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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. I'm not 100% sure, but I strongly suspect the library is not compatible with 2.5.
  2. Any chance of getting a beer-related icon?
  3. background.py is failing because Python's trying to run the compiled version, background.pyc, but it was created by a different version of Python to the one you're running it with. Deleting all the .pyc files will solve that. This is unrelated to the parsing issue. The reason it isn't working from the command line is that the script takes only one argument. You need to run python "200m/s mph" (note the quotation marks) to run it in Terminal. Hard to say exactly what's happening wrt error messages in Alfred. What does Alfred's debugger show when you run the script? There a fair bit of documentation for my library, which might be helpful.
  4. I use calibre for ebooks. It's ugly as sin, but so good at what it does. Zotero might be an interesting tool to manage all my ESL materials, however. Will look into it.
  5. Wow. Had no idea GH could do that with geo data. You know you've written a great tool when people can use if for things you never ever conceived of.
  6. Very nice workflow. Richard: You should just be able to make a copy of the workflow for each account (changing the bundle ID and keyword). Your credentials are stored under the bundle ID in your Keychain, so they won't clash.
  7. To get live output, you need to implement the workflow as a Script Filter. Seeing as you're using Python, you might find my Python library useful (no need to mess around with XML yourself).
  8. Because lots of languages have words with only one or two letters?
  9. Not really, no. You could make it so the workflow doesn't try to translate unless the query is at least, say, 3 characters, but it's the nature of a workflow that gets its results directly from a webservice that there will be a noticeable delay between your entering the query and the corresponding results being shown. There's this one. Otherwise, it wouldn't be too hard to make one. If you fancied giving it a try, you could start with my workflow and pull out the irrelevant bits.
  10. There's no Welsh flag. This one is not massively different.
  11. A splendid idea. Open up the workflow, go into the "icons" directory and overwrite the "en.png" icon with a copy of the "cy.png" one. Dunno. Now that's just wrong . Unfortunately, there isn't a Welsh flag included in the workflow. Shawn will have to have a look in the icon set he used to see if there is one.
  12. I was calling you a distributed version control system.
  13. Your rapier wit is no match for my entire lack thereof!
  14. I think alfred_filter.py is meant to symbolise any Script Filter script. A lot of us write Script Filters as command-line scripts and run them from Alfred via bash: /usr/bin/python alfred_filter.py "{query}"
  15. The keywords and corresponding icons with a template for adding the demo output. Stephen's ZotQuery has over 20 keywords. I can't see him entering them all by hand, plus example items. Basically, try to make it as easy as possible to create a demo because the alternative—creating an animated GIF—is pretty darn simple.
  16. Good idea. Being able to create a skeleton configuration file from info.plist would save a lot of mindless typing.
  17. Good thinking, Batman. I've changed my links to point to the authors' Packal pages.
  18. That's a marvellous idea! Not going to consider using it, like, until it works on Safari and Firefox, but I'll be keeping an eye on it.
  19. It can be tricky finding workflows on the forum, so I thought it'd be a good idea to have a list of those true gems you just can't live without to help other users get themselves some great new workflows. So let's hear about those four or five workflows that make a Mac feel broken when they're missing! Workflow authors: no pimping your own wares; if they're that good, someone else will mention them Here are mine: Dash by Bogdan Popescu. Search programming documentation with the Dash app. Couldn't code without it. So, so good. ssh by Robin Breathe (isometry). Open ssh connections without grubbing around in Terminal. MarkdownBulletin by Vítor. Convert Markdown to BBcode. Markdown rocks, BBcode sucks. Wrote this post (and all the others) with it. Chrome Bookmarks by Marat Dreizen. No more clicking around in Chrome's GUI, or trying to tell your bookmarks from your history in the URL bar. Application Chooser by Gabe Weatherhead. Search applications by tag. Don't use it often, but it's a true lifesaver when you can't remember the name of that app you rarely use but really, really need right now. As long as you remembered to tag it (which you will after the third time grubbing through /Applications looking for the darn app). Let's hear yours.
  20. Same here. I love this workflow so much. Use it all the time, and it's soooo good.
  21. 90% laziness, tbh. I thought it was something for academic types to manage their citations. Didn't know much more than that.
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