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    Easytiger reacted to iandol in Bookends Tools — A curated toolset for Bookends reference manager   
    Bookends is an excellent bibliographic/research manager for macOS. This Alfred workflow curates 11 tools together in one interface to interact with Bookends and other apps. You can use Alfred keywords (be…) and/or bind your preferred key combination to trigger these directly. It has been designed for Alfred 3, and should keep itself up-to-date using OneUpdater.
    More Information…      —<>—     Download Directly…

    key: ?: select some text in another app then trigger tool — ?: select reference(s) within Bookends then trigger tool — ⌨️: trigger tool and enter some text in Alfred
    beidsearch ? — Find a selected uniqueID in Bookends. For example, if you have a temporary citation like {Koffka, 1922, #6475} in your word-processor, double-click select the Bookends ID `6475`, then trigger this workflow and it will find the reference in Bookends for you.  bebrowser ? — Search selected text in Bookends browser. For the Pubmed interface you should select this manually in the bookends browser. Because this uses `System Events`, sometimes the automatic paste into the search field fails, in which case you need to manually press ⌘V and ⌅ (enter) to trigger the search. berefsearch ? — Take some selected text like "(Doe et al., 2005)" citation, clean it up become "Doe 2005" and send it to Bookend's quick search. This is great because you can take a formatted ref in a text document and search for the first author/year, then quickly paste back (⌘Y for Scrivener) the Bookends style temporary citation in its place! bequickadd ? — Take a text selected DOI / PMID / ISBN or JSTOR identifier in any app and use Quick Add (feature added in Bookends 13.0.3+) to quickly add this reference to the database. betoopml ? — Select multiple references within Bookends, then run this to create an OPML file which you can import into Scrivener or other OPML-aware tool. This will contain the abstract and notes which is very useful for research. It contains links back to the Bookends reference. You can configure the export path in the workflow variables (default Desktop/). bescopus ? — Select a reference (with a DOI) in Bookends, then trigger this to search Scopus with the DOI.  It will return an inline results list for the Scopus entry AND the Cited-by page. Select an entry to go to that page. It will also append these Scopus URLs in the Notes field for future reference. You can enter your Scopus API key in the workflow variables.  betobibtex ⌨️ — You enter the name of a Bookends static/smart group name and this will create a BibTeX bibliography file for those particular groups. Very useful for Pandoc and/or LaTeX workflows. You can optionally generate JSON instead of BIB (faster if use pandoc-citeproc). You can configure the export path in the workflow variables (default Desktop/).  becite ⌨️ — You enter author or editor name{s} along with an optional YEAR (case insensitive REGEX), and get an inline results list. You can [enter] to paste this as a temporary citation (or use: ⌘ pastes Pandoc style, ⌥ pastes MMD style, ⌃ pastes formatted ref, ⇧ opens ref in Bookends, [space] quicklooks attachment).   betitle ⌨️ — You enter word{s} in the title or keyworkds , along with an optional YEAR (case insensitive REGEX), and get an inline results list. You can then paste this as a temporary citation (or use: ⌘ pastes Pandoc style, ⌥ pastes MMD style, ⌃ pastes formatted ref, ⇧ opens ref in Bookends, [space] quicklooks attachment). beall ⌨️ — You enter word in any field (case insensitive REGEX), and get an inline results list. You can then paste this as a temporary citation (or use: ⌘ pastes Pandoc style, ⌥ pastes MMD style, ⌃ pastes formatted ref, ⇧ opens ref in Bookends, [space] quicklooks attachment). bebib ⌨️ — You enter an author / editor name, and get an inline results list. You can [enter] to paste this as a formatted reference (or use: ⌘ pastes MMD style, ⌥ pastes Pandoc style).  
    becite, betitle, beall and bebib were inspired by the tool by Eggman which I've rewritten in Ruby to be faster and more flexible.
