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    40-02 reacted to vitor in AlfredBookmarklet — Use a browser bookmarklet via Alfred   
    This workflow is officially deprecated in favour of Alfred’s Automation Tasks. You can find the old source on Github.
    Run browser bookmarklets from Alfred, without needing to having them installed in the browser itself.
    Note that you may need to Allow JavaScript from Apple Events in your Browser.

    For the first step, get this template workflow itself. Though this is not strictly necessary (you can build it yourself) it serves as a starting point with most of the work already done. Proceed to open the workflow in Alfred.

    Next, get a browser bookmarklet to convert by copying its link address.


    Run :cleanbookmarkletcode to clean the code in your clipboard. It performs substitutions necessary to avoid problems when pasting the code in the next step.

    Open the Arg and Vars node and paste the code.


    If you’re not new to Alfred, you likely won’t need these steps as you’ll know what to do.

    The template includes both a Keyword and a Hotkey nodes to run the code. You can delete either one by clicking on it and pressing ⌫.


    If you choose to use the workflow via Keyword, do not forget to set it up.


    Lastly, edit the workflow’s details and its icon. For completeness it’s pre-filled with my details. Feel free to edit them.

  2. Like
    40-02 reacted to jdfwarrior in Web Search List   
    If you use Dropbox or something else to sync preferences you could use that tool to undelete the files that stores them. If not, heres a link to download a folder of all the default web searches. Drop it in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/features/
  3. Like
    40-02 reacted to Vero in How to purchase Powerpack as a gift   
    Hi Mike,
    Drop us an email in info@alfredapp com and I'll be happy to help you order the Powerpack for your friend
  4. Like
    40-02 reacted to iansited in Create New File in Finder (with optional templates)   
    This Workflow allows you to easily create a new file in the Mac OS Finder by typing new into Alfred. You can also setup pre-populated templates for filetypes (instructions on my blog). I have also added a hotkey option. You can specify the hotkey from your Alfred Workflow window (I find CTRL + ALT + N works quite nicely).
    This is a re-write of the Alfred 1.x extension I released last year. Once again I'd like to thank Chris Kalafarski (farski) for improving the first ever version of my script.
    Download Workflow here (8kb).
    I hope you find this as useful as I do. To those who may not use Finder, I plan to add Path Finder support at some point in the future!

  5. Like
    40-02 reacted to ctwise in Funnel (a variant of the Pipe workflow)   
    Funnel takes text and converts it to some other text by running it through a filter. The filter can be a shell script one-liner or a full script. Anything that takes standard input and outputs to standard out. At the moment, the following filters are implemented:
    - Base64 - decode - Base64 - encode - AES-256 - decrypt with passphrase 'X' - AES-256 - encrypt with passphrase 'X' - x509 - fingerprint - x509 - hash - x509 - certificate information - Change case - lowercase - Change case - uppercase - Change case - capitalize - Change case - title case - JSON - format - String - reverse - String - format US phone number - Lines - clear bullets - Lines - sorted unique lines - Lines - number lines - Lines - bulletize - Lines - top 10 unique lines - Lines - remove blanks - Lines - unique lines only - Lines - doublespace - Markdown - convert search links to normal links - Markdown - convert to HTML - URL - encode - HTML - encode - Sort IPv4 addresses  
    The Funnel workflow is a variant of the preexisting Pipe workflow (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1187-filter-clipboard-through-your-favourite-one-liners). I wasn't happy with how the workflow presented options and I didn't want the options sorted by Alfred. I also wanted to bundle some heavier processing scripts, so I created my own version of the workflow from scratch.
    The workflow can operate on text on the clipboard, on a file whose filename is on the clipboard, on selected text (using a hotkey) or on a selected file (using a hotkey). No matter where the text comes from, it is piped through the selected filter. If the text came from the clipboard or a selection, it is pasted into the active application after being processed. If the text came from a file, the file contents are replaced with the processed text.
    So, for example, if you select a block of text and trigger the workflow with a hotkey, you can choose 'Lines - bulletize' and the selected text will be replaced with bulleted lines. If you select a JSON file in Finder (or Path Finder) and trigger the file hotkey, you can choose 'JSON - format' and the file contents will be replaced with formatted JSON.
    Update: As Vitor pointed out, I forgot the link :-) https://github.com/packal/repository/raw/master/com.tedwise.funnel/funnel.alfredworkflow
  6. Like
    40-02 reacted to deanishe in Postfix commands in alfred   
    Why isn't my workflow complaining about that address? That's a bug, dammit!
    The problem with a postfix command is that it would likely mess with workflow input.
    The difficulty is finding a syntax that is
    easy to use, i.e. an sensible delimiter and entirely unheard of in the context of a query, so it won't mangle workflow input. I suggest a workaround. The following AppleScript simulates ⌘←, ⌥⇧→: 

