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Posts posted by Vero

  1. @Duc Le Welcome to the community :)


    You can use your license on both your personal and work Mac, provided both of these are for your own use and not shared workstations. 


    I would recommend purchasing using your personal email address (as opposed to your work address) so that you still have your details handy when you leave a company. You can deactivate your license by opening the preferences and clicking "Deactivate Powerpack" before handing your work Mac in. 


    Hope this helps!

  2. Great thread idea :)


    If you find yourself referring to the same item in your clipboard history often, select that item in the Clipboard Viewer and use Cmd + S to save it as a snippet.


    Once it's saved as a snippet, you'll be able to set a trigger keyword for it, and save it in a collection, which will be backed up and synced (if you use syncing) so that you never lose these most useful references you use a lot!

  3. 21 minutes ago, brank87 said:

    Having the same issue. Google Drives are already indexed by Spotlight, but not by Alfred. 


    Google Drive isn't really indexed by macOS, it uses a different mechanism / workaround to return results to macOS. 


    This is why we recommend the Google Drive workflow, as it continues to work reliably, regardless of what shenanigans Google get up to when releasing new versions of Google Drive :) 



  4. @dgbeecher @Rich Could you please both check something to help establish what's happening?


    Find a contact that isn't opening correctly, press the right arrow (or your Universal Actions hotkey combo) then choose Reveal in Finder. What's the path of your contacts and are different ones stored in different locations?


    My guess for those where Contacts.app opens to the wrong contact is that these do not exist in Contacts.app, but are legacy / cached entries stored somewhere in ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/


    For example, if you find two identical entries, do you find two different paths for them?



  5. @KaputtZimon Are both Macs set to have that Dropbox folder stored locally or only online? Please make sure that you've got the folder set not to use their SmartSync feature. If the folder isn't stored locally, it's possible that Alfred isn't able to save changes on Mac B, which makes it appear to not be syncing.


    Let me know if this improves the sync behaviour once you've changed this. 

  6. @LuegM Welcome to the forum :)


    If your curly bracket's content doesn't match a dynamic placeholder, it won't be expanded, so what you've got there should be fine.


    You can also set your snippet to ignore Dynamic Placeholders by clicking on the {} button at the bottom of the snippet window:




    Hope this helps :)

  7. @Kamil You can include folders into your Default Results, which will allow you to search for them without prefixing your search term with "open" / the spacebar trick.


    For some users, rebuilding their metadata index is sufficient to get past the Monterey migration assistant issue, so you can try resetting the search scope, and seeing whether you're seeing results returned normally again. :)



  8. @jiho Welcome to the forum! :)


    You mention that Spotlight can find files, but Alfred cannot, and this can be explained by the way Spotlight searches for all file types at once blindly, whereas Alfred performs a more tailored search. By the metadata missing, the type of file is unknown and is therefore not included by Alfred.


    On 10/8/2022 at 10:37 PM, jiho said:
    kMDItemContentType                     = "dyn.ah62d4rv4ge81e6dwr7za"


    As you can see, the Content Type isn't .Rproj as far as macOS's indexing can see. If you have .Rproj files outside of OneDrive on your Mac, do these exhibit the same issue?


    First, I would recommend rebuilding your Mac's metadata by carefully following the instructions in step 5 here:



    Let us know how you get on once the rebuild has completed.

  9. @Liveo13 Welcome to the forum :)


    Could you please install this workflow? All it does is post a notification when you type "hello", with nothing in between, so is the simplest test you can do:


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/y042vjgq6r3xabu/Testing Post Notifications.alfredworkflow?dl=0


    Type "hello" to test whether your Post Notifications are enabled correctly and showing when you expect them to.


    If the notifications don't appear, check the macOS Notifications so that:
    - "Allow Notifications" is active for Alfred
    - Your alert style is Banner or Alert
    - Your Do Not Disturb or Focus status allows Alfred notifications to show if needed


    Let us know how you get on :)

  10. @sepulchra Depending on how fast the external drives are, and whether they're awake at the time you perform your search (as there may otherwise be a need to wait for them to spin up, connect, etc), a better way to search external drives would be to create File Filter workflows for the external drives, so that they don't slow down or clutter up your local search results when using Alfred's default search results.


    This assumes that the external drives are indexed by macOS, which doesn't happen by default and has variable rates of success depending on how often you're disconnected from the drives, whether the content is being modified by other Macs, and therefore how often your Mac has to restart the indexing.

  11. 11 hours ago, octothorpe said:

    If Agenda and Ulysses and half the other applications I own can do this, why can't Alfred after all these years and all these PowerPack upgrades?


    @octothorpe I've merged your thread with the existing one where I've answered this question a few months ago. But in a more detailed response to the examples you give, the type of data some other apps need to sync is very lightweight and basic compared to the always-on nature of Alfred where your preferences are updated and used constantly.


    As I mentioned earlier, in our tests, we saw iCloud sync data slowly or not sync at all for a long period of time. This can lead to file conflicts if you've edited your workflow or snippets collection on your second Mac - and iCloud handles these file conflicts terribly compared to other sync services. 


    If you have preferred alternative services to Dropbox, go ahead and try them out. The requirements are that it's 1. A service that keeps your data on your Mac at all times, not just a virtual file reference, and 2. Is available at startup.


    Ideally, keep a Time Machine backup (or your preferred backup alternative) so it's easy to jump back to a recent version of your preferences if for any reason, your backup fails. 


    Hope this context is helpful :)



  12. @mickjsanders Welcome to the forum :) @Floating.Point has a great suggestion; List Filters are super useful.


    You could also have a look at the nicknames trick, setting all three as "browser"; They'll then all show up when you type "browser" into Alfred, and you can then use Cmd + number to trigger the correct one.


    Have fun :) 

  13. @carlsen If you've got the hotkey field selected and are unable to set it, it means that the combo is reserved by another workflow, or another app/feature on your Mac.


    You can view all your workflow hotkeys in Alfred by clicking the cog at the top of the list of workflows and checking "Show hotkeys", or by using the "?hotkeys" keyword in Alfred's search box, typing "f" and scrolling through.


    As far as I can see, that hotkey combo isn't reserved by macOS in Monterey, so should be available if it's not used by another app on your Mac. :)


    Hope this helps!

  14. @wellerpond Snippets in the Features > Snippets section are intended to be triggered with a keyword generally speaking.


    If you'd like to paste text to the frontmost app by using a hotkey instead, you can create a tiny workflow containing:

    You can then save this as a prefab, so that you can reuse it any time you want to paste a snippet from a hotkey, you have a template to work from.


    As @Stephen_C said, if I've misunderstood your question, please don't hesitate to clarify and we'll help you further :)

  15. @Bryan W Welcome to the forum :)


    The two features you're showing screenshots for are not related;

    • The first is a custom web search, which you would use in Alfred's default results view
    • The second is Alfred's Clipboard/Snippets Viewer

    To use your custom search, pop up Alfred's default search box and type your keyword. If you're not sure what your hotkey combo is, open the preferences via the bowler hat in the top right of your menu bar, go to the General preferences: This is your default hotkey combo, which pops up the main Alfred search box where you can make most of your searches.


    For the second one, you can discover the Clipboard History feature here:




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