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[SOLVED] Alfred can't open Alfred preferences


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I used to be able to open Alfred preferences via Alfred. But recently it's stopped working and I can't figure out why. Alfred can see the file, but it doesn't open. If I type "find" before it, it opens up the directory where the preferences file is, but I can't open the preferences from there either. I have to go to the menu bar to open it.  Any ideas?


Screenshot attached. 



alfred screenshot.png

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17 hours ago, cameronreilly said:

Alfred can see the file, but it doesn't open (…) Screenshot attached.


That’s not the correct file. Your screenshot is showing your synced preferences, not the application that calls Alfred Preferences. That one should be in /Applications/Alfred 3.app/Contents/Preferences/Alfred Preferences.app.

Open Alfred and call reload. That might fix it. If it does not, follow the troubleshooting steps.

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16 hours ago, deanishe said:


It's a default shortcut that works with pretty much every application.


Oh yeah I'm very familiar with that, use it a hundred times a day, but didn't realise it would work when the Alfred search bar is up. I guess I should have though. 

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6 hours ago, vitor said:


That’s not the correct file. Your screenshot is showing your synced preferences, not the application that calls Alfred Preferences. That one should be in /Applications/Alfred 3.app/Contents/Preferences/Alfred Preferences.app.

Open Alfred and call reload. That might fix it. If it does not, follow the troubleshooting steps.


Reload fixed it! Thanks! 



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  • vitor changed the title to [SOLVED] Alfred can't open Alfred preferences

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