    tell application "System Events" key code 123 using {command down} key code 124 using {option down, shift down} end tell If you have FastScripts or Keyboard Maestro, you can save it as an AppleScript and assign it a keyboard shortcut, otherwise you can create a Service with Automator and assign that a keyboard shortcut.Then, when you want to change an Alfred prefix, hit your keyboard shortcut and the first word in Alfred's query box will be selected, so you can overwrite it with your new command.
  7. Like
    40-02 reacted to Carlos-Sz in Rename 4.0 beta 2 for Alfred 3: Batch Rename files or folders (supports Regular Expression and EXIF date)   
    Version 2.0 is out!

    Download Now
    What's new?

    Use the workflow to rename a single file without using a regular expression
    Use Regular Expression then Find and Replace in the same time
    Last used expression item added
    Hot key to use the last expression with no interaction (use with caution)
    Creation date, modification date and height and width file properties added
    Create a folder utilizing regular expression and move files after renaming
    Check if a file already exists before applying
    Improved regular expression unicode support
    Cleaner interface and new icons
    See initial post for more details.

  8. Like
    40-02 reacted to jvdneut in Menu bar search   
    The "2.0" workflow that I linked to in the first post has been doing just that recently. See: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1993-menu-search/page-4
  9. Like
    40-02 reacted to Carlos-Sz in Rename 4.0 beta 2 for Alfred 3: Batch Rename files or folders (supports Regular Expression and EXIF date)   
    RegEx Renamer 2.0 Beta 2
    What's new?
    Creation date, modification date and height and width file properties added Create a folder utilizing regular expression and move files after renaming e.g. (.*)\.(.*)@$y$m$d/$1.$2 Check if a file already exists before applying  
    Beta 1:
    Improved regular expression unicode support Cleaner interface and new icons Use the workflow to rename a single file without using a regular expression Use Regular Expression then Find and Replace in the same time Last used expression item added Hot key to use the last expression with no interaction (use with caution)   Download Now See initial post for details.
    Now you can use “/“ to create a new folder and move the files there like you have suggested: (.*)\.(.*)@$y$m$d/$1.$2
  10. Like
    40-02 reacted to deanishe in MailTo: Select multiple Contacts *and* Groups and compose in your favourite email app   
    2015-07-29: Version 2 released
    MailTo: Select multiple Contacts and/or Groups, and compose in your favourite email app
    Search your Contacts and compose an email to one or more recipients (or none) in your preferred email program. Also supports Groups.
    The main aim—versus Alfred's built-in, more comprehensive contact handling—is to make it fast and easy to select multiple recipients and especially groups.

