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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. This is simple enough to do with something like Dragon Drop (or just two windows). Instead of hunting around in the subfolders, go to the top-level folder and search for "kind:Audio". You should then have a list of all the audio files in that file tree. Select them and either drag them into Dragon Drop or into the top-level folder you have open in another Finder window.
  2. I'll see what I can do, but I really can't make any promises regarding Yosemite: I don't install any major new OS version (let alone betas) until I'm certain all the apps I need for work run properly on it.
  3. Glad it works for you, but that sounds like an OS bug. Still, Spotlight on German systems recognises the English names of apps, so maybe the bug is that it doesn't work without ever changing the system to English and not that it works in the "wrong" language.
  4. Bugger! Could you try deleting your ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-mailto and running the workflow again. If the error persists, could you email me the settings.v-1.4.1.json file in the above directory and your ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.plist file? With your files, I should be able to replicate the error and fix it. Which version of OS X are you using, btw? I'll PM you my email address.
  5. Try running python mailto.py delcache from Terminal in the workflow folder. That will reset the settings and the cache and should fix the problem. Probably…
  6. It should be fixed in the latest release: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-mailto/releases/latest Let me know if it isn't (I can't replicate the issue here).
  7. If you create a directory under the directory Alfred keeps its workflow in and add a valid info.plist to it, you've created a workflow. Alfred will pick up any changes you make, but that usually takes a few seconds.
  8. I keep my workflow source code with my other projects and symlink them to the directory Alfred installs its workflows in. Here's the script I use to install/symlink workflows. If you want to use it, you'll have to install the docopt library and edit ~/.workflow-install.json.
  9. It was my mistake. I didn't update my distribution scripts to add the version file to the distribution archive. Everything should be working again in 1.9.1. The same goes for the version on PyPI.
  10. Added support for the Mailbox beta in v1.4. Unfortunately, Mailbox's support for the mailto: protocol is crap and it only accepts email addresses (no names).
  11. I have at least 8 Gmail accounts and an iCloud one as well, I think. At any rate, it's not actually necessary to be able to send or receive mails, just to run the program in order to test the workflow. So, yeah, I could definitely use one of these "beta-coins" shimmy-tangs in order to test the workflow. I'm up to my neck in work at the moment, however, so I can't promise that I'll be able to fix 'er up this weekend. It shouldn't be a big deal (max. 30 minutes is my optimistic/naïve estimate), but if it is, it'll have to wait. Also, looking over the code, I'm almost overwhelmed by the urge to totally rewrite/refactor it. If I could easily understand what my own code is doing, I probably would have already… Comment your code, boys and girls. Comment it for a clueless person. Because you'll come back to it a year later, and that clueless person will be you
  12. Thanks. Unfortunately, I can't test it because I don't have (can't get) the Mailbox beta. I will look into it properly when I can get a copy. There won't be "official" support until the app is released, however.
  13. Unfortunately, guessing the language of a word is tricky and error prone. It works well when you have several words or sentences to work with, but not with just one word, which is the main use case of this workflow (it's a dictionary rather than a machine translation service). I mean, if I enter die, after, trainee, prise, rat, shooting or kindergarten, are those English or German words?
  14. Like the SE thread says, your best bet is to create a "wrapper" application in Automator and fiddle with its Info.plist to make the app an ssh:// handler. Then you can use AppleScript in the app to tell whichever terminal app you like to open ssh:// URLs the way you want. This is quite a useful pattern, and I've done something similar with Sublime Text, creating a wrapper app to open .sublime-project files with the subl CLI app.
  15. That's exactly what I meant. AppleScript is an awful language. Unfortunately, it looks like the strange object model will remain.
  16. You're right. It is pretty cool, even though I've no idea what to do with the information. The added delay is a bit annoying, though.
  17. I looked into a bit and it was fairly easy to implement (thanks Python!) and the info is quite interesting, so I added DNS info on the host in v1.1.
  18. What's the use of the IP address(es)? It would take longer because it means another connection unless I use threads. And I'd have to parse the URLs to get the domain names. Relatively speaking, that's a lot of additional work, and I'm not sure what the benefit is.
  19. You mean the IP address of the domain?
  20. Resolve HTTP Redirects Follows any HTTP redirects and returns the canonical URL. Also displays information about the primary host (hostname, IP address(es), aliases). You can paste a URL into Alfred's query box or grab a URL directly from the clipboard. Installation You can install the workflow from GitHub or Packal. Usage resolve URL — Find and display the canonical URL after all redirects. ↩ — Open the new URL in your default browser ⌘+↩ — Copy the new URL to the clipboard resolvepb — Grab the URL from the clipboard and resolve any redirects as If the URL has no redirects, a "URL is canonical" message will be displayed. Licence, thanks This workflow is released under the MIT licence. It uses Alfred-Workflow for the plumbing and to resolve HTTP redirects.
  21. It's a more Alfred-y solution, but it does complicate the workflow logic much more than the AppleScript option. This is one of many complex logic problems that could be solved if Alfred's AppleScript API allowed workflows to call Alfred and receive the output. Currently, Alfred's HTTP-like stateless nature makes doing this kind of thing just with Alfred very complex: it's up to workflow devs to implement their own version of cookies and sessions.
  22. If you haven't been getting bug reports, it's likely not super-urgent. It's not like it can expose your nudie pics or anything. On that note, anyone else just added 2-factor authentication to iCloud?
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