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    Vero got a reaction from BerryTaylor in Search email?   
    @Nooblet Welcome to the forum  Which version of macOS are you using? If you're using Mojave and earlier, you should be able to get this workflow working.
    However, if you're on Catalina, it's not currently possible to search email; Apple have removed access for third-party apps to Mail.app results by excluding it from the Spotlight metadata that apps like Alfred can use to return results.
    I'll keep the thread linked above updated if Apple change anything sufficiently for us to search email again.
  2. Like
    Vero got a reaction from giovanni in Text Expansion: Associate More than 1 Snippet w/Same Keyword?   
    @sots Thanks for inspiring a blog post; It essentially reiterates what Andrew already suggested above, but in more details!
  3. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Kelson01 in Can I create a shortcut for Alfred to show on current screen - Instead of main screen?   
    @Undertaker01 You have three options for where to show Alfred, which you'll find in Appearance > Options:
    You can either show Alfred on default screen, mouse screen or active screen.
  4. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from vlar in How to Pass Clipboard into Notification?   
    @vlar Here's your workflow, updated to add an Arg/Var object which takes the clipboard and turns it into the argument that is then passed on to your Notification 
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmk7bwknyzl9e4h/CSFIP for vlar.alfredworkflow?dl=0
    Hope this helps!
  5. Like
    Vero got a reaction from vlar in How to Pass Clipboard into Notification?   
    @vlar Could you confirm you're using Alfred 4.6.1?
    The other reason you may see "unable to import" is if you're using a browser or post-download third party unarchiving tool that's trying to unarchive the workflow. If that's the case, either disable the tool or use an alternative browser.
  6. Like
    Vero reacted to vitor in Shortcuts — Run installed macOS shortcuts   

    Search all your shortcuts via the sc keyword or search by folder name with scd.

    ↩: Run the shortcut. ⌘↩: Run the shortcut with an argument. ⌥↩: Open the shortcut for editing.
    Use the Universal Action to run the shortcut on files or as another way to provide an argument.

    The list of shortcuts is cached for faster results. An immediate cache rebuild can be forced with ⌘⌥⌃↩.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  7. Like
    Vero reacted to Luther in ServiceNow queries   
    Truly, I cannot thank you enough. This is going to be so, immeasurably helpful in my day-to-day, Vitor. 
  8. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Kelson01 in Web Bookmarks support for Brave   
    @kms There's a workflow here for Brave bookmarks, which you may want tot try:
    At this time, we are not planning on adding Brave browser support, as it isn't widely used, but we always keep an eye on stats and demand.
  9. Like
    Vero reacted to Saez in A list of a lot of playlists from Apple Music   
    Alfred Workflow - Apple Music Playlist
    This workflow was based on the information provided by MacStories in this post
    Tired to check the page everytime I wanted to hear something new and also tired to find something new in a mess of Apple Music App, I imported manually each link and image to here.
    So, just type "amusic" to see a list or "amusic+type" to select a specific list and choose inside it, for example "amusicplaces".
    After choose, tap enter and the music app on your mac will be opened at the playlist choosen, just play and enjoy.
    Feel free to edit and reshare.
    Check it here https://github.com/gustavosaez/Alfred-Workflow-Apple-Music-Playlist
  10. Like
    Vero reacted to haakonstorm in Streaming Genres — Filter through thousands of Netflix genres   
    Vitor, thanks a lot for this and all the other work you have been putting out and sharing over the years!
    I've learned a lot from how you code around problems, especially in shell scripting which I absolutely love.
    I'm currently working to implement the Oneupdater in my first workflow work in progress (https://github.com/haakonstorm/transfred) which is working at the moment but not quite ready for primetime
  11. Like
    Vero reacted to vitor in Streaming Genres — Filter through thousands of Netflix genres   

    Search through thousands of Netflix genres via the flixgen keyword. ↩ to open in the default web browser.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  12. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Ariamis in Sometimes unable to toggle Alfred   
    @Ariamis Welcome to the forum.
    Could you please take a look at Console next time this occurs and see whether you're seeing the message referred to in the post below?
    This only seems to affect a handful of Alfred users on Monterey, so if your issue is the same, please let me know and I'll close this thread, so that we can keep any updates on the topic in a single thread.
  13. Like
    Vero got a reaction from nadnosliw in Possible to list and trigger macOS Shortcuts from Alfred   
    @pontus Shortcuts integration is definitely on Alfred's roadmap  More to come in the near future!
  14. Thanks
    Vero reacted to deanishe in Text/universal actions as fallback option   
    I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for. It sounds like you just need to add a Fallback Search trigger to a workflow and connect it to an Action in Alfred. Like this: https://deanishe.net/alfred-workflows/Universal Actions Fallback.alfredworkflow
    Then add that trigger to your fallback searches under Features > Default Results.
  15. Thanks
    Vero reacted to vitor in TinyPNG — Compress images via TinyPNG   

    Compress PNG, JPEG, and WebP images with TinyPNG via the Universal Action.