    Search and add recipients from your Contacts database Send to Groups/Distribution Lists (they're the same thing) Also enter email addresses by hand Use any email client you want (uses system default as standard) Results prioritised by order of email addresses in Contacts Download/Installation
    Grab your copy from GitHub or Packal. Install in the usual fashion.
    Keyword is @
    @ + ENTER — compose a blank mail (no recipients) @ [part of name or email address] — search your Contacts for matches. You can also add email addresses not in your Contacts. ENTER/⌘+NUM — add selected email address to recipient list and go to email program TAB — add selected email address to recipient list and continue searching mailto — see and change current settings If you've entered an invalid email address, it will be removed from the recipient list when your email app is called. Supported apps
    In theory, MailTo should work with any email client (it uses the mailto: protocol).
    Tested and working with:
    Airmail 1 Airmail 2 Apple Mail Sparrow Thunderbird Postbox Airmail (email addresses only) Unibox MailMate Mailbox Beta (email addresses only) MS Outlook Google Chrome (if you've set a handler) Fluid single-session browsers Does not work with:
    Safari (it will just open your system default email client) More info
    Please see the documentation.
    Note on Groups
    When deciding which email address to use for members of Groups, MailTo will use the one you've specified, or then the primary email address for the contact (don't ask me how to set that; I haven't been able to figure it out), and then the first one in their list of email addresses.
    To specify which address to use for a contact in a Group, open Contacts and go to Edit > Edit Distribution List …
    Add recipient name when calling email client, i.e. "Bob Smith <bob.smith@example.com>" instead of just "bob.smith@example.com". 2013-11-01
    Add support for Groups Prioritise email addresses by primary status then order in Contacts Change ID (cache format has changed) Use MIT licence 2013-11-03
    Change config keywords to mailtoconf and mailtohelp so they don't get mixed in with search results from the default mailto action. 2013-12-03
    Properly format the mailto: URL so workflow works correctly with MailMate. 2013-12-06
    Added built-in, app-specific support for the email clients listed above. They should now work flawlessly without any need to edit settings. Note: the settings format has changed, so all your settings (yes, both of them) have been reset. There should be no need to edit them if you're using MailTo with your default system email client. 2014-03-24
    Fix plist parsing problems. 2014-09-13
    Add support for Mailbox Beta Add new keyword @ 2015-07-29
    Release V2 Supports more types of contact accounts Supports more email clients Users can add support for their own clients 2016-02-10
    Add support for MS Outlook Add support for Airmail 2 Remove duplicates based on name and email address
  11. Like
    40-02 reacted to Carlos-Sz in Rename 4.0 beta 2 for Alfred 3: Batch Rename files or folders (supports Regular Expression and EXIF date)   
    Rename a file or a folder selected in Finder or in Alfred Batch rename files or folders using Regular Expression Add additional steps such as find and replace, remove space, remove diacriticals, capitalize, add current date, file modified date, custom number sequence, EXIF original date etc. Quick look to preview all the new names Recent Expressions Presets, including default ones ready to be used Triggering
    keywords ren or regex - main workflow keyword keywords ren? or regex? - read about the workflow Hotkey - show Alfred with the keyword ren Hotkey - use the last expression with no interaction File Action - rename files or folders selected in Alfred file browser How to Use

    Rename Only

    You can use the workflow to rename a single file without using a regular expression, like in Finder:
    Select a single file in the Finder (or in Alfred file browser) Type the keyword ren Type the new filename e.g. new name.txt You can optionally use modifiers and filename additions (see below).

    Rename with Regular Expression

    Here is a command line with all features, including the optional ones, as explained below:
    regular expression@new filename $d-$m-$y ###[1]{find@@replace}{-modifiers} Step by step:

    (1) Type the regular expression to group elements of the previous filename:
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*) The workflow will group using $1, $2, $3 and so on. Later you can use them to build a new filename.

    (2) When the regular expression is finished type then an at sign at the end:
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*)@ (3) After the at sign type the new filename (here you can use the groups formed in the first step):
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*)@$1.$3 (4) Optionally add current date or any other filename constants (read below about them):
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*)@$1 $d-$m-$y.$3 (5) Optionally add a custom sequence of numbers e.g. with two leading zeros starting at one (read how to build a custom sequence below):
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*)@$1 $d-$m-$y ##[1].$3 (6) Optionally find and replace characters in the original filename utilizing the syntax {find@@replace}:
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*)@$1 $d-$m-$y ##[1].$3{_@@-} (7) Optionally utilize one of the modifiers (read about them below) to e.g. set all letters to lowercase:
    ^([ˆ ]+) (.*)\.(.*)@$1 $d-$m-$y ##[1].$3{_@@-}{-l} Note that it is important to keep the modifiers at the very end of the command and enclosed by {}, using or not find and replace.

