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Transmit favorites workflow

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Hi everybody,
I've published my first Alfred 2 workflow's; this basic workflow allow you to easly connect to your Transmit favorites.

The syntax is very simple: `ftp <name>` when <name> could be:
- favorite name in transmit
- favorite username
- favorite server
- favorite remote path
Here the github repository: https://github.com/BigLuck/alfred2-transmit
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Bigluck: Not sure if you are aware of this but the workflow will return multiple line items for a result if it is in the Transmit History as well. That's one of the reasons I had not tackled this one yet because I didn't feel like messing with that :) I guess you could move around that by.. as you find them, add them to an array but only after you check to see if another entry with the same server and username exist (maybe the same remote path too).

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Bigluck: Not sure if you are aware of this but the workflow will return multiple line items for a result if it is in the Transmit History as well. That's one of the reasons I had not tackled this one yet because I didn't feel like messing with that :) I guess you could move around that by.. as you find them, add them to an array but only after you check to see if another entry with the same server and username exist (maybe the same remote path too).


Try out the last release, I've tried to remove the historical elements

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Great workflow! Thanks!


However, I have a problem with it. When I use your workflow to open a Transmit favorite with folder names containing Cyrillic characters, they are displayed incorrectly. Could you make your workflow open favorites using UTF-8 encoding?


I'm trying to fix this bug but is not easy. I'll keep you updated

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is there a way to make this mount the disk as a transmit drive? i had modified the old applescript transmit extension by adding 'with mount' to the script, but I'm not sure what to change in the php version. (applescript version below)


on alfred_script(q)
tell application "System Events"
	set rn to count (every process whose displayed name is "Transmit")
end tell
tell application "Transmit"
	set countWindows to count every window
	if q is not "" then
		if countWindows > 0 then
			set myFave to item 1 of (favorites whose (address is q) or (name is q))
			if rn > 0 then
				tell current tab of (make new document at end)
					connect to myFave with mount
				end tell
			end if
			if rn = 0 then
				tell current tab of (document of first window)
					connect to myFave with mount
				end tell
			end if
		end if
	end if
end tell
tell application "Transmit"
	delay 10
end tell
end alfred_script






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  • 3 weeks later...



This workflow is awesome. 

I just noticed an issue when the favorite name has an ampersand (&)


In that case, we get:



13/02/13 16:19:47,012 Alfred 2[10427]: [ERROR] Script XML Parse Error occured Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)"
Workaround is easy: don't use ampersand in names ;-)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is interested, like @capsella, I have a modified version of the workflow that will mount favourites to the filesystem. Use "mnt ..." to get the query started.


is there a way to make this mount the disk as a transmit drive? i had modified the old applescript transmit extension by adding 'with mount' to the script, but I'm not sure what to change in the php version. (applescript version below)





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I can't get this to work? I type 'ftp', hit return, then type the name of a favourite in transmit but nothing happens. I'm using Transmit 4.3.3 (MAS).

To use this, you type:



Replace [NAME OF YOUR FAVORITE] with your actual favorite. No need to hit return after 'ftp'.

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