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Everything posted by Vero

  1. It's not possible to remove the album titles from the listings. If you get results where the album and the song both show up within the top results, just use Cmd + # for the song if you want to avoid having to arrow down to the result you want
  2. When you found the file you want to take action on, press the right arrow to see the result actions list (which includes "open", "reveal in Finder" etc...) At the bottom of the list, you'll find the custom actions you've added
  3. Have you changed the default hotkey to one using Alt? Since the latest iTunes 11, using Alt as part of your hotkey means that iTunes can pop up this notice. In the same way as iPhoto, holding Alt means "ask me which library I want to use". Change your hotkey to not use Alt (e.g. the default Cmd + Ctrl + Return) and you should no longer see that problem. Alfred simply lists the playlists provided by iTunes so there may be something up in the iTunes Library XML itself resulting in a playlist appearing to be there twice. Do double check that Alfred is pointing to the correct library compared to the iTunes preferences, then Cmd + R again to be up to date. Alfred just tells OS X to launch the apps so doesn't do anything unusual. I'm not familiar with DT/DF, but I'll move this to Discussion/Help in case anyone else can help shed some light on whether DT/DF could be behaving oddly. Hope this helps
  4. Hi Jonathan, when Alfred can't use Cmd + Space, it's because it's currently in use by another app or possibly a workflow. Have a look at this knowledge base as it covers another OS X feature (other than Spotlight) that may try to reserve that combo: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:cmd-space If this doesn't resolve it, have a look at other keyboard-controlled apps on your Mac that may have reserved the Cmd + Space combination. Let me know how you get on
  5. Just a quick note to say that 2.0.2 is now available, if you choose pre-releases in Alfred's General preferences tab. As this is a pre-release, please only select this if you want to help us test and understand that this isn't a final release. If you're happy with that, then go ahead and give v2.0.2 a whirl to help us prepare it for general release. You'll find the change log details here: http://www.alfredapp.com/changelog/ Be sure to specify you're using 2.0.2 if you report a bug/issue! [update: Now generally available, no longer just pre-release]
  6. You should be able to set Alt + Cmd + Space for iTunes, provided that it isn't already in use - so check your workflows and any other apps that could be using hotkeys. Note that the reason we moved away from Alt + Cmd + Space for iTunes is that if iTunes 11 perceives that it's being launched while Alt is held down, it'll offer to open an alternative library (much like iPhoto has done for years). As such, I'd suggest choosing another combo anyway to avoid this issue.
  7. Vero

