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Everything posted by Wildcard

  1. Interesting. There is, however, a much simpler way to do this: just use the "file actions" menu and choose "open with." This will also work with multiple files if you use the file action buffer. If you are using Finder to sort through your image files, you can just select a bunch there and use the File Selection hotkey to show the file actions menu for all of them, then use "open with."
  2. No pics for me...but 2006 times since June 16, 2013. Average 41.8 times per day. Before that I had Alfred 1. Since Dec 4, 2012, used 2373 times. Daily average sucks now since I switched to Alfred 2
  3. Hello, Check out my response to a similar issue here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2886-search-system-files/#entry16886 To supplement that, I want to comment that one of the things that makes Alfred so snappy is that it DOESN'T search the entire system. And it doesn't search for all types of files. In order to do that, I heavily recommend using a workflow (with a keyword, perhaps "sp" for "spotlight") rather than expanding the default scope to include everything, which will greatly slow Alfred down on routine tasks. In actual fact, I have a little workflow set up which does this trick, and a few others, but I don't have any easy way to share it here because there's no way to upload attachments....
  4. Thanks! Unfortunately it looks like backspace can no longer be used at all to navigate upwards. (Although I guess that makes it pretty clear that it won't cause the convulsion Alfred had before! Perhaps a "back" menu item could be implemented? I see in the movies lookup workflow (which you credit with the drill down menu) there is a "back" option when you view the actors of a movie. I like this "recent items" workflow very much and I'll be using it a lot, even before you fix the backspace navigation! Thanks!
  5. My guess is that your search scope isn't wide enough. Check under Features->Default Results->Search Scope. However, if you don't want to slow down Alfred when you use it for everything else (how often, after all, do you need to search the whole system?) I recommend you create a workflow just for that. Use the "File filter from keyword and open" template, set the scope to "/", leave the filetypes blank to include all filetypes, check the box for "Show system files" and voila! I have done just that and use the keyword "sp" (for "Spotlight") and now it's my Spotlight replacement. The only thing it doesn't do is search volumes (like flash drives)...not sure how to handle that one.
  6. Firstly—not sure what you mean about the path remembering. That's working fine for me; Alfred remembers precisely the last path that was opened.... On tabs and multiple windows, I have this to say: If Alfred ever adds those features, I will almost certainly, regretfully, stop using it (or at least stop upgrading/updating). Sorry to say, but in my opinion that would be the epitome of "bloatware": take a lightning-fast, extremely workable app and file launcher, and turn it into a PathFinder-esque file browser. (Nothing wrong with PathFinder, but Alfred is NOT in the same category of application.) Like tacking accounting software into an email application "because you receive bank statements by email." It just doesn't make sense. I'm also a little confused why you would need multi-tabs or windows for Alfred's file browser. The main thing the file navigation is for is accessing the File Actions menu, isn't it? Well, just use Finder (or purchase PathFinder) to navigate your multiple folders and whatnot, then access the file actions menu directly from Finder using the hotkey. Having tried this, though, I see that there IS a missing feature here: We need a built-in hotkey to add selected Finder items directly to Alfred's file buffer. Alfred could then be called and the entire buffer activated all at once (just as it is now). I only realized just now that there is no way from the Finder to add files to Alfred's file buffer. Now that would be a useful feature.
  7. Very nice, I'd never even noticed or used this workflow! It works as Tyler said: change cursor position to "Left" (it's in the workflow options for this workflow) and also add " " as a prefix (a space character). Although I agree with another poster, who said that the clipboard replacement issue is a tad irritating...still, using snippets and clipboard history, it's not too bad.
  8. It is indeed the default. Check here: http://support.alfredapp.com/cheatsheet ...if you ever have a question about what are the default keyboard shortcuts. I had a similar issue, since I use that hotkey to change keyboard layout. I switched the "previous path navigation" shortcut to ⌥⇧/ and have had no more trouble with it.
  9. I don't know if it's applicable or not, but I had a similarly odd issue with Dvorak keyboard layout, and after a large time spent on it finally tracked down how to make it stop. What I had to do was to quit Alfred, switch to US layout, start Alfred (with the US layout active), launch Alfred at least once, then switch the keyboard layout back to whatever I wanted (Dvorak or whatever). Alfred would then work perfectly with the alternate layout. The only way it would get messed up would be if some alternate layout were active while it was launching. And it's notable that if this happened—alternate layout active while launching—then Alfred would have odd hotkey issues even if I switched to US layout, unless I restarted Alfred as described above. Hopefully this helps!