    1.2.9 — add a new workflow variable `tempCitationStyle` that sets the default temporary citation format for becite / betitle / beall. When unset it will be the Bookends standard, but you can set the variable to `Pandoc` / `MMD` / `LaTeX` to paste the citation in a different format (`[@key]` / `[#key]` / `\\cite[]{key}`). Also if the authors field is empty for a reference, we now try to use editor names instead in the Alfred results list.
    1.2.8 — add phrase search, so for example 'cartesian theatre' 2016 will find papers that use that exact phrase rather than before where cartesian and theatre were searched irrespective of their location.
    1.2.5 — becite/betitle/beall first AND last author names with initials are now shown, and if an attachment is present you can Quicklook it directly from Alfred without losing focus (press shift or ⌘Y)!
    1.2.4 — becite/betitle/beall now show if a reference has an attachment, and for BE13 users use the new applescript events that are slightly more efficienct.
    1.2.3 — small change to open the attachment when you use becite with [fn].
    1.2.2 — update the Scopus search tool to the newest API changes (https by default and httpAccept is required)
    1.2.1 — rewrote the becite, bebib and betitle tools to perform a mutliple item search (i.e author1 + author2) and you can add an optional YEAR to refine the search. So for example [Zipser Lamme 1998] searches for references by authors (or editors) Zipser and Lamme published in 1998. Also optimised the search code (rewritten in Ruby) so now it takes much less time for large results sets. Because it is so much faster, add a new [beall] tool like betitle but to search in all database fields. For becite/betitle/beall you can now use SHIFT to open ref directly in Bookends.
    1.1.0 — option to use RTF for becite/betitle temporary citations to enable bookends links copied into RTF comments/annotation aware apps like Scrivener. Added Workflow env variables citeUsesRTF to enable/disable this feature (default is disabled). Note it cannot match your font on paste of RTF, this is a limitation of RTF.
    1.0.9 — V1.0.9 add new bequickadd Quick Add tool, needs BE 13.0.3+
    1.0.8 — allow author name OR editor name search for becite; better chinese author fix.
    1.0.7 — try to get becite search for chinese authors to work.
    1.0.6 — add betitle that searches within the reference title for a word.
    1.0.5 — add ⌥ to bebib to paste pandoc footnote format. bebib formatted ref now pastes in the target app. Add environment variable to control the bibliography format for bebib.
  2. Like
    Easytiger got a reaction from Crackz in Linguee.de German-English/English-German Dictionary Workflow   
    I also have the problem after I upgraded to High Sierra. This is unfortunate at Leo also doesn't work anymore. No good dictionary makes work difficult. 
    [ERROR: input.scriptfilter] Code 11: Exited with error code but no message
  3. Like
    Easytiger got a reaction from Crackz in Linguee.de German-English/English-German Dictionary Workflow   
    That would be great. After Leo.org is no longer working this is urgently needed. 
  4. Like
    Easytiger got a reaction from tschoof in URL, Page Title and Selected Text Copy and Paste   
    Great Workflow! Thanks a million. 
  5. Like
    Easytiger reacted to politicus in First snippet expansion in Alfred 3.3.2.   
    Yesterday I updated Alfred to the latest version of Alfred (3.3.2) as I wanted to get rid of the little bug I encounter every time I expand a snippet for the first time of my session.
    Alfred either expands the latest clipboard item or if the text of my snippet is "Alfred", Alfred expands "AAlfred". 
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    Easytiger reacted to widmr in openthesaurus.de - v2/3 Workflow   
    The workflow is working again.
    Updated the workflow and moved to other github repo!
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    Easytiger reacted to widmr in openthesaurus.de - v2/3 Workflow   
    openthesaurus - Alfred v2/3 Workflow
    Alfred v2/3 workflow for searching for synonyms on openthesaurus.de.

