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    paulw reacted to vitor in Alfred Gallery — Search Workflows on the Alfred Gallery   

    Search workflows in the Alfred Gallery via the gallery keyword.

    ↩: Open Gallery page in default browser. ⌃: Show tags. ⌘↩: Install workflow. ⌥↩: Narrow search to creator’s name. ⌘Y (or tap ⇧): Quick Look workflow’s Gallery page.
    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  2. Like
    paulw got a reaction from sepulchra in Go To Here   
    oh, this is great @sepulchra thanks for teaching me something new!
    I added steps to restore the original clipboard contents as well. 

    I'll check out trying a file filter too, thanks for the idea
  3. Like
    paulw got a reaction from sepulchra in Go To Here   
    I'd been using Default Folder X for a few years, but decided to minimize my use of apps that need screen recording enabled, so I've updated this workflow to work with Alfred 5. Here's a link to the github repo. Credit given to @ahmadt !
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    paulw got a reaction from zeitlings in Logseq Workflow   
    ah, got it! thank you!
  5. Like
    paulw reacted to zeitlings in Logseq Workflow   
    Hey @paulw, as it stands now, the workflow includes a non-notarized binary, since I'm not a paying Apple developer. So it's unlikely at the moment.
  6. Thanks
    paulw reacted to zeitlings in Logseq Workflow   
    Logseq Workflow 
    Alfred workflow to find blocks, tasks, or pages, and to quickly send notes to the journal.

    ls . Shows static fetch options for blocks with markers. cmd + shift to mark task complete. ls + {{new block}} Append to today's journal page. ls : {{query}} Query pages. cmd + enter to query blocks on page. shift to quick look preview the page. ls {{query}} Query blocks. cmd + enter to open corresponding page. opt + enter to open the first detected URL.1 cmd + L to view the unabridged block content. shift to quick look preview the first detected URL.  

    How to activate Logseq's Local HTTP Server and generate a token. NB: The date format MMM do, yyyy receives special treatment to correctly reproduce the journal page names generated by Logseq. Any other date format must be natively reproducible by Foundation's DateFormatter.

      Also responds to DEVONthink item links. ↩
  7. Like
    paulw reacted to Vero in Lorem Ipsum Workflow v3.1.0 (2021-11-05)   
    For anyone seeking a Lorem Ipsum workflow, this is a simple one with no dependencies by @alexchantastic which you can download from the Gallery:
  8. Like
    paulw got a reaction from vitor in "Frontmost browser" automations don't work from other active apps   
    @vitor looks like it was fixed in the latest version of Orion RC. Sorry for the trouble!
  9. Like
    paulw reacted to vitor in "Frontmost browser" automations don't work from other active apps   
    Try 2023.7. Now it should do it.
  10. Like
    paulw reacted to vitor in "Frontmost browser" automations don't work from other active apps   
    It should still be working on the Frontmost Browser, but not being generally available gives no way to test and see what could be the cause.
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    paulw got a reaction from vitor in "Frontmost browser" automations don't work from other active apps   
    @vitor thanks for the explanations. I see now that yes it does work with Orion. Thank you! I'm currently using the Orion beta for subscribers (Orion RC) and it's not in Alfred's list. No worries, I wouldn't expect the team to add it, but in case you do, please let me know
  12. Like
    paulw reacted to vitor in "Frontmost browser" automations don't work from other active apps   
    Added in 2023.6. Orion was already supported by the Tasks, but not added in the code to detect frontmost browsers.
    Detecting browsers isn’t the issue, automating them is. There is no generic way to do it. For example, Firefox doesn’t have an AppleScript dictionary and Arc’s is still incomplete and inconsistent with other Chromium browsers. Orion’s was also inconsistent with Safari but those have been reported to the team and fixed. In other words, every browser has to be supported specifically and there’s no way around that.
    If you want to define a specific browser, there are other Automation Tasks groups for that. “Frontmost Browser” is just that, whichever is the frontmost without specifying it.
  13. Thanks
    paulw got a reaction from Vero in Snippet expansion in Orion Browser   
    Brilliant! That worked, thanks @Vero. Just shifting it down to "Faster" solved the issue. I'll update the Orion bug report with that info.
  14. Like
    paulw reacted to Vero in Snippet expansion in Orion Browser   
    @paulw Could you try slowing down key events in Alfred's Snippets preferences? It may be that Orion is a slower browser, and needs more time between actions.
    To do this, open your Alfred prefs > Features > Snippets > Auto-Expansion Options > Tweaking > Simulated key event speed. Set it to the slowest speed and see if the keyword is fully removed. If it is, speed up the key events until you get to a timing that still works for Orion without necessarily being the slowest.
    Let me know how you get on  It might be worth adding this note to the Orion bug report if it sorts things out for you.
  15. Like
    paulw reacted to sagemintblue in Target timezone for date and time placeholders in snippets   
    It would be wonderful if the date and time placeholders allowed a target timezone to be specified, e.g. for current datetime in UTC:
    {datetime UTC} Date arithmetic could then follow this optional target timezone. For instance, current datetime in UTC minus 1 year plus 2 hours:
    {datetime UTC -1Y +2h} Thanks for reading!
  16. Like
    paulw reacted to vitor in System Settings — Open macOS System Settings Panes   

