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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Welcome @mazerunner, You need to convert your object to something JSON will understand, such as a String (text). str(x) should do it, but there are other methods.
  2. Welcome @edelans, In the configuration, you’re setting a default value for the token. That makes it visible to everyone. You’re supposed to leave that part empty (same for the placeholder, or give it an example dummy value). Everyone will then set up their own key when importing the Workflow. In addition, the Label should be filled (something simple, like Authentication Token) as should the general About (it supports Markdown) as that’s the entry point for users.
  3. Are you on an Apple Silicon Mac? Try /opt/homebrew/bin/brew install php.
  4. Searching windows and processes are very different things. Searching for running apps is yet another. What exactly are you looking to do? See Running Apps Filter; Process Control; Wooshy; Window Switcher.
  5. Updated to 2022.1. Rewritten in Swift.Use Alfred 5 User Configuration.Add to File Buffer on pressing ↩.Allow for custom list of paths to ignore.Allow for custom search keyword.
  6. Either keep using and it’ll prompt for an update eventually (every four days there is a check if you run it) or download it directly.
  7. Welcome @nokiafan, I doubt that’s something the Workflow deliberately does. Apple doesn‘t even provide public APIs for the virtual desktops. If you want that behaviour to change you need to ask Apple (via the Feedback Assistant app) for them to change it or provide the APIs for the developers to do it themselves.
  8. Updated to 2022.17, which brings big improvements. Most notably, the terminal login requirement is gone. The given 1Password integration still has restrictions, so a one-time short setup will still be required, all done via the GUI. Specifically, you’ll have to turn on “Biometric Unlock for 1Password CLI” under the Developer tab of the 1Password preferences (despite the name, it’s not just for biometric logins) and install the 1Password CLI as it won’t work bundled due to a 1Password requirement. This may change in the future. This also makes possible a popular feature request: copying username, password, and one-time password directly from the Workflow. You can set the desired modifiers for this in the User Configuration. The default search Keyword is now configurable too. Plus other improvements, such as reliably setting “Update Items” as top result (when applicable) and an updated diagnostics command.
  9. That is answered by the first part of your sentence: The Google Drive Workflow exists, as the per the description: Thus it needs to find files in another way. It works well for its purpose but wouldn’t be viable to index the whole disk and the contents of every file in realtime. In its context that is perfectly fine, since it is indexing cloud files (contents not on disk) in a specific location. For a solution which works with Spotlight (and thus Alfred), the ones to ask are Apple and the DEVONthink developers. I’d ask the latter, specifically, how to get the files you want to be indexable by Spotlight. Figure that out and everything else falls into place.
  10. I’m not familiar with DEVONthink (I know of it but never used it) so my information might be incomplete. Is a DTBASE2 file something easily parseable, even? Is it, e.g. a SQLite database with a different extension? It needs to be something Spotlight can understand for it to be indexed. Apps with atypical formats can provide plugins for Spotlight to understand them. And it needs to be indexed by Spotlight for Alfred to show it in default results. Or you can make a Workflow for it, by understanding and parsing the format. If it’s really just listing a bunch of regular files, you can try to get Spotlight to index those, or use RecentlyAdded or the GoogleDrive Workflow (despite the name, it’s agnostic in what it can index).
  11. @pankajsz Please don’t use unrelated threads for debugging questions. Ask in the Workflow’s forum thread or GitHub repo. The author (and users of the Workflow) is the first one to ask.
  12. It is extremely unlikely that a Workflow would crash Alfred, and Alfred 5 doesn’t break compatibility with previous versions. Look at the Debugger, you’re probably just missing PHP as explained in the requirements.
  13. Yes. Or an inbound configuration. You don’t use the Workflow’s bundle ID, you use the trigger’s ID. A single Workflow can have a myriad of options of being called, just having it’s ID wouldn’t make it clear where the external call should start.
  14. Use an External Trigger in the second Workflow and a Call External Trigger Output on the first.
  15. Welcome @IamQ, Both Convert and Calculate Anything are good picks.
  16. Yes. You don’t even need to download it. Because the Workflow uses a standard Python 3 location for macOS, as soon as you try to run it macOS itself should show you a prompt saying you need the Developer Tools. It takes (literally) two clicks for macOS to do it for you and you’ll be set. It might take a while for the download but there will be a dialog showing the process. Don’t mind the “time remaining” number as it tends to be way larger than reality.
  17. Does “Reset Music Library” not work either? What about opening the Mini Music Player and pressing ⌘R?
  18. Quite right, @Stephen_C. The dialog conditional is a standard macOS dialog and is thus governed by its rules. Even the default option remaining blue is expected; when you tab through them and see the highlight change, you have to press the spacebar to activate it. Having it work this way has a number of advantages, including consistency. It looks and behaves as expected of a standard macOS dialog and is less likely to cause wonky behaviours. The tabbing through fields is one example, but here’s another: the selection isn’t blue, it is whatever colour you set in System Preferences → General → Accent colour (which defaults to Multicolour which itself defaults to blue). Via the Feedback Assistant app you can suggest behaviour improvements to macOS dialogs. Though worth noting: esc should close the dialog regardless of Full Keyboard Access. If it isn’t, you may not have it in focus. If you do, what version of macOS are you on?
  19. Welcome @straycat, ~/Library/Containers will be incorrect. That is too broad, the directory you’re looking for will have to be further down. But I doubt Spotlight (whose index Alfred uses) includes that directory. Be more specific in Alfred’s scope, and you’ll have to first make Spotlight see the folder in question: when you do, it will show up in Alfred too.
  20. When you ask Alfred to open a URL without specifying an app, all it does is tell macOS “hey, open this” and macOS will then find the appropriate app (in the case of HTTP(S) links, the default web browser) and tell that app “hey, open this”. From your description, it sounds like the step is failing after it has left Alfred, so that’s where you have to figure out what is going on and fix it. As a quick test, open a terminal and run open "https://example.com" (or any other URL). You should see the same behaviour you’re experiencing with the Workflow. If it doesn’t, please report back but include the debugger’s output and the Workflow itself (can’t say what may be wrongly setup from just a screenshot; transfer.sh is good temporary storage).
  21. Alfred, by design, needs to be explicitly called. What you can do is have a Workflow which will open/focus the app and run your executable to change the input.
  22. The items displayed are the ones available in your 1Password account. If you scroll down you see more. If you type further, you filter for them. As you action them, the ones you use most will begin to float to the top of the list.
  23. This one required an extra step to override the variable for the destination. I’ll look into making that simpler and more complete later on, but for now this should do what you want and be clear on how to extend for the copy functionality.
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