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  1. My workflow is not programmed to create that folder or add any files to it. Apparently, macOS creates that folder and its contents to cache data my workflow downloads from the Internet. Done
  2. Update The workflow now uses Alfred’s environment variables to get the correct paths to its cache and persistent data storage locations. Please re-download. To remove the old data in Alfred 2’s cache and data folders, launch Terminal and execute the following commands: rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow\ Data/com.targumanu.ibookssearch rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Workflow\ Data/com.targumanu.ibookssearch
  3. I’ve updated the workflow to use Alfred’s environment variables to get the paths to its data storage locations. Please re-download. To remove the old data in Alfred 2’s cache and data folders, launch Terminal and execute the following commands: rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow\ Data/com.targumanu.ibookssearch rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Workflow\ Data/com.targumanu.ibookssearch
  4. It's not under active development right now, but I'm here if you have any issues or questions.
  5. It doesn’t work for me anymore, either. It gets stuck on “Wait for it...” (Alfred's debugging console says "Queuing argument '5km cm'"), and no result is returned.
  6. Typinator Set Converter File action for converting Typinator sets to Alfred snippet collections Download | GitHub The workflow supports only Typinator sets exported as plain text files. (.tyset and .typubset are proprietary binary formats and cannot be read) When converting Typinator snippets, the workflow replaces Typinator’s cursor marker {^} with Alfred’s cursor placeholder {cursor}. Other Typinator markers are not supported. The workflow uses OneUpdater for automatic updates. Usage Select one or more Typinator snippet sets exported as plain text files Invoke Alfred’s file actions pane ( ⌥⌘\ ) Select “Convert Typinator Sets” Press ↵ Options The workflow supports the following configuration options, which are set using its environment variables: customicon Use the workflow’s custom icon for created snippet collections (enabled by default) dontautoexpand Disable automatic expansion for all snippets dontcompress Do not compress the folder containing the converted snippets. This option may be useful, if you want to make some manual changes to converted snippets. (To compress manually, just zip the folder and change its extension from “zip” to “alfredsnippets”) noprefix Do not use any prefixes for converted sets. Even if all keywords in a set have the same prefix, they will remain unchanged, and no prefix will be added to this set’s preferences. nosuffix Do not use any suffixes for converted sets. Even if all keywords in a set have the same suffix, they will remain unchanged, and no suffix will be added to this set’s preferences. prefix Force the specified prefix for all converted snippet sets. The specified prefix will be added to the preferences of converted snippet sets. If a snippet keyword has the specified prefix, it will be removed from the keyword. For example, if you set the prefix to “//”, then “//keyword” will become “keyword”. suffix Force the specified suffix for all converted snippet sets. The specified suffix will be added to the preferences of converted snippet sets. If a snippet keyword has the specified suffix, it will be removed from the keyword. For example, if you set the suffix to “//”, then “keyword//” will become “keyword”). All the configuration variables, except “prefix” and “suffix”, are “pseudo-Boolean”: “True”, “yes” or “1” are case-insensitively interpreted as “true” Any other value or no value means “false”
  7. Great workflow! Definitely faster than the original one. Thank you! However, to make it even faster, I suggest applying the following Run Behavior settings to the script filter: Queue Mode: Terminate previous script Queue Delay: Immediately after each character typed I also found the icons a bit too dark to my taste and replaced them with the ones attached, if anyone wants them.
  8. Fixed. Hopefully, this was the last one. Please, re-download.
  9. Unfortunately no. Apple's API doesn't allow removing Reading List items, and I couldn't find a way to implement it using GUI scripting. (If somebody could point me to a working AppleScript for removing Reading List items, I'd be happy to integrate it in my workflow.)
  10. Updated the original post to fix the preview image and direct download link. Both the direct download and Packal versions are the same (v 1.4.1). You can download any one of them and reinstall/update the workflow.
  11. I get the same behavior. It is due to how Apple's search API handles requests. If you open the App Store app, and try entering those same queries and pressing Enter, you'll get the same behavior. Apple don't provide an API for requesting suggestions, only for searching for the text you input, so I can't recreate the behavior when App Store app provides real-time suggestions as you type.
  12. Oh! I know what the problem is! I didn't release a public update after Alfred had added an option to adjust script behavior, so you'll need to do it manually: Open Alfred's preferences Select the MAS workflow in your Workflows list Double-click the topmost Script Filter block (the one titled “mas”, if you didn't change the default keyword) Click “Script Behaviour” In the Queue Delay menu, choose “Immediately after each character typed” That should speed things up considerably. Tip: You should do the same for each script filter block in every workflow you use that makes online requests. (This will make them abort previous requests, if you change your query.)
  13. It works for me just fine. There were some issues with Apple online services recently, so maybe that was the issue? Please, try again. If the issue persists, enable the debugging mode (select the workflow and click the bug button), and send me the log.
  14. I was able to reproduce this error in the "non-delimited" mode. (Although in my case, the workflow was able to recover and return search results after a couple seconds.) I thought I'd eliminated all issues with MMParser crashing when a movie's page lacks some data (e.g. poster or director info), but apparently, there's still work to do. I'll try to fix it when I have some free time. Meanwhile, please, remove the workflow from Alfred, and re-download it from Packal (to make sure that you have the latest version with most MMParser issues fixed).
  15. Please, try the "escaped" version of the workflow: Go to the workflow's preferences (default keyword: iprefs) Set the preferred delimiter (non-alphabetic characters like "/" or "." recommended) Use the keyword for the workflow block that contains "--escaped" in its code (default keyword: i) Type your query followed by the delimiter (e.g. "alien/") Give the workflow some time to return the results. (It uses multiple HTTP requests to fetch detailed info for each search result, so it will take some time depending on your Mac's performance and the speed of your Internet connection.)
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