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  3. Thank you very much @sepulchra. I appreciate your assistance Thanks @Andrew
  4. Thanks for this workflow @vitor I hope you don't mind but I borrowed (stole?) your sqlite3 command to output the JSON for my grid view in the last version of my ClipSaver workflow.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Might be janky, but maybe you can make a Shortcut for that, or some of the steps? E.g. auto-create a new note, then copy it? Or maybe save a file to iCloud Drive and have the Shortcut copy that? Or send the text via AirDrop?
  7. I also second andreiko's request, my screenshots are in ~/Documents/Screenshots/ Would it be possible to display images only in this directory? Otherwise, it's a brilliant script!
  8. Version 4.0.0 Download link View an item's fields directly within the workflow. Use either command+option or as a Universal Action. Select the field to copy its value to the clipboard. Thanks to @blacs30 for describing this use case
  9. these pdf workflows look great!
  10. thanks, good suggestions! Extra spaces or \n don't help. Yes, it is Gmail for iPhone. Pasting works fine in Apple Notes... therefore a slightly better workaround is to paste in Notes first, then copy and paste in Gmail. Thanks!
  11. Yes I tried space also can not click open file in Alfred command bar. On the link I have done everything through step 4. Hesitant about the metadata step.
  12. Have you tried replacing it with \n\n? Or try three or four. I had to do that with Markdown Transform for pasting as BBCode. Also try adding two spaces at the end of each line to force a line break. It would be useful to know where the collapsing is happening. I suspect it might the app you’re pasting to on iOS.
  13. I got it working. I was confused with the keycommand alt+up arrow - I thought that key command would work in the file actions window - which would have been quicker than typing "buffer" (or at least "buf") and then hitting enter. But it does not, that keycommand is for Alfreds main window. This method (call file action then type buf) is still a little faster than and above all doesn't loose non-consecutive file selections, so thank you!
  14. @sepulchra Vitor has raised an internal ticket for this, so I'll take a look at what could be happening when I get a moment. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a design reason this wouldn't work, so it may just be a bug.
  15. @Andrew i know this isn't in the bug forum but I was able to reproduce @gregzacola's issue. It appears using arrow keys in the arrow cluster don't appear to dispatch properly. I didn't set up that elaborate list filter (which is a cool way to learn some shortcuts), but did set up a simple keyword to trigger the keycombo. I then assigned it to an action in moom. If I use modifiers with any other key it will work, but if I assign modifiers to something in the arrow cluster it won't. Is this by design for some reason or a bug?
  16. I use a keyboard with Home and End keys. In most Mac apps, pressing them while in a text field will have a similar effect to Cmd+Left/Right: move to the beginning or end of the line. In the Alfred popup, these keys have no effect.
  17. Yes. Even does it with a completely distinct key combo as per my first post. So anything with a ↑ ↓ ← →
  18. I was able to reproduce this. I'm curious -- is it only using the keycombinations with the arrow cluster that cause you the issue?
  19. I can no longer edit the top post, so just announcing here that I just pushed a small update (2.4.2) that supports Alfred 5.5's new Grid View. https://github.com/luckman212/alfred_clipsaver_workflow/releases/tag/2.4.2
  20. Hi all, I often need to copy markdown text (typically from Obsidian) from my desktop and paste it on my phone using the Universal Clipboard, but the pasted text loses all line breaks. If I show the clipboard in Terminal with pbpaste, the line breaks are shown correctly, but if I paste on my iPhone they are gone. I tried to replace \n with \r and \r\n in the clipboard, to no avail. I also tried to covert to RTF using @vitor's MarkdownTransform, but I still lose the line breaks. A suboptimal workaround is to first paste the text in a rich-text format app, then copy it from there, but that introduces an extra line break. Does anybody else have the same issue? I was hoping to create a Universal Action to copy text for the purpose of pasting it via Universal Clipboard while preserving the line breaks.
  21. Would love the ability for text view to auto save when ultimately writing to a text file. And possibly the ability to use command s to save while text view remains open.
  22. There was a couple I was doing and then gave up. Here is one to help me remember shortcuts for Rectangle Pro I can't seem to add a workflow. See the stitched snapshots below
  23. Names don’t matter, the workflow uses the Spotlight metadata to identify screenshots. But there is a configuration to not limit the search to the Desktop. It has been clarified above that setting a folder is under consideration. But it’s not likely to happen until I decide what to do regarding Apple’s breakage of the Imgur shortcut.
  24. Compress PDF documents. Usage Either invoke the workflow by using the keyword (default: pdfcompress) and locate a PDF, or send a PDF to the workflow's "Compress PDF Document" File Action. A compression preset can be selected by pressing ⌥ before proceeding with ↩. File Filter ↩ Proceed to compress the PDF using the default strategy. ⌥↩ Select a compression preset. File Action ↩ Proceed to compress the PDF using the default strategy. ⌥↩ Select a compression preset. Compression Presets ↩ Proceed to compress the PDF using the selected strategy. The result will be a compressed document in the same location as the source PDF file. Dependencies With Homebrew install Ghostscript: brew install gs
  25. Easily extract a specific page range from an existing PDF document and create a new PDF file with the selected pages. Usage Either invoke the workflow by using the keyword (default: pdfsplit) and locate a PDF, or send a PDF to the workflow's File Action. Specify the start and end pages of the range you want to be extracted. The specified first and last page can be previewed by pressing the ⌘ modifier. Specifying the Pages ↩ Proceed to extract text from the specified pages. ⌘↩ Preview the first and last PDF pages w/ Alfred's PDF View. ⌥↩ Proceed, push the result to the File Buffer and action it in Alfred. Press ↩ to return to the view where you can set the start and end pages. Dependencies With Homebrew install Poppler: brew install poppler
  26. Extract text from PDF documents. Usage Extract the entire text from one or more PDFs by sending them to the workflow's File Action or locate a PDF with the File Filter by using the keyword (default: pdftotext). To extract the text from specific pages of a single document, use the ⌘ modifier. The result will be exported as a plain text document. File Filter ↩ Proceed to extract the entire text. ⌘↩ Proceed by specifing the pages to extract. ⌃↩ Proceed, push the result to the File Buffer and action it in Alfred. File Action ↩ Proceed to extract the entire text. ⌘↩ Proceed by specifing the pages to extract (single file only). ⌃↩ Proceed, push the result(s) to the File Buffer and action them in Alfred. Specifying the Pages ↩ Proceed to extract text from the specified pages. ⌘↩ Preview the first and last PDF pages w/ Alfred's PDF View. ⌥↩ Preview the contents of the first and last page w/ Alfred's Text View. ⌃↩ Proceed, push the result to the File Buffer and action it in Alfred. Press ↩ to return to the view where you can set the start and end pages. Dependencies With Homebrew install Poppler: brew install poppler
  27. I played with this yesterday and the results were rather disappointing. The most limiting factor is the lack of support for markdown tables in Alfred's Text View. Syntax highlighting would also make a big difference. There were a lot of inconsistencies with pandoc, mostly around the broken tables. Html2md, a Go cli tool, produced slightly better and more consistent results, which are still messy when thrown at the Text View as it is now. Here's another alternative I found without markdown view that holds up well: alfred-devdocs.
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