    Type ot <keyword> and get a list of german synonymous.
    Enter will copy the word to your clipboard.
    CMD Enter will search the word on duden.de with a description. 
    Download & Installation:
    Click here for the ready to use .alfredworkflow file. Simply download the file and execute it for automagical install in Alfred.
    The source can be found at Github.
    Your feedback is very welcome - let me know what you think about it!
  8. Like
    Easytiger reacted to Michael01 in Snippets fonts and signature   
    Is it possible to create a snippet that includes an image, and/or different fonts?
    Ideally, I would like to create a snippet that inserts an image of my signature, followed by my address in smaller fonts. 
  9. Like
    Easytiger got a reaction from mbigras in Increase width of toolbar   
    This might help: 
  10. Like
    Easytiger reacted to pwharrison in Slackfred: Interact with your Slack channels, groups and IMs   
    Just found and installed this workflow today. Nice work!
    I hacked my own copy to make a few changes to the slm keyword:
    You can send direct messages to individuals as well as to channels Deleted users are excluded from the filter list You can use URL-unsafe characters in your message (e.g. using & produced unexpected behavior for me) Let me know if these features are something you'd be interested in rolling into the "official" version...
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    Easytiger reacted to ag_kevin in Alfred and the New 1Password Subscription Model   
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Kevin, I'm one of the developers of 1Password for Mac. I'm writing here to confirm that we are working on expanding 1Password support to accounts. The format of vaults from accounts is different than the traditional vaults, so it does require some additional work to add support. I don't have an exact date as to when it is coming, but it is being actively worked on.
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    Easytiger reacted to kseggleton in Bookends search and citations   
    Thanks Easytiger for figuring that out. I will make an edit to my original post to ensure that people in the meantime capitalise the authors name. Will then look at changing the original script
  13. Like
    Easytiger reacted to kseggleton in Bookends search and citations   
    Bookends Search is designed to search your Bookends Library for an author and paste either a citation or a formatted reference. The authors name must be correctly capitalised.
    There are three options for citations
    1. Bookends citation (default) - {Author Year UUID}
    2. Multimarkdown citation (⌘) - [#BibTexKey]
    3. Pandoc citation (⌥) - @BibTexKey
    For the latter two options to work you need to ensure that BibTex is turned on in preferences in Bookends and that each reference has a BibTexKey
    There are two options for formatted references
    1. Reference formatted according to selected reference style in Bookends
    2. Multimarkdown formatted reference (⌘) - [#BibTexKey]: Reference

    Can download the workflow here
    20160510 - update to paste citation automatically
    20160524 - update to allow search for diacritic letters and speed up script processing
    20160615 - update to change XML encoding
  14. Like
    Easytiger reacted to bkmontgomery in Percent Change   
    Hi sudopeople,
    This is great feedback!  I can see where the phrasing is confusing.  I won't get  a chance to work on this for about a week, but once I do, I'll come back to it and push out a new release incorporating your suggestions.
    Thank you!
  15. Like
    Easytiger reacted to sudopeople in Percent Change   
    Great idea! I usually just struggle in the calculator until I get the answer that looks correct. I have a few thoughts on how it would be more useful...for me at least.
    A. The wording seems to be incorrect. "3 percent of 100" is indeed 3, but if you type "3 of 10" (which, in your wording would be "3 percent of 10") you get 30, presumably 30% - which is wrong of course. I suggest you change the example wording to "What percentage of 100 is 3:" or to keep the order and English correct, "3 is what percentage of 100:" and the subtext with the answer could be renamed to "Percentage of" to differentiate it from...
    B. I expected, and would find useful, the ability to do exactly what your example text suggests: find out what 3% of 100 is. Or to make the examples more clear, what 3% of 10 is: 0.3. A command could be as simple as "3% of 10" - note the % symbol after the 3. The subtext of this would more accurately be "Percent of".
    Because of some of the confusion, I think it would be a good idea to add a % symbol to the answer where applicable. Since you're not using copy to clipboard anymore, I don't imagine that would be a burden on anyone. And with all the new features being added and proposed, I think it would add a lot of clarity when trying different formulas.

