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    devalias reacted to Chris Spiegl in Ability to Duplicate Web Searches   
    As I said, it's a workaround since it does not copy everything but misses the icon.
    A clean solution would be a proper implementation without a workaround.
    I understand that it's probably not the highest on the list of development requests. I'm just saying I would prefer a clean interface integration that others can use easily without searching or wasting time researching (or doing it manually).
  2. Like
    devalias reacted to Chris Spiegl in Ability to Duplicate Web Searches   
    Thanks @deanishe, a workaround, but not a solution. I would say that having a right click duplicate would really be a better option.
  3. Like
    devalias reacted to Chris Spiegl in Ability to Duplicate Web Searches   
    I use the web searches a lot and sometimes there are variations of things so I create multiple of similar entries.
    I find myself doing this every so often and it's a bit tedious to manually copy and paste the icon and all the other fields.
    Maybe we could get a "Right Click + Duplicate"?
    That'd be great.
  4. Like
    devalias reacted to Merchako in Ability to duplicate an exiting Web Search entry   
    Since this is a Feature Request channel and not a support channel, I'm going to lean into the Request aspect of the original post. I really like Web Searches. I make a lot of them. I even overload them to give myself variations on a search to choose from. For example, when I search for a place, I can either
    * Search my YouTrack board and have the results appear in a kanban, or
    * Search YouTrack issues and have the results appear as a task list.
    There's a lot that's the same: same keyword, same image, slight alteration of the URL, slight alteration of the Title. It would be great if I could duplicate all of that instead of having to manually recreate it. 
    Possible solutions:
    Right click a Web Search row to Duplicate, or Duplicate Search button next to Add Custom Search.  
    By the way, this would solve another problem, which is that novice users may find it difficult to build customer searches for lack of good examples. If a user could duplicate a built-in web search, they could see how they're built and modify them without breaking the original.
  5. Like
    devalias reacted to pavan309 in Ability to duplicate an exiting Web Search entry   
    Hi Vero,
    It would be helpful if we can get an easier option to duplicate an existing web search. So that we don't need to start from scratch to setup a new web search like the logo and all.
    Thank you.
  6. Like
    devalias reacted to vitor in Workflow libraries and helpers   
    Libraries and Frameworks

    Python 3: Alfred-Workflow, by Adam Hitchcock
    Python 3: Ualfred, by @chaojie
    Dart: Alfred Workflow, by Klemen Tusar
    Go: go-alfred by Jason Cheatham
    PHP: Alfred Workflows PHP Helper by @joetannenbaum

    Other Utilities

    Add auto-updating to your Workflow: OneUpdater, by @vitor
    iTerm2 intergration: Custom Alfred iTerm Scripts, by @vitor

    All the libraries on this list are (at the time of the last edit) up-to-date and their developers are either still supporting them or forum regulars. That means any problems you find and suggestions you have are likely to be addressed.

    If there’s any library you think belongs in (or should be removed from) this list, leave a reply below. I’ll evaluate it and then hide the comments (so the thread can be kept tidy).
  7. Like
    devalias reacted to vitor in Newbie question - Workflows relying on Python 2   
    @xilopaint The ship is sailing. I agree that ideally the library would be updated officially, and that the second best option would be for a forum regular (such as yourself) to coordinate a community-approved successor. But we can’t force either of those; the community of Python Workflow developers at large will decide, and right now they’re looking for something.
    So if you have a fork which you believe to be more solid than the ones being shared, I urge you to make it public and your intentions known in that GitHub thread. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for your alternative to gain traction. It doesn’t have to be perfect now, but it should be available. I’ll eventually have to update the libraries thread and I can only recommend what is public.
  8. Like
    devalias reacted to hitzhangjie in Please help me about the TextExpander & Snippets Trigger?   
    @deanishe Thank you.
    Oh, {snippet:name}, this form only works for snippet not workflow.
    Hope in the future, Alfred supports workflow or scripts like Typinator.
  9. Like
    devalias reacted to zeitlings in Simple LaTeX ⟷ Markdown converter using Pandoc   
    LaTeX ⟷ Markdown Alfred Workflow
    Quickly convert Markdown to LaTeX or vice versa from your clipboard with Pandoc.

