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Posts posted by Vero

  1. @Star_Tech Welcome to the forum! By default, network volumes are not included in Default Results, but if your network drive is indeed indexed by Spotlight, you can also search it with Alfred. :) 


    You can drag the network volume to your Default Search Scope in Features > Default Results, BUT I would very much recommend using a File Filter workflow to specifically search the network volume instead.


    Here's how you can use a File Filter workflow:



    In your case, you could simply set the scope of your File Filter to the network volume, or you could add folders as the file type to specifically search for folders on the network drive.



  2. @laoreja Welcome to the forum. :)


    • Which web browser are you using? Is the browser quit the first time you try a keyword, but launched the second time? 
    • If you open Console.app, do you see any error messages relating to either Alfred or your web browser's name?
    • Is the issue only with web searches? E.g. If you search for an app on your Mac and press return, does the app launch normally?



  3. @BAE Alfred doesn't arbitrarily change hotkeys, so there's likely something outside of the normal Alfred operation resulting in the changes you're seeing.


    Do you have an unusual setup for syncing your Alfred preferences, your Mac's home folder or anything else that would cause the preferences to be changed unexpectedly?


    Alternatively, do you use any keyboard remappers like Karabiner, Better Touch Tool, etc which could be interfering with the normal hotkeys?



  4. @BAE Welcome to the forum!


    There are two possible places where you can set a hotkey for panels that may look quite similar, which show the Clipboard Viewer and the Snippets Viewer respectively. You can set these under Features > Clipboard and Features > Snippets.


    Cmd + Option + Spacebar isn't a default hotkey, so also please check your workflow hotkeys; You can view the hotkeys you've set in the Workflows tab, by clicking on the cog at the top of the sidebar and choosing Display > Show Hotkeys. You can then scan down your list of workflows for the hotkey combo in question.



  5. Hi @Doug and welcome to the forum. 


    Alfred relies on the metadata index, which is created and maintained by macOS itself. Could you be more specific on what kind of file types are found, then later not found, and at what frequency it occurs? Are the applications moved/relocated, and are any drives on which the apps are stored unplugged?


    Here's the usual Indexing Troubleshooting guide:



    You mentioned you rebuilt the macOS metadata, but could you please do it once more and ensure that you check the "Delete /.Spotlight-V100" box to get the most complete reindex?


    Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 17.19.51.png


    If the issue persists, next time it happens, please install the Alfred Metadata tool and drag an app that isn't found. Copy the results of the metadata tool into your reply here so that I can take a further look.


    The metadata tool can be downloaded here:




  6. @jipnet Take a look at the guide on creating your own File Filter workflow, which walks you through the various steps (setting file types, setting a search scope, etc):



    You can then replace the Terminal object @CJK opted for with something like the "Open File" or "Reveal in Finder" or "Browse in Alfred" object, depending on what you're trying to achieve :) 



  7. @Jordan I see you are using an early version of macOS High Sierra. The crash is actually a lower level crash in the macOS Metadata API in macOS 10.13.1. We raised this bug with Apple and they closed it as fixed in macOS 10.13.2. 


    If you update to the latest macOS (currently 10.13.3), this crash will go away.

  8. @schaefera Can I confirm that you're all sorted now that you've added the Alfred Text Service manually? I've re-tested this on our various OS versions and it's working as expected, so I'm not sure what happened in your scenario, but if you're all set up and able to use snippets now, that's what matters :)



  9. @littleluce @henderea In which context are you referring to this? Using the "snip" keyword in Alfred's main window? In this view, snippets have always reordered by most frequently used.


    If you prefer to see your snippets always in the same order, set a hotkey for the Snippet Viewer (Features > Snippets > Viewer Hotkey) or access them via the Clipboard Viewer hotkey.


    Having said that, I'd recommend setting up snippet auto-expansion if you use these snippets often, then you can expand them by simply typing their keyword, which will be expanded to the full text snippet. Personally, I use these hundreds of times a day for my most-used bits of text, and it's the quickest way to paste in pre-defined text. :) 


    More info on setting up text expansion here:






  10. @bzzzl Welcome to the forum! Removing fallback searches doesn't make Alfred any more minimal, as the fallback searches will only show when no other results are found. Just make sure your Fallback searches are set to only show if no other results are found (which is the default setting) rather than intelligently showing at the bottom of the results list.


    Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 11.32.55.png


    Cmd + Return is simply a way to force using the default fallback search when the query also happens to match a local result.


    This feature won't be changing, so I would encourage you to choose at least one fallback search, allowing you to use Cmd + Return when relevant. :)


    [Moving thread to Discussion & Help]



  11. @vermeer We've tested this on both Sierra and High Sierra, and are unable to replicate this issue. Just to be certain that you're on the latest update, if you go to the General tab, do you see v3.6 on the left just above the big purple bar? This should confirm you're on the latest update :)


    If so, do you have at least one existing snippet collection? The collection should be automatically selected in the dropdown menu when popping up the snippet creation window. If no collection has yet been created, you should see an error message letting you know that the snippet can't be saved until you create a collection.


    Could you try restarting your Mac to see whether this behaviour returns to normal after a fresh start?


    Finally, if the issue persists, please open Console.app and see whether there are any Alfred-related error messages when attempting to save a snippet.



  12. @Peterp @Ghyslain @Xavez The Google team have stated that the File Stream doesn't currently support Spotlight, which means that other apps - like Alfred - that rely on the metadata normally provided by files on your Mac are also unable to present results from File Stream.


    You can find the statement made by the Google team, as well as a link where you can express your interest in indexing being supported, here:



  13. Hi @MattB and welcome to the forum :)


    Take a look at the "Simple To-Do list" workflow, which you'll find under Workflows > Examples (at the bottom of the sidebar), you'll see a workflow that essentially does what you have in mind. In this instance, the log being created is a to-do list, but it can easily be repurposed.


    To try it out, install the workflow, then type "todo" and the task, e.g. buy bananas. Choose which list you want to add it to and it'll be appended to the relevant text file.  Once you've created the lists and added content to them, you can type "vtodo" to view your list.


    Based on this, you can either modify that workflow or create your own using the same principle of List Filters to choose which list to add to, and Arg/Vars to store your query.



  14. 25 minutes ago, jeremycherfas said:

    OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.13.1 (17B1003)


    @jeremycherfas I see you are using an early version of macOS High Sierra. The crash is actually a lower level crash in the macOS Metadata API in macOS 10.13.1. We raised this bug with Apple and they closed it as fixed in macOS 10.13.2. 


    If you update to the latest macOS (currently 10.13.3), this crash should go away :)



  15. 2 minutes ago, hansvveen said:

    I've checked: ~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/ which is where my Evernote 6 data appears to be stored?
    and cannot finbd Evernote data there.


    Just to clarify: This location is only applicable for Evernote 6 downloaded from the Evernote.com website. If you've downloaded Evernote 6 from the App Store, the data is somewhere else, and isn't compatible with the workflow.


    As soon as I hear back from Evernote, we'll let you all know what the status is :) 

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