    If all you need is a simple find and replace you can use the following simplified command:
    find@@replace{-modifiers} Whether using the regular expression or only the simple find and replace you can always preview the new filenames pressing SHIFT key:

    -d to remove diacriticals -s to remove space -c to Capitalize Name -t to Title name -u to UPPERCASE -l to lowercase -_ to replace underscore to space -b to replace space to underscore Use one or more at the very end of the command enclosed by {}, for example:
    (.*)\.(.*)@$1.$2{-s-u} -@@_{-u} New Filename Constants

    You can add the following constants to the new filename:

    Current Date
    $d = day e.g. 02 $m = month e.g. 04 $mm = month e.g. April $y = year e.g. 2013 $h = hour e.g. 02 $n = minutes e.g. 54 $s = seconds e.g. 30 Date Created
    $cd = day e.g. 02 $cm = month e.g. 04 $cmm = month e.g. April $cy = year e.g. 2013 $ch = hour e.g. 02 $cn = minutes e.g. 54 $cs = seconds e.g. 30 Date Modified
    $mod = day e.g. 02 $mom = month e.g. 04 $momm = month e.g. April $moy = year e.g. 2013 $moh = hour e.g. 02 $mon = minutes e.g. 54 $mos = seconds e.g. 30 EXIF Original Date

    This is the date and time when the image was originally captured by the camera.
    $ed = day e.g. 02 $em = month e.g. 04 $emm = month e.g. April $ey = year e.g. 2013 $eh = hour e.g. 02 $en = minutes e.g. 54 $es = seconds e.g. 30 Image Dimensions
    $iw = width in pixels $ih = height in pixels Sequence

    You can add a number sequence to the new filename by utilizing # (each one represents a leading zero) followed by the start number enclosed in brackets e.g. ###[1] which means 3 leading zeros starting at 1.

    Create New Folder and Move Files

    You can also use the regular expression to create a new folder and move the file(s) there.

    Utilize a forward slash ("/") before the new name:
    (.*)@$m-$y/file.png A new folder will be created based on current month ($m) and year ($y) and the file will be renamed and moved to there.

    Recent Expressions and Presets

    To make things faster the workflow:
    Display the last used expression In Recent Expressions there are a list of the last 40 used expressions; note that you can alo use a shortcut to access them: just type a single at sign (@) In Presets there are some ready to use expressions a long with the user favorites ones; note that you can alo use a shortcut to access them: just type a single hash sign (#)

    The workflow saves the last used regular expression in the main workflow menu, a list of recent regular expressions and a list of Presets.

    To add a Recent expression to Presets just type a plus symbol followed by the preset name: +For My Videos

    While in Presets just type a minus symbol “-“ to remove from Presets.
    Download Version 4.0 beta 2
    A new beta of the workflow that fixes some Mac OSX High Sierra bugs I have found.
    Please note: Use it with caution. Make some tests first. Backup your files before using the workflow.
    Release date 19 Feb 2018 OSX 10.13.3 Alfred 3 Download Now