    A simple routine to convert snippets of markdown to LateX from your clipboard or vice versa. The workflow creates either a *.md or *.tex file relative to your input and at the location you choose. The file is converted with Pandoc by calling it from the terminal. The converted file subsequently gets output at the same place. Existing files will be overwritten.
    Pandoc is key and has to be installed:
    $ brew install pandoc GitHub: 
    github.com/zeitlings/alfred-latex-md/raw/master/LaTeX-MD.alfredworkflow (direct download) 
      Alternative Method: Clipboard only
    An altered version that removes all created files and copies the converted output back to your clipboard:
    Convert markdown to LateX from your clipboard or vice versa. The workflow creates either a  *.md or *.tex file at your ~/Documents folder. The file will be converted with pandoc by calling it from the Terminal. The contents of the converted file will be copied to your clipboard. Both files will be moved to your trash bin.
    github.com/zeitlings/alfred-latex-md-direct/raw/master/LaTeX-MD-direct.alfredworkflow (direct download) 
    The workflow is piggybagging off these two:
  10. Like
    devalias reacted to vitor in MarkdownTransform — Convert Markdown to other formats   
    Each Hotkey and Universal Action Trigger in the workflow corresponds to a different type of Markdown conversion:
    Markdown → BBCode Markdown → HTML Markdown → RTF
    Supported in conversion to RTF:
    Italic Bold Italic and Bold Strikethrough Links Unordered lists Ordered lists Superscript Subscript
    Supported in conversion to BBCode:
    Italic Bold Italic and Bold Horizontal rule Strikethrough Images Links Quotes Inline code Code blocks Headers Unordered lists Ordered lists Superscript Subscript
    Supported in conversion to HTML:
    Everything supported by MultiMarkdown
    Download | Source
  11. Like
    devalias reacted to Chris Messina in FR: Markdown Snippets   
    Given my recent discussion about formatting issues with RTF Snippets, it occurred to me that Markdown-formatted snippets could be really useful. 
    There are some existing Markdown Workflows for Alfred like MarkdownTransform and Alfred Markdown Notes and so while I might attempt to create a Nested Snippets Workflow that allows storing snippets in Markdown and then passing them through a Markdown parser before pasting the results, being able to specify Markdown as another properly support snippet format in Alfred could be very handy.
  12. Like
    devalias reacted to dfay in Browser (SafarI) snippets and Universal Actions   
    Get the current URL as a URL, Page Title or Markdown link.
    There are three snippets which paste immediately in the active app, and three Universal Action triggers which will copy to the clipboard when invoked on a URL.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/dl/wisja3ppi2g31aw/Browser snippets.alfredworkflow
    Originally based on https://www.asianefficiency.com/technology/save-time-with-expert-level-textexpander-snippets/
  13. Like
    devalias reacted to vitor in Browser (SafarI) snippets and Universal Actions   
    If you want to support other browsers, it’s trivial and I can answer questions.
  14. Like
    devalias reacted to deanishe in FR: Markdown Snippets   
    Yeah, it's not so difficult to do already. Just somewhat finicky because you'd have to define the snippets in a workflow, not a snippet collection, plus there'd be a fair bit of machinery.
    If I wanted to use Markdown (or whatever) in snippets today, what I'd probably do is write a workflow that you point at a directory of Markdown (or whatever) files with all snippety metadata defined in the frontmatter (or the filename is the snippet keyword), and it automatically creates the corresponding snippety gubbins in its own info.plist. (That's how Searchio! works.)
    On the one hand, it's a bit ghetto vs the sort of built-in support we've been discussing. On the other hand, you would be able to manage your snippets in your editor of choice, rather than in Alfred's UI. Also, it's doable today.
  15. Like
    devalias reacted to Chris Messina in FR: Markdown Snippets   
    Hopefully this week I'll get to try something out with a Workflow and Snippet Triggers, which I haven't explored yet. I'm thinking maybe I can take parts of @vitor's MarkdownTransform and combine them with snippet substitutions to achieve dynamic, multi-variable insertion, while storing the snippet template in Markdown.
  16. Like
    devalias reacted to deanishe in FR: Markdown Snippets   
    This. Your suggestions can be focussed very tightly on your own specific needs, @Chris Messina. The all-important question is how well or poorly a change or feature would work for all Alfred users. Vítor and I give your requests a bit of a hard time because we're measuring them against that bar.
    But what leads you to think what you're suggesting is the 80%, especially when you're implicitly excluding everybody who'd rather use something other than Markdown from the get-go? Why aren't we talking about the ability to run snippets through any processor? The same end result as far as you're concerned, but also useful to people who don't want to do exactly the same thing as you.
    You'd want to put HTML on the clipboard as well (or perhaps instead), imo. That's the "proper" representation of something like Markdown, and some apps (yeah … Firefox) accept pasted HTML, but not rich text.
    I think the ability to put multiple arbitrary types of data on the clipboard is more interesting in general, tbh. Without even getting into anything semi-complex like rendering Markdown, the ability to put a URL or file:// URL (or even a file list) on the clipboard would be broadly useful. It's a pain to do in code.
  17. Like
    devalias reacted to vitor in FR: Markdown Snippets   
    You should, though. Because someone will have to come up with it, and the more work you do beforehand to help, the likelier it is to happen. You’re a designer, coming up with how it should work given the constraints is your strong point.
    I’m not disputing in the slightest that Markdown is easier to work with. I made a whole Workflow around it, after all. I’m trying to help you see the obstacles so we can surpass them.
    But other users do, and if Alfred were to commit to having this feature, those people (and their needs) would have to be taken into account as well.
    Wouldn’t work. Base64-encoding the image wouldn’t make them show up in RTF.
    When thinking about this feature, you have to forget Markdown and concentrate solely on RTF, because that would be the output format.
    I understand that. Though note my suggestion works today, and what you’re asking for may never come. Anything is more productive than nothing, and the anything we have right now isn’t bad.
    I fleshed the idea at length, explained the manners in which it couldn’t work, came up with ways it could work, introduced questions that need to be resolved before implementation, suggested an interface for it, offered a workaround, and volunteered to take your input directly to improve what already exists and is within my power to change.
    Sincerely, I have no clue how you take “rejecting the idea” from there. Everything in my post was in good faith and is about trying to make your idea a reality in any form.
    I give up.
  18. Like
    devalias reacted to vitor in FR: Markdown Snippets   
    There’s another request for this (or something similar) somewhere on the forums. Thing is, Markdown is just plain text; that’s its whole value proposition. It exists as a simple way to create HTML, which is itself just plain text; it’s the browser that parses it into something different. That’s what SnippetsLab does, it parses the Markdown in its own app. Meaning the result is dependent on the application you paste to, not the one you paste from (i.e. Alfred cannot have control over it).