    New feature:

    I also made a new icon so it's visible in the black:

    Alone here:

    FYI, if you delete the 3rd argument on line 92 of percent.py, it will use the % icon above for completed calculations. (I'm not sure if you intended to use the info icon. I prefer the percent symbol the whole time, but don't really care.)
  16. Like
    Easytiger reacted to deanishe in Percent Change   
    To get live output, you need to implement the workflow as a Script Filter.
    Seeing as you're using Python, you might find my Python library useful (no need to mess around with XML yourself).
  17. Like
    Easytiger reacted to bkmontgomery in Percent Change   
    Updated to version 1.2.0, which includes new calculations.
    1. Percent Change (increase/decrease): `% 3 6` -> 100% 2. Percent of; What is 3 percent of 100: `% 3 of 100` -> 3% 3. Percent Difference; What is 2 percent from 100: `% 100 - 2%` 4. Percent Increase; What is 100 + 2%: `% 100 + 2%`   Next version will be converted to a Script Filter.
  18. Like
    Easytiger reacted to dfay in PDF Reading List   
    This is a bit of an aside - let me take off the Alfred hat and put on the professor hat for a minute....
    I wouldn't go near DevonThink - it's overkill for bibliographies on one hand, and it doesn't have the library/database integration that dedicated bibliographic software has.
    But I'd also never try to manage PDFs just with the file system.  I have about 5000 PDFs indexed in a library in BibDesk (even though I don't write in BibTeX) that originally began 20 years ago as a 400-item Paradox database (in the days of WordPerfect) when I was a 1st year grad. student.  If you are serious about an academic career, you should be using some bibliographic management software -- if I were to start now, I might do it in Zotero rather than BibDesk but the formats are generally exportable/importable relatively easily (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_reference_management_software ).  The sooner you start doing it, the better - right now you may have one list that you want to maintain of things to read, but soon enough you will have lists by courses you are taking and/or teaching, for comps, for research proposals, articles, thesis, second book, etc.  And a lot of your PDFs are going to belong in more than one of those places.  If you're annotating your PDFs, you don't want multiple copies...so you can create aliases (and now tags, which helps but doesn't solve all the problems) in the file system.
    So for keeping a reading list -- my BibDesk library at the moment has about 10 static folders titled "_current.project_name" for various articles and book chapters.  Each of those has the full biblio for the selected project.  Publications are tagged "to read" if I haven't read them.  So depending on the project I am working on, I can filter the project biblio by the tag "to read."  And this is all exposed to Applescript (one of the great things about BibDesk).  So -- say you have set up a smart group for all of the publications you have added in the last month, and those are what you want to be reading from -- you could put this script in an Alfred workflow:
    tell application "BibDesk"
    tell document 1
    select group "added in last month"
    select (search for "to read")
    end tell
    end tell
    and it would automatically give you your reading list.  Yes, you could do this with smart folders and Mavericks tags, but when the day comes that you want to write and cite some of the documents you've been reading, having it all indexed in biblio. software will make it much less painless.  Especially if you are submitting to journals with different citation formats.  It may seem like more work up front, but Google Scholar and all of the big academic databases let you download the citation info.  If I am going to read something related to my research, chances are it's worth being able to find it again, so it's worth the minute or two that it takes to get it into the database up front.  Just start with what you are currently reading, then you can catch up on the rest later.
    Also...looking at your 1st post - with BibDesk at least the PDF files can remain exactly where they are, and you can set it up to auto file new PDFs according to a customizable naming convention - mine are filed in folder by first letter of author's last name, then author date title.pdf .  So everything is still easily findable if you're not using your biblio software.
    Anyway, there's my unsolicited advice - same advice I give my grad. students - the long-term payoff is greater & the work is less the sooner in your career you start using biblio. software.
  19. Like
    Easytiger got a reaction from Allsop in PDF Reading List   
    Allsop, thanks for your thoughts. Maybe you are right and I should spent some more time getting used to DevonThink. 
    Vitor, that is perfect! This is what I was looking for. Many, many thanks!! Is is not that I am looking for a tool to set up a list of 50+ documents that I need to read, it is more like 5-10 in the near future or for a specific chapter/section, though your workflow looks very much of help! Thanks! 
    @Vitor: It would be great, if possible, to allow quick look (pressing shift) within the workflow. Not sure if this is possible. 
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