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Select multiple results in the Clipboard history


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I don't use Alfred currently to manage my clipboard (I use the app Paste) for one single reason : In Paste, I can select multiple results (with the shift key) to paste all the results at the same time, which seems to be impossible in Alfred.


Is there any solution to do that in Alfred, or is it planned in a future release ? 


This topic is about the clipboard, but I have exactly the same issue with Chrome bookmarks results in Alfred : I would like to be able to select more than one result to open the selection in several tabs (my workaround today is to create workflows, but it would be way more efficient to just be able to select multiple results for your search, like selecting multiple files in Finder).


Anyway, thanks for this great app that I use everyday.


Edit : Added a video 



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Hello there, 


Does anyone know if the fourth version of Alfred will allow user to paste multiple elements of the clipboard at one time ? That would be great 🙏



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@lemikeone This is already possible, depending on what you're trying to achieve.


For example, if you take a look at Alfred's built-in Getting Started workflows, which you can access in the Workflows preferences, under the [+] button > Getting Started > Clipboard, you'll find a "mergeclipboard" example:


The content of the Copy to Clipboard object is

{clipboard:2}, {clipboard:1}...



Which means it'll paste three clipboard items at once. You can even set the "Mark as transient" option to avoid this item being added back into your clipboard.


Alternatively, there's the option of using Snippet Triggers to paste the clipboard content, so that you can be more granular in which item you're pasting, all without popping up the Clipboard Viewer.


If you can provide an example of what you're trying to do, we can help you work out the best way to do it :)



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