    Alternatively, find images with the tinypng keyword.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  16. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from brank87 in Expand search bar so it can be used as notepad   
    @brank87 While it's unlikely this would happen, here's a workflow I use as scratchpad. 
    It just creates a new file in my Documents folder if it doesn't exist, otherwise appends my current clipboard content to it with today's timestamp before it, either by using the keyword "scratch" or a hotkey. It's become automatic to bring it up with the hotkey combo every time I start a phonecall, knowing I'll probably need to scribble something.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ehql878e1y80bwh/Scratchpad for taking notes.alfredworkflow?dl=0
    Of course, modify it as you wish if you'd prefer it created a new file every time, overwrite the previous one, don't paste in clipboard content, etc...
  17. Like
    Vero got a reaction from maxromanovsky in Confusing Powerpack License FAQ Description   
    Yes, you can open your Powerpack preferences, view your license and click "Deactivate" to remove your license from a Mac you no longer want to use
    While it's not possible to cross-grade from one license type to another within the same version, if you opted for the Single User license, you'd be presented with upgrade options to the Mega Supporter when the next version of Alfred is announced
  18. Like
    Vero reacted to hb1 in Google Drive — List File Stream contents from Google Drive   
    I paid for a Powerpack and signed up for this forum just to say thank you for releasing this. I'd be manually running the terminal command for months until recent releases couldn't even force Spotlight to index Google Drive.
    This has drastically improved my day to day. I was spending so much time trying to reset search, find files I need to be effective at work, find files I need for personal reasons - it's baffling Google screwed this up when their old product worked, but whatever. Thank you, again for this.
  19. Thanks
    Vero reacted to vitor in Feature suggestion - 'Siri suggested website'   
    This doesn’t seem to be possible. I didn’t find any API to access that information.
    That is not surprising. It is the type of thing Apple would keep for themselves and their apps to give themselves an edge. And possibly for privacy reasons: you say the feature is extremely accurate, so imagine an unscrupulous ad exchange (pleonasm) getting constant access to your data.
  20. Like
    Vero reacted to Floating.Point in Site feedback - Indexing troubleshooting article is difficult to find   
    Thank you guys, I feel less doofy now, it's such a pleasure whenever I have the great fortune to interact with regulars on this forum
  21. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Floating.Point in Site feedback - Indexing troubleshooting article is difficult to find   
    @Floating.Point Thank you for pointing this out, and no need to feel like a doofus!  I've updated the page to be a little more explicit about indexing issues (and will keep an eye out for anywhere else I might make it more obvious too as I update more pages in the next few weeks)

    This should make it a little clearer
  22. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from Myra in File Search issue in MacOS Monterey after Migration Assistant   
    For anyone who hasn't done so yet, please rebuild your Mac's index properly, as this may be all that's needed, as seems to have been the case with some users.
    Even if you believe you've already reindexed, please follow the steps below specifically (as it involves deleting a cache first and ensuring Terminal has suitable permissions).
    First, please pop open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and add Terminal Once you've done this, go to Alfred's Advanced preferences, choose "Rebuild macOS Metadata" Ensure that you check "Delete .Spotlight-V100 before reindex" Follow the steps in Terminal, and keep a close eye for any error messages relating to your index. Please let me know if there are any errors. Otherwise, if it proceeds smoothly, you may need to wait up to an hour for the reindex to complete. Once this is done, make your searches again and see if your results are more as expected.
    Do let us know how you get on
  23. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from seamush in Alfred Application Launcher Issue   
    @seamush In that case, can you please provide as much information as you can? 
    The first steps to follow when results seem unexpected is to rebuild your Mac's metadata. It's usually because the data being provided by macOS is incorrect (even if it appears correct in the current Spotlight cache), and rebuilding ensures that all this information is refreshed by the OS.
    Even if you believe you've already reindexed, please follow the steps below specifically (as it involves deleting a cache first and ensuring Terminal has suitable permissions).
    First, please pop open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access and add Terminal Once you've done this, go to Alfred's Advanced preferences, choose "Rebuild macOS Metadata" Ensure that you check "Delete .Spotlight-V100 before reindex" Follow the steps in Terminal, and keep a close eye for any error messages relating to your index. Please let me know if there are any errors. Otherwise, if it proceeds smoothly, you may need to wait up to an hour for the reindex to complete. Once this is done, make your searches again and see if your results are more as expected.
    If your issue persists, please provide the following information:
    Your diagnostics file, by typing ?diagnostics into Alfred (You can email this to our info@ address, including a link back to this thread) Examples of the File Troubleshooting reports for the files you cannot find using Alfred Details of exactly what you're typing into Alfred and what results you are expecting to see The more information you can provide, the more likely we'll be able to help you establish what's happening on your Mac specifically.
  24. Confused
    Vero got a reaction from Doberman in Secure Text Entry locked   
    The error message usually makes it easy to identify which application has locked secure input. If Alfred reports that "loginwindow seems to be preventing text expansion by locking secure input" or a random process number, it's likely that Alfred is unable to tell which application is using secure input.

    This can be because macOS itself has left the secure input enabled (e.g. when you've recently logged into your Mac, or after waking your computer and typing your password). This can be resolved by restarting your Mac, or logging out fully and logging back in.

    If the issue occurs frequently, try launching a minimum number of apps/services on your Mac, and re-launching apps one by one, allowing you to establish which app or service is locking secure input by process of elimination. Note that browser plugins (e.g. password managers) can be the cause, so enable plugins one at a time to test them.
  25. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from maxromanovsky in Confusing Powerpack License FAQ Description   
    @maxromanovsky Yes, provided you're the sole user of that Mac and it's within the alloted number of Macs for your license, you can activate on your work device
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