  10. Okay, thank you for the particulars. I might have tried downloading and running the workflows myself, but since I'm running OS Lion I don't think that would tell us anything. Usually the best place to check for workflow support is from the creator of the workflow, since if Alfred is running correctly in general, then it's a bug in the workflow. (Most posts on here are either asking for help in creating their own workflows, or sharing their workflows. Then when people have trouble with the created workflows, they post in the thread where the creator shared his workflow. It's possibly someone on this forum will help you—I don't think I'm coder enough to figure it out—but I think you'd have better luck/more attention if you post a comment on the sites you're linking to, where you got the workflows from in the first place. Best of luck to you.
  11. What OS are you running? (Not just "Mac OS X" but what version number?) Click on the Apple menu and choose "About This Mac." The version will be three numbers separated by periods, like 10.7.5 or something. What version of Alfred? It's in the bottom right hand corner of the General pane of Alfred Preferences. The most up to date version is 2.0.5 and you should check for updates to see if that fixes your problem. More specifics is always better in requests for tech support. Just saying that "certain workflows don't work" is so vague and general that you can't expect anyone to be able to pinpoint the trouble for you...even though I'm going to try. I suspect based on your description that you are not, in fact, referring to workflows, but to custom searches. Are you a PowerPack user? (In other words, did you pay money for an Alfred license or are you just using the free features?) Workflows are only available in PowerPack, but google search, weather search and others are included in Alfred's free features and are called "custom searches." (A terminology point that may help people understand your trouble.) I can't divine your trouble, but I might be able to guess: the weather search is intended to search by location. "Forecast" is taken for granted. So just type "Weather Chicago," for example, or "Weather Moscow" or whatever. I'm not understanding what your trouble is with google search from your post. What are you typing into Alfred and what happens? You mentioned "console"; are you using Alfred's user interface or attempting to work from a command line? (I'm not sure if you can even do that....)
  12. Aha! Thanks for the tip on the equals sign. That's exactly what I had wanted, before I started writing about it and thought of the parentheses idea. Thanks for the +1
  13. The way I use the calculator most often in Alfred is, I enter a partial calculation, hit enter, then toggle Alfred again, hit paste, and continue my calculation. I was thinking this could be set up so that a right arrow (or a tab, or whatever shortcut) could change Alfred's currently entered text to the result of the current entry. In other words, I enter "120-20" and press right arrow. The text box then shows "100", and if I just type "/5" the text box will contain "100/5" and the subtext will show "20". Whereas currently, if I enter "120-20/5", the subtext will (correctly) show 116. Alternatively, and perhaps more usefully, a right arrow double tap at the end of the line could just enclose the currently entered expression in parentheses. Then the sequence would be, "120-20" (right arrow) "/5", whereupon the display would show "(120-20)/5" with the subtext "20". And while we're at it, if we could get the parser to recognize that parentheses directly next to a number means multiplication, that would be awesome. That is: 53(20) = 1060. Currently it only recognizes multiplication if an asterisk * is typed. (Spotlight can parse this correctly...we can't have Spotlight outdoing Alfred!) o_O
  14. Um... Okay, this is weird. That command didn't do ANYTHING. Pasted it into terminal, tried the other one; nothing. No file. (Neither command made a file.) I've done enough perl and bash scripting that, while I don't follow all the commands you wrote there, I get the gist (I know, for instance, pipes, redirect outputs (>), and I could follow out the regexes if I wanted to.) One thing I don't get is the #defaults bit, though...don't know where this is breaking down. Edit: when the "#defaults" part is taken out, it creates the file on the Desktop but the file is empty.
  15. Is there some reason not to use ⌘-Tab? That's the standard hotkey (in Mac OS X) for switching between apps, and it will switch between fullscreen apps as well.... Alternatively, try using three or four fingers and swiping to the right or left on your trackpad (assuming you have a trackpad).
  16. Mine has that, actually. The key seems to be in there correctly. I can quick look it, but not open it/view it, so I can't copy paste the exact key. But the file name is exact, and the CPU Names key includes the human readable line as expected....
  17. Not the same prefs; no syncing; and the workflow folder is in the Library under the user Home folder, not in shared or system, so not the same folder there, either. Proof: I did the fix on my login; I checked "about" again on wife's login; still not showing up there. (I could do the fix, but she doesn't really use the tech-y stuff so much.)
  18. Worked like a charm, thank you. I just copied the text as it showed in Terminal from using that "curl" command. But just to reiterate, I don't think Dvorak is the issue after all, as the identifier is absent on my wife's login also—and she only ever uses the standard US Qwerty layout.
  19. Okay, just tested on the other login on this computer (QWERTY only). Copy/paste works fine, websites don't, and the identifier is still missing.