    Open System Settings panes via the workflow’s keywords: about, accessibility, airdrop (and handoff), appearance, appleid, battery, bluetooth, control centre, date (and time), desktop (and dock), displays, extensions, family, focus, general, game centre, game controllers, icloud, internet accounts, keyboard, language (and region), lock screen, login items, mouse, network, notifications, passwords, printers (and scanners), privacy (and security), profiles, screen saver, screen time, sharing, siri (and spotlight), software update, sound, startup disk, storage, time machine, touch id (and password), trackpad, transfer (and reset), users (and groups), vpn, wallet (and apple pay), wallpaper, wifi.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  17. Like
    paulw reacted to cage.chung in Devtoys - A Swiss Army knife for developers for Alfred 1.7.4   
    A Swiss Army knife for developers for Alfred

    DevToys for Windows and DevToysMac provide awesome a Swiss Army knife for developers. It's more productivity to do those things without copy and paste between applications.
    Encode - Encode string to `Base64`, `URL` and `HTML` Decode - Decode string from `Base64`, `URL` and `HTML` Hash - Hash string as `MD5`, `SHA1`, `SHA256`, `SHA512` JWT - JWT Decoder for `Header`, `Payload` CheckSum - `MD5`, `SHA1`, `SHA256`, `SHA512` file checksum UUID - Generate `UUID` Lorem Ipsum - Generate `Lorem Ipsum` text (words, sentences, paragraphs) QR Code - Create QR code Case - Convert string to `camel`, `constant`, `dot`, `lower`, `lcfirst`, `no`, `param`, `pascal`, `path`, `sentence`, `snake`, `swap`, `title`, `upper`, `ucfirst` and `hashtag` case Number Base - Base conversion between `decimal`, `hex`, `octal` and `binary` JSON - JSON formatting as tab, 2 spaces, 4 spaces indents and minify Base64 Image - Imgage Base64 Encode as Base64 string,Base64 Data URI, HTML <img> code and CSS Background Source time - Convert unix time / natural date string to time format  
    Alfred 5  
    QR Code Image size Time Convert Time Format Time Zone UUID default amounts for clipboard auto-detecting for non-numeric formats Lorem Ipsum default amounts for clipboard auto-detecting for non-numeric formats  
    Download / Source Code
    Make sure to download the latest released directly from the releases page. Download here, 
    Source Code https://github.com/cage1016/alfred-devtoys
    Change Log
    remove placeholder with default value to makes the workflow considerably easier to set up on first run. use logrus instead of log to support log level for better debug experience  
    code sign and notarize support refactor time convert fix missing icons  
    add default amounts for clipboard auto-detecting for non-numeric formats to UUID and Lorem Ipsum rearrange workflow structure for new features releases 1.5.1
    fix clipboard issue for Apple M1 fix typo error 1.5.0
    add time convert (unix time / natural date)
  18. Like
    paulw got a reaction from Alex Ilyaev in Can I use my Alfred Snippets on my iPhone and iPad?   
    The Remote app can't do that, but I would also love a way to sync clipboard history and snippets between iOS and Alfred.
    I found this old reference to a Workflow (now Shortcuts app), but the link is for the old Workflow app and doesn't work. [Edit: it does work actually]
    And there's also this python script by @deanishe for one-way syncing iOS snippets to Alfred.
  19. Like
    paulw reacted to Vero in Alfred 5 Sneak Peek - Take a look at what's coming in Alfred 5 :)   
    We've just published the first sneak peek of Alfred 5's features!
    Creating workflows will be faster, more user-friendly and accessible than ever with Alfred's new Palette, Prefabs, Automation Tasks and a totally revamped Workflow Editor. 
    Early Access begins later this month. We can't wait to share this new release with you!  
    Feast your eyes on the new Workflow Editor with all the goodness that will make creating workflows even more efficient!

