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Posts posted by Vero

  1. 4 hours ago, Sticky said:

    So without knowing exactly what I changed, it might be hard to track down.


    It may be worth creating a new user account on your Mac temporarily, with none of your other apps running, just so that you can see what behaviour you get there. If keys work there, it's confirmation that the issue on your primary profile will be down to some custom configuration - which will require some more digging to work out who's stealing focus or interfering with your keys.

  2. @AOnly Welcome to the forum :)


    Could you please let me know what sync service you're using and the exact location of your preferences? It seems likely that, as @Stephen_C suggested, the behaviour you're seeing is caused by your preferences being unavailable at startup.


    This is why you'd see Alfred starting with default settings, as he's unable to find your preferences on launch, resulting in using default settings. Sometimes, if your sync location becomes available quickly enough, Alfred will start with your custom preferences.


    As for Alfred showing and not disappearing, this is likely because there's a clash in your hotkey, e.g. the default hotkey is being shared with Spotlight, perhaps?




  3. 2 hours ago, mickael said:

    By looking further, it looks like :

    I have tons of songs in my miniplayer that doesn't play at all

    - I have some artworks working


    But the two things are not correlated. I have some music entries that plays correctly without artwork.



    First on the topic of songs not playing, there's a compatibility improvement for Music.app coming in 5.0.3 (not yet in pre-release) which should allow those tracks to play. 


    However, on the artwork issue, could you see if there's some correlation between the type of tracks and not showing artwork? By that I mean, do you find that the tracks missing artwork are:

    - Local non-Music.app subscription tracks (e.g. owned files you manually imported)

    - Music.app albums you've downloaded

    - Non-downloaded (streaming if you want to listen to them) Music albums?


    It may help establish why they have no artwork. :)

  4. 4 hours ago, themadturk said:

    But the next time I hit cmd-space I have the Spotlight prompt, as if I’ve toggled Alfred back off.


    This is a hotkey conflict, as per the link Vítor provided in his first reply:



    Both Alfred and Spotlight are using Cmd + Space and macOS doesn't know which one you want. 


    Change your Spotlight hotkey combo, or disable it altogether to stop the issue. 

  5. @hubutz As @Stephen_C suggests, unchecking Expand Mid-String is a good start to stop accidental expansion within a word.


    As well, you can add a space after your keyword either within the keyword itself or as a collection suffix, so that it only expands once you add the suffix; E.g. "ag[space]" so that it only expands if you type "ag" followed by a space, but doesn't expand if you start typing "agricultural" :)


    I would recommend considering slightly less basic snippet keywords to avoid these kinds of accidental expansions. Here are a few tips on choosing keywords:




  6. @Lemonaise Don't worry, you're not doing anything wrong :) macOS doesn't return results from the Library folder as these are not really intended to be manipulated by users. Is there any particular reason you want to find that file in your regular file search?


    Your best bet is to use File Navigation (start with the ~ symbol to navigate your user directory including Library) to browse to the location, then use the right arrow to show the Universal Actions for the file (e.g. reveal in Finder, open, etc as you need)

  7. @Chris Messina Yes, it's been around for a long time and is intended for companies who want to distribute a single-key license to their team. Many of the companies you're familiar with use that method to share the Alfred love with their team :)


    All the details are here:



    More specifically, the 5.0.2 update is the first Alfred 5.x that will be suitable for corporate licensing activation, as we roll this out a few weeks after the general 5.0 release, which ensures everything's nicely settled down by the time we distribute to these larger teams. 

  8. @ged12345 Could you let me know where you've set your Alfred preferences to sync to?


    If Alfred is unable to save preferences, this is likely because the preferences aren't readily available (e.g. if you're using a sync service where the preferences are being removed from your Mac and only stored offline).


    If that's the case, check that you opt for "always available offline" or "local storage"; In Dropbox, this is called SmartSync, while in iCloud, you'd need to disable Optimised Storage altogether as there's no folder-specific option. If you're using another service, it'll be a similar option.


    Let us know and we can help you further :)

  9. @tiffanzsolti I'm going to guess that you're seeing issues with workflows that rely on Python 2, and you're on Monterey 12.3+? Apple removed Python 2 from macOS some time ago. 


    If so, you'll need to grab the updated version of the workflows and, if these still rely on Python 2, take a look at this page:



    As for the Dict.cc workflow, it looks like the creator has updated it to use Go instead of Python so you can bypass the Python issue altogether by grabbing his 2.0 version :) 




  10. @Orko Welcome to the forum :)


    Adobe Creative Cloud apps can sometimes behave in unexpected ways; I'm not sure they're standard apps with their cloud nature.


