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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Sounds like a Hotkey conflict. Though likely not of Alfred’s main shortcut. To find Hotkeys in use by Workflows, go to Alfred Preferences → Workflows and click the (…) at the top (to the right of the Filter bar) followed by Show Hotkeys. Alfred’s cheatsheet shows the default shortcuts for features.
  2. Good pivot. Understanding this simpler task will help with building the other one. Though in the future, please always upload your workflow somewhere when asking for help (transfer.sh is good temporary hosting) so we can download and iterate on what you have already built instead of having to recreate it. Here is the functional Workflow, annotated. It uses the Arg and Vars Utility and uses a variable, as linked in the other thread.
  3. @fxf Doesn’t look like you’re using the latest version. I looked at the code at there’s nothing in it that would produce the error. Make sure you get the correct download.
  4. Welcome @Dylzzz, @xilopaint’s PDF Tools Workflow can manipulate PDFs. From the About it doesn’t seem like it does text extraction at the moment, but it should be possible with the library it uses. Take a look at the workflow and consider making a request in its thread.
  5. Welcome @acipa, Verify your Google Drive location. Google has been switching the Drive to other locations for some users, and you may be midprocess. Right now, only 52 paths are found in the one you currently have. If that is indeed the case, please share the new location so it can be helpful for other users. If that does not fix it, open the debugger, set the log output to “All Information”, perform the failing action, and post the output.
  6. The correct location for the link would be /opt/homebrew/bin/php.¹ Looks like Homebrew didn’t do it, but you can fix it with brew link php@7.4. That said, if you’re adding PHP for your own personal use (i.e. if you don’t need version 7.4 specifically for a Workflow), consider brew install php. ¹ For Apple Silicon Macs. For people on Intel Macs, the path is /usr/local/bin/php.
  7. I have linked to the documentation of the exact objects. You can also check the guides and tutorials for creating Workflows and/or check the Getting Started section of the palette (on the right in the Workflow editor) which will guide you through the basics. It’s difficult to be more precise without building it myself, and you mentioned you want to do it. The above are all the resources you need (with some redundancy). We can further help with specific questions you have throughout the process.
  8. Welcome @themadturk, I’m not sure what that means. How does it “return to Spotlight”? Do you perhaps have a hotkey conflict?
  9. Welcome @charly20, See Making Python 2 Workflows work on macOS Monterey 12.3 and above. It has the explanation and solution.
  10. Yes, @dfay made a tool to import from a CSV.
  11. Welcome @Jb_Alfred, Use Automation Tasks (from Files and Folders) to List Folder Contents then Get Path Basename, and connect that to a Join Args Utility.
  12. Why not? The feature is there to be used, it’s a part of Alfred. There’s no solution to that other than changing the habit. The features exist but they won’t do anything unless you use them.
  13. Welcome @keegan, It is possible, but it’s not instant because the query needs to do a roundtrip. Here’s a Workflow for it. The first run will probably be slower than subsequent ones. To add another website, follow the pattern in the Workflow: add another Script Filter and edit the final part of the single line of code to the website you want to search.
  14. Seems like everything there can be remade with Automation Tasks. Specifically: Files and Folders → List Folder ContentsFiles and Folders → Get Path to Frontmost Finder WindowFiles and Folders → Move Path With the Finder (or Copy Path With the Finder)Arguments Processing → Get Leading Arguments You can use the Keyword Input to ask for more information (like the number of paths to move/copy) and Arg and Vars Utility to save information (Using Variables in Workflows).
  15. What is the exact issue? I don’t have Word so I can’t test it. Please follow the guide to an effective bug report so this can be properly looked at.
  16. Both the fix and the alternative Workflow are covered in Making Python 2 Workflows work on macOS Monterey 12.3 and above. For future posts, please use more descriptive names. Generic names make it hard for everyone to find the issue (including you, if you need it in the future).
  17. fn is a modifier for the function keys, I don’t think it’s supposed to work with other random keys. Automation Tasks work with other objects. Use the Dispatch Key Combo and the Automation Task to move to another screen. You’ll probably need a delay to wait for the animation to finish. You’re already familiar with all these objects from this and other posts. I recommend you try things first and ask when you’re stuck. As it stands it’s difficult to know how to answer your question since everything is already in what you quoted.
  18. @aaa When you have an issue with a Workflow, open the debugger, set the log output to “All Information”, perform the failing action, and post the output. Otherwise it’s impossible to know what may be going wrong.
  19. @Shahrukh There are a couple Workflows mentioned in this thread. Which one are you using?
  20. Welcome @Sebastien3020, When you have an issue with a Workflow, open the debugger, set the log output to “All Information”, perform the failing action, and post the output.
  21. Welcome @Matt Baker, Does the one by monda00 work for you? It has an unsigned binary, so you’ll need some short setup for it to run.
  22. It’s the dropdown right at the top. The default value is Argument Required.
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