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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Could you please give another example of your use case? System preferences might be a bad example since the way it works is very specific (very few apps present information like that), and you can already access its “sub options” via Alfred, simply by typing them.
  2. Update. New icon, and some changes to the code for unread bookmarks (if you wanted to add an unread bookmark without any tags or description, you’d still have to use an extra space after the period — this solves that).
  3. Have you installed gpg via homebrew, or a similar tool? It’s an easy to solve, but frustrating problem. Since Alfred does not read your PATH, you need to add something like PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH (or wherever you have gpg installed) to the top of your script, so it can find it.
  4. I don’t dislike the idea, but I’m thinking defining it via Safari (or any browser, for that matter), is a bit much, when we have an alternative already builtin, that works great. I’ve updated it. Selecting a word will now automatically call the “define” keyword in Alfred, with the word as the option.
  5. Completely forgot about that. Yes, it’s a common issue, as Alfred does not read those files. A common solution would be to just add to the top of the script source "${HOME}/.bash_login" or PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" (or whatever you need your PATH to be). That way you can keep the rest of your script pretty much intact, without having to always remember to use the full path of the executables.
  6. I’m not sure what you mean. The goal of the workflow is just to gather if the words exist at all, to allow you to pick triggers that don’t conflict with words that you might use. In what way are you thinking Safari would fit in this?
  7. That’s what I was thinking could be the problem, when asking to see the workflow. If the script itself is working well, making that small adjustment should make the workflow work.
  8. Could you share the workflow, so we can better evaluate what the problem might be?
  9. Like I say it the post, it is technically possible, but not in an “official” manner. You have to send keystrokes to go to, select, and copy on the url bar, or in some cases do it via javascript, and all of these are error prone in one way or another, so I prefer to simply not include it in my workflows.
  10. Usage Search for words starting with a specific combination of letters via the wws keyword. wwa searches for words with the string anywhere and the wwe keyword lists words ending in the pattern. ↩ shows the word’s definition in Alfred. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  11. I was asking because it seems to be working for me, except if I turn that option on (naturally). Try this, then. Instead of read IP NETMASK <<< "{query}" use something like IP=$(cut -d " " -f1 <(echo "{query}")) NETMASK=$(cut -d " " -f2 <(echo "{query}")) Does it work for you?
  12. Did you untick the “Spaces” box on “Escaping”, just above the area where you write your script in Alfred?
  13. If you want to add support for more browsers, you can check the Applescript for them on this post.
  14. You have to specifically tell Alfred to watch for those file types. See this other post for details.
  15. I know, I usually do, but this being a proof of concept, I don’t think it’d be useful to add it there.
  16. I that case, what you want to look at is the arg attribute. The XML is purely to inform the formatting of the output in Alfred, it’s not supposed to actually do anything. What you do is build a script that does something with the arguments you give it, and then on the XML you use the arg attribute to feed it those arguments. Check the posts again, and download the workflow from the first one, as it is simple and uses the arg attribute to pass along arguments. You can also check my PinAdd, WatchList, and LabelColor workflows (links in the signature; “LabelColor” will probably the the easiest one to understand), for some real-world examples.
  17. Check the first and second pinned posts in this forum section. They explain the XML you need to use to format the results. Specifically, you’re looking for “<title></title>” and “<subtitle></subtitle>”.
  18. Have you tried the updated instructions? You should only need to start at step 6, and it’s pretty straightforward, now, just one small addition and one small substitution. That said, f you still find it confusing, please let me know (so I can make the instructions better), and get the version you want (link available for seven days). It’s actually a good thing that you’re redoing it, since WatchList was updated to work a different way, recently, and this way you’ll get the new compatible version.
  19. The code isn’t editor-specific, you can write it wherever you want. As long as you can select it, you can convert it with this.
  20. Seems to be working without a problem. Thank you.
  21. Update. It now uses the frontmost Finder window as the starting point of the command (if none is open, it defaults to your home directory).
  22. Update. Solved issue where commands with multiple flags/options would not work.
  23. Small update. It gets rid of the reference file it creates, after the operation is done.
  24. Well, if it replaced the clipboard after pasting the directory in, then it wouldn’t need to replace it at all, but I agree, it should revert the clipboard to what it was before (similar to what TextExpander does). In the meantime, what you can do to circumvent this is to activate the clipboard history feature (Open Preferences → Features → Clipboard); which means you can at least get back the content you previously copied.
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