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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Lee, Matt, Rick, Bill - In addition to what Andrew has already said above, here's the kind of feedback we have received from this quantifiable "vast majority" of users who have upgraded from v1 over the past few days: @alfredapp I spent the entire evening installing and setting up my new v2. I mean that in a good way. Love the workflows! I love the new @alfredapp 2.0. Very sleek and the possibilities of workflows keeps me awake at night trying to think of cool things to do. workflow feature from @alfredapp is just absolutely mind blowing ! with all these workflow, it make @alfredapp amazing and way more than simply find apps and files, but almost everything you can thing about @alfredapp 2.0 is fantastic! The new Workflows feature is awesome beyond belief!! installed @alfredapp version 2… like it. and the new workflow… endless creativity. great update guys @alfredapp V2 is brilliant. Was scared about update. But V2 is still KISS yet highly customisable. You kept the spirit. #standingovation. I was not sure whether is upgrading to @alfredapp 2 really worth the money, but then I saw workflows in action.. #infinitepossibilities Upgraded my @alfredapp license for v2 about ten minutes after learning it was available. Workflows are truly the final piece of the puzzle! I understand your disappointment. I absolutely appreciate that you value your time, and that you find it difficult to swallow that v2 is different enough to warrant the investment of time it takes to upgrade your existing workflows. I wish I could convey the extent to which both Andrew and I take each and every piece of feedback at heart, and this isn't a decision we took lightly. I'd really appreciate if we could move on from this now, as Andrew and I really need to start focusing on improving Alfred v2, just as v1 grew and improved. Thanks guys.
  2. Before you add a space, do you see "emsubj" show the "Search Mail.app by subject line" text with the Mail icon next to it?
  3. Hi Mike, sorry to hear you're frustrated about Alfred v2's upgrade price. Alfred v1 had been out for 2 1/2 years when we announced v2 in December. We set the price to ensure that users were able to upgrade at an affordable and fair price, and were generous with the grace period for those who had bought most recently (3.5 months up to release). We aren't funded by some big mega-corp or VC funding, so the Powerpack means that Andrew and I can ensure Alfred will live on and be there for a long time, rather than a flash-in-the-pan application that gets dropped like yesterday's socks because the developers can't sustain its development. As you mentioned, you can continue to use v1, which is just as good as it was the day you purchased it. Otherwise, if you have concerns about future upgrade, the Mega Supporter is great value as you upgrade once then get a lifetime of free upgrades, and is only £5 more than if you'd chosen the Mega Supporter originally 7 months ago.
  4. Thought I should share this workflow to search Mail.app Use the following keywords to search: emfrom to search the sender's name and email address em for a general subject + content search emsubj to search specifically for a subject line You can download it here. Enjoy! This version is suitable for both Alfred 3 and Alfred 4. Compatible with macOS versions up to Mojave. Unfortunately, due to some changes made by Apple in macOS Catalina, it's no longer possible for third-party apps to access your Mail data. This may change in the future, but currently, using this workflow in Catalina or Big Sur will not return any results.
  5. Pop over to the Workflows tab, and you can create a workflow from the + button at the bottom of the sidebar. Choose Templates > iTunes and the iTunes action you want. Then set a hotkey or attach a keyword input to it to add a keyword for it
  6. Hi Bill, In addition to what Andrew and David have both said, it's worth adding that we deliberated for a long time and created numerous scenarios before coming to this decision. Eventually, we decided that importing extensions into workflows requires human intelligence to ensure that you make the most of the v2 workflows, which are significantly more advanced. Automatically importing old, often outdated scripts was tantamount to a bad patch-up job. For example, an old script probably had a Growl script rolled into it, making it difficult for you to change how notifications happen, while a new workflow allows you to use a much more modular Post Notification output. Remember that there's no rush as you can keep running Alfred v1 and v2 concurrently until you're ready to migrate your workflows or until the developers of particular extensions you love have been turned into workflows. Running with Crayons is still run by Andrew and myself, with the help of David Ferguson (jdfwarrior) who provides wonderful help with workflows and user questions, as well as our two cats Jack and Rose. We still absolutely love our users and care about them, and it's with this in mind that we decided to take the path we have. I hope this clarifies things. Thanks, Vero
  7. As Alfred now works directly with the (more reliable) Contacts API, searching in this way would add significant noise to the results, so this won't be implemented at this time. I've added a note for Andrew to consider this, but for now, you'll need to search from the beginning of a name field, whether first, middle, last name or any of the other fields like nickname and company. You could always add a nickname if you often search for Mary Ann by the name Ann!
