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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. Facebook I don't know but the AlfredTweet workflow for Alfred 2 will allow you to tweet the currently playing song in iTunes and several other apps.
  2. The script we were referring to is the same script that is used with the built-in support that was added. Alfred relies on AppleScript to add support for mail applications. That being said, the script just does a.. tell application "Airmail" So, it sounds like the one that is in /Applications isn't set as the default mail app. I'd open the version residing in /Application, go to the General preferences and untick and then tick the "Make default mail application" option to try and make sure that it is the default app.
  3. Would the selected text be coming from a site? Where is the URL coming from?
  4. In the SO post you are asking how to read the string. You could make a parser or, since its a plist, you could just use the "defaults" command. So... defaults read <path to info.plist> "bundleid" That would read the bundleid in the plist.
  5. I didn't look in it extensively but I would tinker around with the delays and see if that helps. If it works for Tyler, I bet that's the issue.
  6. In Alfred's preferences, you can select the Update button and then select the pre-release option at the bottom of the Update page and then select to check for updates. This should grab the latest 2.2 pre-release.
  7. The Play command should function normally. Ensure that the keyword is enabled in Alfred's iTunes preferences and that it is set to show in the default results list. Otherwise, iTunes functionality is limited to the Mini Player The "kill" function.. are you referring to the "quit" system command?
  8. Alfred wouldn't have a way of determining whether or not you have authenticated to Metalib. If you are a 1Password user, you could use Alfred's built-in integration with 1Password to login to the site before you search, but I think that's about as close as you would get.
  9. Do you want this to work as a file action or to create the folder in the current path in Finder?
  10. Yeah it should. What version of Alfred are you using? If the defat mail client isn't Alfred, when composing a message with an attachment, Alfred (2.0.7 and above, released August 8, 2013) should check to see if an mail plugin is available for that mail client and use it to create the new message with attachment.
  11. You could create a new Contact Action in Alfred's preferences that would do this. You would just choose the field you wanted the action to work on (probably the phone number) and set the action to pass to a URL scheme. The URL scheme would be facetime://{query}
  12. If I'm understanding your problem correctly, I don't believe Alfred is going to do this easily. Alfred doesn't allow you to string multiple actions together. I think about the closest you'd get to it is to, grab the string, and then use AppleScript to populate Alfred with a specific keyword and string that would execute the next action that you desire.
  13. If you are a Powerpack member, this can certainly be done with a workflow. You could assign it to a hotkey and have it create the files in the current Finder folder. You could also have it create them in predefined folders or configure it to do a number of other things.
  14. Any way you could share the workflow so that I could take a look at it? I've never heard of this issue before and trying to troubleshoot it blindly would be tough
  15. The Google Suggest workflow will do this as well.
  16. A file filter would do that. In the Advanced tab for a file filter you can select to make it only match on kMDItemUserTag and instead of making it match on {query}, set the specific tag you want to match.
  17. This isn't support in Alfred by default but could potentially be done with a workflow that would parse the output of 'ps aux' to find applications running.
  18. I can't confirm an issue with 10.9.2 right this sec. I am in the process of upgrading now but as Tyler mentioned, if you are syncing with a service like Dropbox, I would temporarily try to disable syncing and set the sync folder back to a local folder. Also, I would try launching Disk Utility and Repair Permissions on the drive to see if things clear up.
  19. Alfred doesn't support that natively. It may be achievable with a workflow but I would be careful with this.
  20. This XML is valid. A good test for things like this is to create a simple workflow, add a script filter and 'cat' the XML string to see if it gives you a result. If you are running a script file, I would suggest trying to run it from the terminal and see if there are any errors or other output associated with the script aside from the XML
  21. You could. Alfred's hotkeys are designed such that they can read the current selection in Finder and pass that off to a workflow (run script) so that the desired action could be fulfilled there. File names are passed as a tab delimited string into the workflow.
  22. Alfred's snippets don't work in this manner. What you could do is to make a snippet that you could copy the snippet and use that ip address but that doesn't allow you to use the name. Another way of doing this would be to have a workflow that has a saved list of server name/ip associations. Finally, with DNS or your hosts file set up properly, you wouldn't have to use the ip address, you could just edit your hosts file to know that "myserver" resolves to a certain ip address. It just depends on how you want to set this up. Using the hosts file would probably be the easiest.
  23. You could use a workflow to make Alfred use another default browser but that would only apply to you typing in a URL into Alfred. It wouldn't change the browser when doing things like, searching Google or opening results from other workflows. Honestly, the best thing to do may be to create her a separate account and show her how to switch. I think someone may have created a workflow for that at some point. Don't hold me to that though.
  24. I created a quick workflow for you to quickly jump back to Finder. Download it here. I left the keyword blank because I wasn't sure if you wanted one. The hotkey will also need to be set for this action. I'll consult with Andrew but right this second I'm unaware of a way to perform the other action (returning to the previous app). Simulating the hotkey through AppleScript doesn't seem to want to work well. Perhaps he has an idea of a way that we can get this accomplished.
  25. Could you provide a little more explanation as to what you are doing/looking for? If your script filter generates UIDs for the items, as long as the UID is unique, they should be shown in the order in which the output was produced by the script. If the UID isn't unique and has been selected in the past, then Alfred will prioritize that result based on his knowledge.
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