  20. Yes, I have mymac.txt, and yes it's blank. I used xabout to reset and verified that that file disappeared. Same result afterwards with "about." The copy/pasted curl command worked correctly. ...I'm wondering if this is another quirk showing up from Alfred's interaction with my unusual keyboard layout. Check out the topic I linked to earlier for more details. Also note that the copy/paste function from the "about" workflow is now working correctly, but the two functions that link to the apple website are still not working right.
  21. I'll agree it's an awkward one, although I think it should at least be noted as a known issue. For now I'm happy with my workaround of starting Alfred with the standard QWERTY layout active and then switching to my usual layout. When I do this the file actions menu can be correctly activated from Finder. I had some odd trouble with Alfred's text copy/paste functionality afterwards, but after a reboot that doesn't seem to be reproducing...I'll let you know if anything else odd happens as a result. Also, I'm familiar with the oddity when setting hotkeys in alternate layouts. In actual fact, I always switch layouts to US (standard Qwerty) when setting hotkeys in Alfred or any app, just because it's confusing otherwise (and, like you say, it shows misleading feedback). In case you weren't familiar with it, "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" is possibly the oddest keyboard layout of them all because it types in Dvorak but lets you run keyboard shortcuts with the standard, normal keys. E.g., I use ⌘C as usual for copy even though the "C" key on the keyboard types a J when using the Dvorak layout. Because of this, when I set ⌥/ as the hotkey in Alfred, those keys will work regardless of which layout I'm using later, even though just the / key by itself will type a Z on Dvorak. (I think I made that as clear as I can...if it still doesn't make sense you might need to play around with the "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" layout for a few minutes to get it.) Anyone using alternate keyboard layouts like me has now and then run into odd responses to them from everyday apps. Heck, even LibreOffice and Adobe Reader don't get it quite right when it comes to "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘"! But it would be nice to have the fact noted, especially since this oddity of Alfred shows up even with just straight Dvorak layout. And I should mention that I use Alfred an average of 60 times a day, and it's my favorite app on my Mac.
  22. Tried about; nothing changed. Yes, the file is where and as you say, except that the key has those four digits, then a hyphen, then "en_US". Don't know if that makes a difference. Let me know if there's anything else I should be doing. Don't worry about the copy/paste...I just spotted why it's happening; has to do with a keyboard layout issue. Something I've got a separate topic on here http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2719-browse-in-alfred-shows-finder-info-window-instead/ ...if you're interested. (The copy/paste will work only if Dvorak or "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" is the layout when Alfred STARTS, since that's the layout I use regularly. Unfortunately, if one of those IS the layout when Alfred starts, the "file actions" hotkey will not work from the Finder. But either way the model identifier doesn't show up.)
  23. Sorry, I should have included more info. I am NOT running Mavericks (and am not likely to). I'm running OS Lion 10.7.4 on a MacBook Pro from, I think, early-mid 2011. (It came with Snow Leopard but I got the Lion upgrade free because it came so soon after I got the computer...that should tell you something.) It's not a restoration from backup; just an ordinary OS. ...Yes, on the built-in "About this Mac" window (when I click the "more info") it tells me it's a 15-inch model from early 2011.
  24. Is there anywhere where zip actions in progress are visible? Or can be cancelled? I tried a test of zipping some folders, but accidentally included a huge one. Nothing happened (or so I thought) and I went about my business. I noticed that Alfred file actions and navigator were very very slow to show up, thought "huh." Then about 10 minutes later, the zip file finally appeared. File actions and navigator become snappy once more. There was no visible indicator that something was happening, though. Would like a way to cancel a zip in progress if it takes too long. (Maybe just a pop-up message after 15 seconds, "This zipping is taking a while. Click here to cancel.")
  25. Andrew: AHA! I have found it. The bug is: this odd behavior happens if the keyboard layout is set to "Dvorak" or "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" when Alfred is STARTED!!! It doesn't matter what the layout is changed to later, and it doesn't produce the bug if the layout is switched to "Dvorak" or "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" AFTER Alfred is started—only if one of those is the setting during Alfred's startup. Very tricky. Before I figured this out, I made a new topic here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2779-file-actions-hotkey-just-remapping-to-⌘i/ ...wherein I more fully described the odd things that happen when this bug shows up. (Read my last post in that topic; it's much clearer than the first post.) Hopefully you can work in a fix for this at some point, but in the meantime I'll just restart Alfred manually with the QWERTY layout any time I restart my computer.... (I leave my keyboard layout on "Dvorak - Qwerty ⌘" nearly all the time, so I am one of the few people who would have seen this bug ) Possibly this should be moved back to the bug reports section?
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