  8. Yes, you'll be able to search for Ann and Mary Ann will show up
  9. V2 doesn't yet search middle names in Contacts, but I've added a ticket so this will be added before v2 comes out of beta
  10. I've put a ticket in for us to investigate further, but I'm not sure whether this is a bug in Alfred so may not be something we can fix. I'll move this to Beta Discussion as you might get more help from other users, and we'll move it back to bugs if need be
  11. This is how NSTask works - the solution provided by CarlosNZ is the best one for you to use. I've moved this to Noted as Andrew always likes to consider options, so we'll keep a note on this one
  12. We have just put out b137, which brings workflow updating and a few other improvements. Here's what's new: Hotkeys: When importing a workflow, hotkeys are stripped for your safety so you'll need to set these to a hotkey of your choice. Workflow updating: Bundle IDs are now meaningful, as these indicate to Alfred which workflow to replace when you import an update to one of your existing workflows. You'll see a notice in red telling you which workflow will be replaced. Enjoy the latest build
  13. Global hotkeys are now part of the workflows. What do you want to link your global hotkey to? Create a workflow, then choose a hotkey from the Triggers list in the top right + button and an action you want the hotkey to perform. Connect the two and you're done This is significantly more flexible than the v1 hotkeys, as the hotkey can trigger much more than just launching an app or file.
  14. You've found your answer but it's worth mentioning that if you open the Office files using Alfred, you'll see a list of these recent documents
  15. After more investigation and experiments, it looks like the instances where users have had issues with syncing, they've been too quick at trying to set up their second Mac, causing Dropbox to get confused and create a corrupted file. In summary, when setting up syncing, start with your primary Mac and let it sync fully up to Dropbox then fully back down to your second Mac. Rushing this will almost inevitably result in conflicting data in Dropbox and can be quite tricky to fix, so waiting an extra minute to ensure Dropbox has completed its sync will save you a lot of time
  16. Could you zip up the following: the preferences that were created in your ~/Dropbox/Apps/Alfred 2/ ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-preferences.plist ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/ If you could email them to beta@alfredapp.com, we'll take a look to work out what could be going amiss Thanks!
  17. As stated in the announcement for this latest beta, if you've been using a cobbled-together hacked syncing method so far (there IS a reason we recommended against it ), you'll need to first reset everything back to normal, remove any symlinking you had in place first. I've been using syncing for testing purposes for about a week, using Dropbox, and everything's been going very smoothly, so ensure that you: Reset all preferences so that they are found in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/ and remove any previously used sym-linking On your first Mac, go to Advanced and click "Set preferences folder..." and choose your Dropbox location so that the top of the window says "Copy your preferences into this folder" Ensure that Dropbox has time to sync to your second Mac On your second Mac, go to "Set preferences folder..." and go to the same Dropbox folder so that the top of that window says "Use the preference file already in this folder". This should have you up and running with no problems
  18. I quite like the sound of this idea. Bump this thread up once v2 has been released so we can consider it for a future update
  19. We've just released b119 and spent most of the afternoon getting ridiculously excited over the latest additions. You can now create hotkey and keyword based iTunes actions. These include: Hotkey to start playing a random album and post the details of it to Notification Centre Rate track as ★★★★★ and post to Notification Centre Clear the rating And my favourite... "currenttrack" keyword to show what song's playing at the moment Update to b119 and you can create your own too
  20. Just a little heads-up to let you know that you can now change the colour of the selected text and the selected background. This means that rather than having the OS colour, you can make it match your theme. To edit these two colours, hold the Fn key and click the Alfred input field to edit either the text or the background colour.
  21. At this point, this is fairly unlikely as this would get to depths comparable to Text Expander and would be complex enough to be its own app. You could have a play around with scripts but for now, I'll say unlikely.
  22. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to achieve? Why not simply use returns and tabs in there?
  23. Syncing is coming soon to the beta - it's code complete but needs some further testing before we release it. Any hacky syncing like what you describe is unsupported and could easily resolve in weird behaviour. In short, your best bet is to be patient and hold off just a little longer until we make syncing available baked into Alfred
  24. Grab build 105 and have a look, you can now do this and pass the argument to the workflow or show Alfred with the current OS X selection (file, text, etc), current clipboard, and more
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