  20. Like
    paulw reacted to LucCogZest in Browse Hook Bookmarks   
    This workflow enables you to search your hook productivity bookmarks.
    You can get our workflow from Hook's Alfred page.
    Regarding Hook and its bookmarks
    Hook is a truly universal, contextual bookmarking app. It enables you to bookmark and bidirectionally link ('hook together') items from almost any app: such as web pages, files, emails, tasks ( OmniFocus, Things, etc.), etc.
    For instance, you could bring up the Hook ( ⌘⇧SPACE) popup window on this web page, choose `Copy Link` ( ⌘C), and then paste the link anywhere you want. You could then bring up Hook on a document (in Finder,  BBEdit, Drafts, Bear or other apps), bring up Hook again (⌘⇧SPACE), and `Hook to Copied Link` (⌘V).That would hook them together.  Whenever you hook items together (or in 2.0, use `Copy Link` or `add bookmark`),  Hook creates bookmarks in its database.
    This workflow, then, lets you browse and search for any Hook bookmark you like.
    default keyword: hm
    The default keyword to access this workflow is 'hm' (short for 'hook bookmark')
    Usage Example:
    To find all Hook bookmarks that contain `.pdf`, in Alfred type : `hm .pdf`
    This workflow requires version 1.5 or newer of Hook Essentials or Pro. Hook is available from the Hook productivity website: https://hookproductivity.com .
    Hook requires macOS 10.12.6 or newer. Hook is currently at version 1.8.
    This workflow's homepage on the Hook website is here: Free Alfred Workflows for Controlling Hook.
    Related automation for Hook
    Brett Terpstra has published a CLI ( command line interface) that enables you to get and create bookmark.
    Hook's automation is described on its website : Automation of Hook.
    Hook is a CogSci Apps® invention for your cognitive productivity 😊.
  21. Like
    paulw reacted to deanishe in Toggle a class between 2 values in a local .css file   
    Here's a zsh script that should work. Run it in a Run Script with Language = /bin/zsh.
    #!/bin/zsh set -e # Script settings # directory containing all files (only used to set other paths) dir="/Users/nathan/Dropbox/Maintenance/Notes" # the two source files that will be toggled source1="${dir}/obsidian1.css" source2="${dir}/obsidian2.css" # the file one of the sources will be written to target="${dir}/obsidian.css" # where the current value is saved statefile="${dir}/.current.txt" ####################################################################### # End of settings # Don't edit below unless you know what you're doing! ####################################################################### current= if [[ -f "$statefile" ]]; then current="$( cat "$statefile" )" fi source="$source1" if [[ "$current" = "$source1" ]]; then source="$source2" fi command cp -f "$source" "$target" echo -n "$source" > "$statefile" echo "switched: $current --> $source" >&2  
  22. Like
    paulw got a reaction from pseudometa in Obsidian Toolkit   
    I just switched to Obsidian, thanks for this workflow!
  23. Like
    paulw reacted to pseudometa in Obsidian Toolkit   
    Over last couple of weeks, I compiled a bunch of features related to Obsidian. It's already been tested by a bunch of people from the Obsidian Community, so should be rather stable. Noticed at some point that I only shared it in the Obsidian Forum and not the Alfred Forum, so here it is. 😅
    (I know that there are other Obsidian workflows, but they mostly focus on stuff like daily notes and after all have a very different feature set.)
    Full Feature List
    - Search your Vault (Open note, append clipboard, open in new pane, copy hook, ...)
    - Fully browse your vault folder structure via Alfred
    - Open Starred Files/Searches
    - Open Recent Files
    - OCR Screenshots (see image below)
    - Search the Obsidian Documentation
    - Search Community Plugins and directly open them in Obsidian or GitHub
    - Search & Preview Community Themes
    - Create Backups of your Vault
    - Enter Dual Mode (Edit + Preview)
    - Create a new note
    - Open various folders in .obsidian
    - Open the Obsidian settings
    - Toggle a CSS Snippet
    - One-Click-Convert a font file to base64-CSS
    - Open your current theme CSS file
    - Access your themes and snippets via Alfred
    - Quickly create a new CSS snippet from clipboard content
    - Display a list of Obsidian's default variables
    ➡️ Download the latest release at GitHub
    ➡️ Documentation of all the Features and Settings

  24. Like
    paulw reacted to vitor in Pause Tabs — Pause audio and video in web browser tabs   

    Turn on Allow JavaScript from Apple Events in the browsers you want to control. Use the Help search in the menubar to find it.


    Pause audio and video in tabs of all open web browsers via the pause all keyword. pause others does the same except for the current tab. ⌘↩ makes it only pause tabs from the current browser.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  25. Like
    paulw reacted to vitor in Calm Notifications — Toggle Do Not Disturb Focus Mode   
    Updated for Monterey and removed support for older macOS versions. Also, added support choosing a length of time for Do Not Disturb to be active!
    It now uses a macOS Shortcut to do its task. Hopefully that means Apple won’t keep forcing us to come up with new solutions.

    The Shortcut is included, and you’re propped to install it on first activation:

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
    If you’re on Big Sur and version 21.7 of this Workflow, the update won’t trigger until you update. The version you have should keep working.
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