without the key (ie leaving the key blank)? I think most conversions now work without it.
  23. Hi @Aslan can you check the debugger output?
  24. here you go @Sicorace put the complete path to your coupon file in the myCouponFile Environment Variable, then use either by entering the .coupon keyword in Alfred, or automatically by typing .coupon in your document. I hope this helps!
  25. how is your list stored? a text file with one coupon code per line?
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