    First I would suggest taking a look at the solution that worked for one Adobe Cloud apps user a few years back, where resetting permissions seemed to resolve their issue.


    If this doesn't work, you can always create a tiny workflow connecting a Keyword object to a Launch Apps / Files one, where you set the keyword to "Photoshop".


    Let me know if you need any further help with this.

  11. On 8/12/2022 at 12:23 PM, SingleSeeker said:

    Just as you've said, it's indeed a Spotlight / macOS Metadata issue. I also hope we can have some solution to figure it out.


    If Spotlight isn't returning any results after rebuilding your Mac's index, there may be other issues on your Mac which we're not able to troubleshoot.


    You could try temporarily creating a new user account on your Mac to see whether the index functions normally on that profile. This will allow you to establish whether the issue is specific to your primary user profile.


    It'll then be up to you whether you keep trying to resolve the Spotlight issue on your main profile, as this issue will have an impact on many more apps than just Alfred - or migrate to the new profile where you're seeing normal behaviour.



  12. On 8/13/2022 at 6:26 PM, yachty66 said:

    I want a file where I can read the in Alfred existing workflow shortcuts from. Can i download somewhere this file or do I have to write my own?


    When you're in the Workflows preferences, click the 3 dots at the top of the list of workflows on the left. There, you'll be able to choose to "Show hotkeys", which will show you all hotkeys you've set for your workflows.


    You can also type "?hotkeys" into Alfred to see the list of all hotkeys set in Alfred, including workflows and features. Typing "?keywords" does the same but for all of your keywords :)

  13. @SingleSeeker Given your files are failing the troubleshooting, this is indeed a Spotlight / macOS Metadata issue rather than an Alfred one.


    The first steps to follow when results seem unexpected is to rebuild your Mac's metadata. It's usually because the data being provided by macOS is incorrect (even if it appears correct in the current Spotlight cache), and rebuilding ensures that all this information is refreshed by the OS.


    Even if you believe you've already reindexed, please follow the steps below specifically (as it involves deleting a cache first and ensuring Terminal has suitable permissions).

    • First, please pop open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and add Terminal
    • Once you've done this, go to Alfred's Advanced preferences, choose "Rebuild macOS Metadata"
    • Ensure that you check "Delete .Spotlight-V100 before reindex"
    • Follow the steps in Terminal, and keep a close eye for any error messages relating to your index.

    Please let me know if there are any errors. Otherwise, if it proceeds smoothly, you may need to wait up to an hour for the reindex to complete. Once this is done, make your searches again and see if your results are more as expected.

  14. @simongade I understand that feeling. For some context, only a very small proportion of workflows require Python or similar, and many workflows have no dependencies at all. Until macOS Monterey 12.3, Python 2 was bundled in with macOS, so there was zero setup required for users. Apple have since removed this scripting language, which leaves the options to either install Python 2 to continue using these excellent workflows or create new versions of the workflows without these dependencies.


    We are currently working on the latter, but in the meantime, it takes a quick moment to install Python 2 by following this guide, and you'll be up and running :)

  15. @simongade In terms of conversion workflows, there are quite a few available - some, like Alfred-Convert, require Python 2 or 3, while others rely on different scripting languages. Take a look at this list for a few links of the Python ones:



    Keep in mind that Alfred 4 workflows will work in Alfred 5, so there's no need to look for Alfred 5-specific workflows :)

  16. 21 hours ago, maikfrank said:

    Yes, I migrated from and M1 to a M2 machine.

    I followed the troubleshooting guide and widened the search scope is mentioned int the article. I can find the file!

    Then I reset the search scope, and then file can't be found.


    @maikfrank You'll need to keep the wide search scope, as this is a workaround for a flaw in the macOS Monterey Migration Assistant. Resetting the search scope puts you back to square one.


    Unfortunately, this isn't something we have control over as it's an Apple issue. Other ways of bypassing the issue include setting up a new user profile or setting up your Mac without using Migration Assistant. Hopefully this issue won't carry through to macOS Ventura, which is currently in beta.


    Hope this helps :)


  17. @dwdblogger When you type "bm", do you see the "Search Bookmarks..." prompt?


    Screenshot 2022-08-09 at 14.24.09.png

    Having re-granted Full Disk Access, could you uncheck and re-check the Google Chrome Bookmarks in Alfred's preferences and re-select the relevant profile (as I think I get a glimpse of the dropdown from which you can choose a Google Chrome profile in your screenshot)?


    If your issue persists, could you please drop an email to our info@ address and include your Diagnostics file (which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred), which will allow me to see in more details how your Alfred preferences are configured. :) 



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