    The closest we could get to a universal solution would be parsing the Markdown into RTF and then pasting that, which I do with MarkdownTransform. While a possibility, I will point out it’s rife with tradeoffs. The way I do it is by first transforming from Markdown to HTML and then the HTML to RTF, but the bigger issue is the disparity of features. There is a lot that Markdown supports that RTF doesn’t and some things RTF needs that Markdown doesn’t consider, so the question as to what to do in those cases would need to be fleshed out first.
    Examples: RTF needs a defined font family. Seems easy enough to have an option for it. What do we do about colours? Seems reasonable to ignore those. But then what do we do regarding images and other unsupported things? Do we just strip them out from the snippet’s result1? Seems unexpected, but then does Alfred need to warn you of whatever will be stripped before you save your snippet?
    None of those is insurmountable, but it seems the new mode would amount to a plain text box with a Rich Text preview with missing features that removes some of your text. With that in mind, seems to me a superior solution would be to manually convert your Markdown text to Rich Text first then pasting that into Alfred. That way you already see what the result will be and can tweak it to add extra stuff.

    You can already accomplish that via MarkdownTransform, right in the new snippet box: write it Markdown, select the text, press the shortcut. I’m open to suggestions regarding the output of my converter. It’s essentially CSS and nothing is set in stone.

    1. That’s what I do in MarkdownTransform, but an opinionated Workflow as more flexibility of choice than a native feature baked into Alfred.
  19. Like
    devalias reacted to Andrew in Alfred env variable for keyword trigger   
    @deanishe I'll see what's possible for 4.1  
  20. Like
    devalias reacted to deanishe in Alfred env variable for keyword trigger   
    Well, Script Filters in my case, but that would solve my use case, and setting a variable to the entry point's ID would solve @Aviesh's.
    More generally, being able to call arbitrary elements by ID instead of having to route control flow through a bunch of Filter or Conditional elements would be helpful. For example, you could show an error message in a Notification from anywhere within the workflow without having to wire everything into the Notification element (though this particular case can also be handled via an External Trigger).
  21. Like
    devalias reacted to Andrew in Alfred env variable for keyword trigger   
    It sounds like we need some way to call a Keyword Input directly from external AppleScript (via some sort of id, and providing an argument). This would allow Alfred to make that Input unique (much like pressing return on the result placeholder for that input, and the other results are removed), while populating the keyword and provided argument for the history.
  22. Like
    devalias reacted to Andrew in Configuration Builder - Hotkey   
    I intend to add hotkey configuration to the config builder / workflow configuration. There is some additional complexity to this compared to other text based fields as you can't define a variable in the hotkey field.
  23. Like
    devalias reacted to Terminal in Configuration Builder - Hotkey   
    It would be nice if we could make Hotkeys available via the configuration builder. I love that thing, and think it is the best way to configure workflows! 

  24. Like
    devalias reacted to zeitlings in Configuration Builder Improvements   
    Hey, two suggestions for the configuration builder:
    Drag-and-Drop to reorder the fields (please) Add option-sets as a new base type   
    What I have in mind is very similar to "Popup Selection". You can define a set of items, but instead of allowing only one of the options to be selected, all options can be added as needed. What can be added is predefined, which prevents the user from passing incorrect values to the workflow. Take, for example, the language options in the OCR workflow. Instead of copying and pasting "es-ES, pt-BR, zh-Hans", the NSTokenField would autocomplete to the appropriate option (based on the item label).

  25. Like
    devalias reacted to Dattwood in Add well-known and environment variables to Snippets   
    I like this idea, if I understand it correctly (see the attached image... am I close?). 
    aText, the text expander app, has an identical feature to this.
    In the meantime, perhaps you could create an "advanced snippet"? i.e., in a workflow, do Trigger -> Snippet, attach a Run Script action, insert something like
    echo -n $MY_VARIABLE  ...and then attach a Copy to Clipboard  ("expand immediately") as its output.

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