    Download Version 4.0 beta 1
    Release date 09 Jun 2016 OSX 10.11.5 Alfred 3 Download Now  
    Rename for Alfred 2
    Release date 25 Aug 2014 OSX 10.9.2 Alfred 2.4 or later is required Download Now What's new?
    4.0 Alfred 3 support 3.2 Yosemite support Changed workflow name to only Rename EXIF Original Date (to use as a filename constant) Up to 10 times faster to process and even faster to rename Included the keyword ren as an alternative to the regex Recent Expressions shortcut: type a single @ Presets shortcut: type a single # New Picture Preset Improved Last Used feature UI refinements, including new icons New Help Filename case procedure improved Fixed second leading zero constant Workflow version history here.
  12. Like
    40-02 reacted to jvdneut in Menu bar search   
    I've created a basic workflow that searches the system's menu bar. After having used Sublime Text's command palette I wanted to have a similar system-wide functionality. EDIT: For people that haven't worked with Sublime Text's command palette: the command palette allows you to fuzzy search the entire application menu by keyboard. This saves both time on hunting down the right menu and saves you having to remember all sorts of keyboard shortcuts. For a brief introduction on Sublime Text's command palette see https://tutsplus.com/lesson/the-command-palette/
    EDIT: Better use ctwise's "2.0" workflow http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1993-menu-search/ [old download is still available at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6259900/Menu%20bar%20search.alfredworkflow]
    The current workflow does not do any fuzzy searching and every keystroke executes the entire script again. My preferred fix to this would be to have a script input that is only executed once, and have Alfred do the subsequent fuzzy matching based on the initial result.
    Jeroen van der Neut
  13. Like
    40-02 reacted to Carlos-Sz in Notes with New Text File with Tag 4.0 (nvALT, direct paste, new file in Finder and more)   
    Right now it opens as a default action. I’ll have to see how can I fit another command. Thank you for your feedback.
  14. Like
    40-02 reacted to brianb in Search Safari and Chrome Tabs [Updated Feb 8, 2014]   
    Any chance a modifier key could be added to close the selected tab via alfred?
  15. Like
    40-02 reacted to politicus in Search Google Chrome/Chromium bookmarks   
    Amazing (Fastest) Alfred's Google Chrome workflow!
    Some feature requests:
    Is there a way one can search in a specific folder (ie typing workflow keyword, then the folder's name, then the bookmark we are looking for)?
    Would be very useful when one have 10000+ bookmarks classified in small folders of 20 or so bookmarks.
    Would love to be able to delete one or a selection of bookmarks from Alfred 
  16. Like
    40-02 reacted to 40-02 in Support for logical OR in file search operations   
    It would be really useful if Alfred supported logical OR operand to look files with different name variations. 
    Sometimes you do not know exactly the name of the file that you are looking for. You type your first variant into alfred - no results. After that you have to delete previous text and start to look for new one. Deleting old text is unefficient - you need to hit delete at least one time with pressed command. But if there is several words - you need to do that several times. 
    It would be more useful if we can use logical OR operand (or symbol | )
  17. Like
    40-02 reacted to jason0x43 in Chrome Prism - run separate instances of Chrome   
    Ok, it kind of works. You can now start a prism at a particular URL with something like prism myPrism www.google.com. Unfortunately you can't open any URLs in an already opened prism, though. The method I'm using to make Prisms show up with a unique icon and name in the Dock is making it difficult to have Chrome do things like create new tabs or open URLs.
    I also changed how the workflow names apps. Before, the actual prism .app directory was named with a UUID, and the prism name was stored in a config file in the .app directory. That makes the dock look messy, though, since the name of the .app directory is what shows up on the Dock. So if you've made some prisms, they're going to have weird names when you update. I added a new modifier to the workflow to help with that -- you can hold Shift now to rename a prism.
  18. Like
    40-02 reacted to Vero in Show Alfred on mouse screen doesn't work with display one under the other [Fixed v2.0.7 b204 pre-release]   
    Today, we released 2.0.7 b204 to pre-release which fixes this issue so if you update, you'll see improved behaviour
  19. Like
    40-02 reacted to mdreizin in Search Google Chrome/Chromium bookmarks   
    This workflow helps search your Google Chrome/Chromium bookmarks realy fast with unicode support.
      For more info please see: http://mdreizin.github.io/alfred-workflows/#chrome-bookmarks
  20. Like
    40-02 reacted to rice.shawn in Create New Google Doc   
    If you're already signed into Google, then you can just create a url shortcut: 
    New doc: http://docs.google.com/document/create?hl=en
    New Spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?new&hl=en
    There are others for presentations and drawings, etc...
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