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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @newbie1234 Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking Powerpack-specific questions? This is only visible to me as administrator and allows us to confirm your registered address. Any questions, just drop me a line. Cheers, Vero
  2. @Ariamis Welcome to the forum. Could you please take a look at Console next time this occurs and see whether you're seeing the message referred to in the post below? This only seems to affect a handful of Alfred users on Monterey, so if your issue is the same, please let me know and I'll close this thread, so that we can keep any updates on the topic in a single thread. Cheers, Vero
  3. Did you read the rest of my post? Please don't just answer the first question and ignore the rest of what I asked.
  4. @Alan He Could you please use Alfred's File Troubleshooter first and share the output? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Could you also please let us know if you recently moved to Monterey, and if so, if you migrated your preferences from another Mac / previous install / Time Machine? Remember, the more information you can provide, the more likely we can help you. Cheers, Vero
  5. @Pasela My suggestion was to create a workflow, rather than use a standard snippet, giving you more flexibility on manipulation. Take a look at this workflow, where you type "uuid" and a lowercased UUID is copied to your clipboard, ready to paste wherever you need it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2ai0c8yiwonj3r/Lowercasing a UUID.alfredworkflow?dl=0 The keyword is connected to a Random utility that creates your UUID, then goes through a Transform utility that lowercases it, and finally onto a Copy to Clipboard output that copies it to your clipboard. You can edit the last object to check the box to paste automatically to the frontmost app if you'd like. Hope this helps
  6. @ozzywood Welcome to the forum. You can use the question mark followed by any feature's name, e.g. ?snippets to open the Snippets preferences or ?custom to open the Web/Custom searches prefs.
  7. @LorenzoA Once Terminal appears, you'll need to type your password; The characters won't appear as you type, so just keep typing and press Return. Terminal should then say "Indexing enabled" - if it says anything else, please share the message you get instead. The full instructions are here in step 5: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Make sure you've granted Terminal Full Disk Access before you begin, as her the Indexing page instructions and my replies in this thread
  8. @Pasela Welcome to the forum You can add a Transform Utility after you create your random UUID to lowercase it before proceeding further. In that case, you'll need to create a Snippet Trigger rather than a standard snippet to allow for the manipulation you want to do. Cheers, Vero
  9. @Jaji In addition to Andrew's reply - make sure you have the Clipboard History feature enabled in the main Clipboard preferences.
  10. @Junhong In Alfred's Workflows preferences, you can delete the version you're using and re-add from the built-in workflows (by clicking the [+] at the bottom > Examples > Google Suggest)
  11. @stevenrowan When you say you're typing "ff", do you have a workflow with that keyword installed? I suspect you might be getting a little mixed up by tagging on to the end of a thread of someone else's different question; The original poster wasn't seeing any files returned AND they weren't on macOS Monterey (which is proving to be causing issues for users who migrated their preferences from a previous Mac), so please ignore anything above your first post in this thread. If you're finding all your files in normal conditions but wish to use the built-in File Search, go to the Workflows tab, click the [+] at the bottom of the sidebar > Examples > Dynamic File Filter. This workflow is intended for searching inside the folder you select. If you just want to search for folders, choose the "Simple Folder Search" example, which uses the keyword "f".
  12. @Mark.T Welcome to the forum Let us know once you've given your Mac enough time to run through the reindexing process. If you've migrated your preferences from a previous Mac or Time Machine, and you're on Monterey, please keep the discussion in the thread linked below to avoid splintering the discussion: If the above doesn't apply, please provide as much detail as possible, as well as outputs from the File Troubleshooting tool. Cheers, Vero
  13. @doclrb Welcome to the forum. May I ask if you migrated your preferences from a previous Mac? We're almost exclusively hearing about indexing issues on Monterey are from users who have migrated from a Time Machine backup or a previous Mac. If that applies to you, could you please take a look at this thread where I've provided the necessary steps to rebuild your index properly (yes, even if Spotlight appears to be showing some results). Please take the time to read the post carefully and follow all the steps. If the above doesn't apply to you, please email your Diagnostics file to our info@ address, and provide the output of file troubleshooting examples for the files you're searching for, so that we can help you further. Cheers, Vero
  14. @brank87 While it's unlikely this would happen, here's a workflow I use as scratchpad. It just creates a new file in my Documents folder if it doesn't exist, otherwise appends my current clipboard content to it with today's timestamp before it, either by using the keyword "scratch" or a hotkey. It's become automatic to bring it up with the hotkey combo every time I start a phonecall, knowing I'll probably need to scribble something. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehql878e1y80bwh/Scratchpad for taking notes.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Of course, modify it as you wish if you'd prefer it created a new file every time, overwrite the previous one, don't paste in clipboard content, etc... Cheers, Vero
  15. @enkaytee It would have been helpful to say that you're having other security issues with your Mac early on... They're likely to also be caused by some underlying issues in Monterey. The only advice I can give is that if you install Monterey is to not use the macOS Migration Assistant, as it seems to have caused issues for quite a few community members.
