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Posts posted by Vero

  1. @andy4222 Take a look at this example; It's for the Snippet Triggers, but the free text entry could be added to a workflow triggered in a different way:



    More specifically, scroll down to number 3 "Creating a snippet with free text", where Alfred's window prompts you for free text entry, and 4 "Creating a snippet with a list of items to fill in the blank" where you can create a pre-defined list to choose from.


    Hope this helps :)

  2. @maikfrank It sounds like macOS may not be saving the permissions you've granted, as Alfred shouldn't need to ask again if macOS had correctly saved those permissions.


    Could you temporarily create a new user account, grant the permissions there, then restart your Mac and see whether you get the prompt again in the other profile? This will help establish whether the issue is specific to your main profile (which could be a quirk / corruption due to the upgrade) or if it affects your Ventura install as a whole.


    Let me know how you get on :)

  3. @Robinson Welcome to the forum :)


    If you change your Alfred hotkey combo, do you see the same issue? If you only see it with Cmd + Space, it'll be a sign that there is still a conflict with Spotlight or another app being triggered with Cmd + Space in macOS.


    Try quitting any other possible tools that could have a pop-up style box, and change Spotlight's combo to something else obscure, just in case.


    Let me know how you get on :)



  4. @Rwinner @igor.wojda The missing icons are a bug in macOS Ventura, and something we've seen happen a few times over the years when Apple does a major OS update. Take a look below to see what Finder is showing in Monterey vs Ventura.


    In the past, Apple have fixed this within a few point releases, but we are keeping an eye on the situation.






    Ventura Preferences.jpeg



  5. 4 hours ago, Togs101 said:

    Calculate Anything, Case Converter 3, Date Calculator, Movie and TV Show Search, StrongPassword and Word Search.


    This is unlikely to be a Ventura or a Dropbox issue, but rather a case of using workflows that use Python 2, which was removed from macOS in early Monterey.


    You can take a look at this thread to find out how to reinstall Python 2 and/or find alternatives to these workflows:


  6. @Shahrukh Here's the workflow you'll need to create, using as few as two objects :)




    The first object takes your selected file, then passes it to the File Buffer - be sure to check out the two little notes I've added.


    You can then connect a Post Notification to let you know it's been added, or you can show Alfred, etc as you prefer.

  7. @jjaybe You can create a CSV file outside of Alfred, which will give you free reign to copy and paste as much as you need, and edit the list as a whole with title, subtitle and arg


    For example:

    A bunch of grapes,grape,code123

    A bowl of bananas,banana,code432

    A bushel of apples,apple,code043


    Once you're happy, drag your CSV into the List Filter box and you'll see it auto-populate :)


    Let me know how you get on!



  8. Thank you to those who've been able to give us additional information so far.


    We've put a new Alfred 5.0.4 b2093 out a few moments ago, which includes an easier way to reset your Search Scope to a pre-defined scope.




    For users where Alfred's Default search scope isn't returning the expected files, please click the "Reset..." button in Features > Default Results and select "Reset to Applications and Home".


    If this doesn't work, try the "Reset to Full Disk" scope.


    @AllanN Could you please set your scope to "Reset to Applications and Home" and let me know whether you're seeing the results you expect? Thanks for your help! :) 



  9. 56 minutes ago, Erre said:

    So this is an expected behaviour and not an issue from my end?


    It isn't an issue on your end; Some preferences don't appear to be searchable in Ventura at this point. It's not an unusual growing pain for a new macOS version, and Apple will hopefully resolve this in an upcoming update. In the meantime, the workflow is the best way to get access to the preferences. :)

  10. @AllanN Thanks for sharing your results!


    Could you please do the following:

    1. Navigate to Alfred's Preferences > Features > Default Results
    2. In the Search Scope section, uncheck macOS Applications and Folder in Home
    3. Clear out your search scope (you can do this by selecting them all, then using backspace)
    4. Drag in your MacintoshHD so that you see / as the only item in your search scope

    This is what your search scope should now look like:



    Then try to find some files in the usual way in Dropbox, and let me know how you get on :)

  11. Hi all! @lobodpav @AllanN @Softov @gomas64 @JimFuoco @swiss-mike I'm tagging you to make sure you see this.


    Could you please update to Alfred 5.0.4 b2092, which we've just put in pre-release, then follow the steps outlined by @vitor above. Let us know the outcome once you've done this.


    Next, open Alfred's preferences to Help > Troubleshooting and run the File Troubleshooter. Drag in a few Dropbox files through it, then copy and paste the full output (not a screenshot) to your reply in this thread.

  12. We're investigating this and will respond as soon as possible; Dropbox has changed the location of files for users using various locations and methods quite a few times over the past two years, so we'll need to establish what their intentions are this time. 


    We're also working on putting in additional checks in Alfred's File Troubleshooting, which will provide more insight into issues like these.


    If anyone receives any feedback from Dropbox themselves, please do share this insight here as it may be helpful.



  13. @mikedvzo It's tricky to parse what you've done based on these messages so could you please set your Alfred preferences to be stored in a your home directory, in a locally stored folder (not Documents or Desktop, which most users sync via iCloud) and leave it as unsynced.


    From my understanding of your replies, you are immediately re-setting a synced remote location. The objective here is to establish whether you see normal behaviour when the preferences remain unsynced.


    Please keep it that way for at least a few days, and see what behaviour you get. This will help focus the issue on whether your issue is specifically caused by syncing or not.

  14. @Jim Parrillo Welcome to the forum :) 



    Alfred 5 is supported on 10.14 and above only, as it uses some more modern macOS frameworks. While you could choose to ignore the warning pop-up in earlier builds of Alfred 5, it was never designed for use on 10.13 (and likely would have resulted in unpredictable behaviour)


    You can re-download Alfred 4 here:


    If you need your Alfred 4 license details reissued, please let me know and I'll send them by email.

  15. @GerardK Welcome to the forum :)


    Taking a look back, this has happened in the past during a major macOS update, and settled very quickly for the few users affected with a rebuild.


    You can rebuild your Mac's metadata index by following step 5 here (though I'd give it an hour or two if you've only just installed Ventura as it may settle by itself):



    While Spotlight may appear to show results, this could be from an older cache, so please rebuild the index then type "reload" into Alfred and let me know how you get on.


  16. @Dagaloni How is your Time Machine connected to your Mac? Is it a physical drive that you unplug periodically or a network connected drive?


    Is the Time Machine drive the only one where you're not seeing a notification? And is the drive being ejected in macOS, but you're just not getting a notification?


    As we don't use Time Machine with plugged drives, it may take some time to setup and investigate further, so I'd be grateful if you could provide any more information you can think of about your configuration. :) 

  17. @bargepole Could you please give an example of two of workflows you're having issues with? Are the workflows still installed when you go to Alfred's Workflows preferences?


    If you sync your workflows using Dropbox, you may need to follow the same steps as this user in re-setting your sync location:


    If your issue persists, please provide as much information as possible so that we can help you further :)

  18. @logical_outlier Safari is different to other apps in Ventura; It's now part of Apple's RSR (Rapid Security Response) which means that they can make security updates while bypassing the normal software update system.


    As such, this path isn't incorrect. We'll take a look now that Ventura's general release is available and share our own findings too - but for now, there's nothing to worry about, you're still opening the right app :)

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