    KeyCue Popup

    You may have a hotkey set to KeyCue as well as your Alfred hotkey, so check KeyCue's preferences for a possible clash in hotkeys used.
  8. Alfred v2 has now been available for a week, and you have created some truly amazing workflows. I'll be writing posts soon about the best workflows you've used, and would like your submissions. Want to submit? Reply here with the name of the workflow and a link (to the forum thread or original site) If it already exists, use the "Like" button in the bottom right of the existing reply to add your vote ADDED: You can absolutely vote for your own if it's a good quality workflow that's useful to others. Tomorrow, I'll have a look at the list of favourites, count the votes and include these in my post. I'm looking for all levels of workflows, from simple to advanced, so submit away! Thanks!
  9. This is possible, but it's probably best to put a request in the Workflows forum section describing what you want to achieve, and you'll get plenty of help to get a good workflow in place for Cobook
  10. Hey Carlos, are you still getting this issue? I've tried to replicate it with your workflow, but haven't been able to replicate the issue (locally or over synced Macs).
  11. This will usually import your custom searches into v2, so there may be a permissions problem on your Mac. If you set another preference in Alfred v2, quit then re-launch, is it remembered? We believe there may be an issue with symlinking for a small number of users, which we're resolving in the next release (2.0.2), which we hope to roll out tomorrow, so you might wish to use v1 until tomorrow where this should be fixed
  12. Alfred doesn't include your ~/Library folder anymore to keep results much cleaner. To find Evernote notes, you need to add one of these folders (depending on whether or not you're using the sandboxed App Store version of Evernote) ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/CoreData/com.evernote.Evernote/ ~/Library/CoreData/com.evernote.Evernote Once added to your search scope, you'll be able to find them when using the "open" keyword as with v1
  13. Apple has changed the metadata for some apps in such a way that they've become tricky to locate with Spotlight or Alfred. If you're a developer who needs to use iPhone Simulator / iOS Simulator, use the workflow below to launch it with the keyword "iphone" to avoid having to go locate the app manually! Here is the iPhone Simulator Workflow.
  14. Hi Shawn, that's exactly what I'm going to do. To save everyone having to read through the whole thread, I'll update the first post and reiterate, then lock this thread so this post is last. Summary: AlfPT was a wonderful idea by an Alfred user, Tom Hunt, to create a way for workflows to be updated and gathered in one place. However, Tom has decided to take the project offline (due to school/work commitments and the bandwidth requirements of that project). As such, documentation in this thread is now outdated. Here's what's coming soon: - Other users are working on their own repositories for workflows - We are working on an official v2 Extras site, which will include curated workflows (which we've tested and checked) and themes We'll also be publishing a few blog posts with our favourite and your favourite workflows very soon, so keep an eye on the blog for the links to the above!
  15. Hi Alexis, It's likely that nothing has been lost and I'll just need to give you a hand with importing your settings. Could you please email info@alfredapp com with a little more detail about what you've done so far and I'll help you directly, to avoid sharing your particular Mac's details on the forum? I'm sure we'll have you up and running very quickly! Cheers, Vero
  16. The 2.0.1 release is now live so you can update in-app or from the website. This Dictionary issue should be fixed
  17. We have just released v2.0.1, which provides an in-app way to import almost all of your settings - and explains why your workflows and themes need to be manually migrated. You can either download it from the homepage (http://www.alfredapp.com/#download) or you can update in-app from the General prefs tab. When you update to v2.0.1, you'll see an "Import settings" button on the General tab. You can select which setting groups you'd like to import, and web searches & clipboard snippets will respect any items you've already manually created in v2.
  18. Could you open Console and run those actions to see if there are any AppleScript errors? You should see something like "Running System Command 'empty trash'" in Console, or an error as the case may be. Edited to add: Apologies, I forgot I've got logging turned on, so you won't see the "Running System Command" message. However, if there are AppleScript errors, these should appear for you in Console.
  19. At the moment, you can export and re-import a workflow, if it's too complex to re-create from scratch, and the templates (found under the + button) are also useful for starting pre-populated workflows. Having said that, I know we have a ticket for duplicating, so it's likely you'll be able to duplicate them within Alfred at a later date. And don't forget you can have multiple actions on a single workflow canvas, so you can have 10 hotkeys connecting to 10 apps on a single workflow, rather than creating one for each. Moved to the "Feature Suggestions" forum
  20. This is a Safari preference, so open Safari's preferences to Tabs and change it to Open pages in tabs instead of windows "Automatically" or "Always" - though always means pop-ups open in another tab, which is pretty annoying so Automatically tends to be best!
  21. And here is a Things workflow created by another user: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/952-things-app-tasks/ Thanks for the QuickCal one, Ptujec
  22. Here's a workflow I created yesterday to allow you to search by author, subject line or content: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/916-mailapp-search-by-author-subject-or-content/
  23. Fresh data in v2 means you can most likely get your daily average even higher
  24. Does the "Empty Trash" command and its icon show up in Alfred when you type it "empty"? As R4z3r suggested, you need to ensure the box is checked in the preferences first If you can select the Empty Trash command but it doesn't fully empty your trash, check whether there are any files in use in Trash. OS X should present you with a warning that "x file cannot be deleted as it is in use" if that's the case. If you can confirm either way, I'll be able to either investigate further or close this bug
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