  16. @enkaytee This sounds unusual, so could you please temporarily create a new vanilla user account, set up Accessibility, and try the system commands in question? It'll help narrow down whether the issue is specifically tied to your primary account or a wider issue on your Mac. Let me know how you get on
  17. @bo123x Please don't bump threads about indexing from two years ago, as your issue is unlikely to be related. Are you using macOS Monterey? If so, please take a look at this thread, as you're likely encountering the same issue as other Monterey users who have migrated their preferences from a previous Mac. Cheers, Vero
  18. @stevenrowan @KMadvisor Based on the limited information you've provided, I'm guessing you've both migrated your user data from a Time Machine backup or previous Mac to macOS Monterey? If so you'll be experiencing the same issue as the users here, where the underlying index is broken. Please follow the instructions provided here carefully, including granting Terminal Full Disk Access and deleting the Spotlight-V100. This resolves the issue for all users, though some seem to report a delay of a day or two before the index fully resolves itself. Cheers, Vero
  19. @enkaytee Have you granted Alfred Accessibility? Most system commands require this permission instead. Sometimes, macOS can lose resolution of which apps have been granted permissions upon upgrade, so if Alfred was already in Accessibility, remove Alfred fully by clicking the minus button so that Alfred is no longer included in the list, then re-add him to the permissions you need. This should "nudge" macOS into re-granting permissions to Alfred. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  20. @enkaytee Welcome to the forum There's no need to add Alfred to automations; As per the preferences here (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#integration) Alfred will request permission if needed. Cheers, Vero
  21. Yes, you can open your Powerpack preferences, view your license and click "Deactivate" to remove your license from a Mac you no longer want to use While it's not possible to cross-grade from one license type to another within the same version, if you opted for the Single User license, you'd be presented with upgrade options to the Mega Supporter when the next version of Alfred is announced Cheers, Vero
  22. @luckman212 What do you have listed in your browser list? Is that Launcher included as a possible browser by macOS? If you add a new Default Web Search object, does it show a specific browser icon or not? Could you pop an email to info@ with your workflow, and include your Diagnostics file? Cheers, Vero
  23. Thanks for sharing this, but sorry to hear this macOS bug's rearing its head again 🤦‍♀️ (or maybe it never went away - Comments aren't a heavily used trick) For users who are less keen on sudo command, I recall that setting alfred:ignore, closing the Get Info window, opening it to add a second tag, closing again, then removing the second tag was a ridiculous dance of force-updating that did the job as well. I'm unable to confirm, as the comments are working as expected for me at this time, but the above is a lower-risk option for those who prefer not to use sudo commands.
  24. @stevenrowan Could you please provide more information? Which version of Alfred and macOS are you using? Is the issue recent, long-standing, and is it always present or intermittent? Is the issue specific to files in OneDrive or anywhere else too? What is the output of the File Troubleshooting tool if you drag those files in? What are you typing in Alfred (e.g. are you using the spacebar prefix to search all files, or only for apps/folders)? The more information you provide, the more likely we'll be able to help you out. For files stored normally on your Mac, rebuilding properly (including granting Terminal Full Disk Access, and deleting the Spotlight-V100 file as you begin the rebuild) resolves any indexing issues, but if your issues are specific to OneDrive, something else may be at play. Cheers, Vero
  25. @一个人 Welcome to the forum. Please quit Alfred, delete it from your Applications folder and re-download from https://www.alfredapp.com as it appears your Alfred app bundle has been modified or has become corrupted.
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