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Everything posted by giovanni

  1. hi @lostintime welcome to the Forum! You can try the following: in 'Web Search" create a new Custom search and set it up with your parameters (see below).
  2. @vitorgoing back to this discussion, I tried to bundle everything in the lib folder with pip3 install -r requirements.txt --target=lib (which has worked for me so far), but couldn't get it to work for this particular package, with many dependancies (one of the errors was /lib/PIL/_imaging.cpython-38-darwin.so' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy) So, as a compromise, I require to user to have pip3 installed and then I make Alfred install the libraries with pip3 install -r requirements.txt --target=lib I also added your OneUpdater (thank you!) so I can fix if I find a better solution at some point. Thanks again for your input!
  3. A workflow to interact with your Audible library and wishlist, and to query the Audible catalog. Based on the unofficial Audible API by @mkb79 You will need pip3 installed on your computer (until I figure out how to completely bundle all the libraries). Feedback welcome! https://github.com/giovannicoppola/alfred-audible
  4. regarding the link part, you might want to review this script by @deanishe to copy the file name (assuming you want to do this one file at a time) you could use tell application "Finder" to set file_name to name of item 1 of (get selection)
  5. @Chris Messina you might want to try this I just posted, which shows conflicting hotkeys and shows a different icon (🟠) if a hotkey is only shared with a disabled workflow. Feedback appreciated!
  6. A workflow to quickly access and manage other workflows' info and folders. Derived from `alfred-extension`, an Alfred2 extension created by @jmjeong. Main changes: dropped `open in iTerm2`, `export`, and `disable` actions, added access to workflow info, folder, and cache, config, detection of hotkey conflicts. Workflows' info now stored in a `sqlite` database for faster access. As usual, feedback welcome! https://github.com/giovannicoppola/alfred-weworkflow
  7. hi @Abd Ur Rehman this workflow, and a similar one (case converter) have been migrated to Python 3. If you don't have Python 3, just launching these workflows should prompt you to install Developer Tools, which include Python 3. I hope this helps.
  8. I have been using this procedure recommended by @deanishe to symlink my workflows to local clones of my github repos. I simplified and converted to Python 3 his (classic!) workflow-install.py script. I posted it here in case it is helpful to others. Main changes: dropped 1) support for Alfred 3, 2) for config from JSON file, 3) user-defined workflow directory, 4) fancy logging Like for the previous version, you need to either install docopt, or have the docopt.py file in the same directory. If you use it and find something out of order, let me know!
  9. thanks for explaining, I am not a programmer and I had never sent a pull request before, so I am still learning.
  10. Hi @xilopaint I usually do that so that I have both versions installed and I can compare them while migrating. I left a different bundle ID as I wasn't sure about best practices, since there are others who are still using the previous version with Python 2, also whether the original author agreed with the changes etc. happy to change if that is confusing.
  11. oh, you did ask about a specific workflow . Download the file named Switch Audio.alfredworkflow (screenshot below) and double click on it.
  12. they typically come in bundled files with extension .workflow either 1) marked as release or 2) included among the other files, or 3) sometimes missing, so it's variable. If you point us to the repo you are trying to install we can guide you better.
  13. @dtoub this is migrated https://github.com/giovannicoppola/alfred-percent-change
  14. @LKolbasz I converted this to Python 3 and submitted a PR request, cc @vitor https://github.com/giovannicoppola/alfred-percent-change
  15. I converted this to Python 3 and sent a PR request to the author. cc@vitor Let me know if you see anything off! https://github.com/giovannicoppola/alfred-crypto-tracker
  16. thanks @vitor! great idea yes, right now it is all in one script, but later I will split and run directly.
  17. I came back to this request as I am updating this old workflow, and I would really like to be able to open a workflow's configuration from it. I came up with this script below which works, but obviously flickers Alfred for a moment. I just wanted to check with the experts that this is currently a reasonable solution. Thanks! #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import subprocess myString = 'myWorkflow' launchArgs = "tell application id \"com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred\" to search \"?{}\"".format(myString) subprocess.check_call(["osascript", "-e", launchArgs]) launchArgs = "tell application \"System Events\" to key code 36" subprocess.check_call(["osascript", "-e", launchArgs])
  18. have you tried with the Shift key? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/previews/
  19. I updated this to Python3 and created a pull request. cc @vitor
  20. hi @mmm you need to pass the output in the right JSON format, outlined here. Try to add this to your script instead of ```echo $SELECTED_EMOJI;``` cat << EOB {"items": [ { "title": "$SELECTED_EMOJI", "subtitle": "some text here", "arg": "$SELECTED_EMOJI" } ]} EOB also you don't need semicolons at the end of a line
  21. @dfay and @Peekay please find a first attempt here I made a few changes: - fixed some icons with background or stretched - replaced dot icon - renamed dash case to kebab case ⚔️ - exemplified the conversion in the subtitle (e.g. camelCase) - added all caps and all lower caps - changed architecture a bit Let me know if you see anything off or would like to change anything else!
  22. first pull request sent, thanks for the tips! I am still learning about developer etiquette, if there is one 😀. Yes, before I switch to 12.3 I am going through my workflows trying to convert those I will need the most. I will keep you updated! Thanks for all your help @vitor
  23. @edbro could you try this version which is using a different package? I tested this and the main one on 3.9.5 and they both work for me. thanks!
  24. I migrated this to Python3 https://github.com/giovannicoppola/alfred-powerthesaurus @clarencecastillo feel free to use as you like or I can open a pull request? The autoupdate is gone with the Workflow library though. Thanks for creating Power Thesaurus!
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