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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. Hotkeys can be kind of tricky at times because there is no way in OS X to get a list of all hotkeys that are currently in use and what's using them. That being said, Alfred is typically smart enough to not let you assign a hotkey to something that is already reserved. I'm not sure if other applications do the same. It could be that another application was using that hotkey and causing and issue. If it happens again or continues, try changing the hotkey to something else and see if that helps. The default hotkey for this action is Cmd+Opt+\.
  2. So, you use the ISBN number to reference a file. How are the files organized on the server? Are they all located in one large folder? Organized into some kind of structure? If they are all in one large folder that could be referenced, it would GREATLY simplify things and make it so much fast. I am however talking about alternate scripts similar to what Vitor was referencing. As he mentioned, AppleScript has its place, but I think there are better ways to accomplish this. The reason if would be so much easier if they are lumped into one folder is because, if they aren't.. it being a network resource, I doubt Spotlight indexes the location. That being said, Alfred isn't going to easily find them. Searching a directory structure would be a manual process in the script to incrementally dive deeper into the file structure searching for the file. This process does work but can be VERY slow deepening on the the depth of the file structure and network connection speed.
  3. Shawn is correct that the way he mentioned doing is a great way to implement it. I will note though, just to make sure you question is answered. If I understand correctly what it is that you are wanting to do, you can put multiple actions attached to a single keyword. The same way you connect a keyword to an action (dragging the little tab to the next block) can be used to attach the keyword to numerous items. You just can't attach another action to the back of an action and expect them to be sequential. If you attach multiple actions to a single keyword, they will all be fired simultaneously.
  4. Just my 2 cents thrown in... agreeing with Tyler and Shawn, depending on what you're doing, even on local network, this can get a bit excessive. For instance, the Plex workflow I was messing around with. I had it where it would grab the cover art for the tv show/movie from the plex server (on the same network) to show as icons. My plex library is rather large and when pulling those... it slowed down a good bit. I tried caching them, but then I found myself with large amounts of icons cached for a single query (since it was used on a search filter and querying on every character).
  5. I think this should work.. path = {query} sep = '\\' blah = path.split(sep) blah.pop(0) blah.pop(0) print "smb://"+"/".join(blah)
  6. I need to go back and take a look at it again. Everything seemed to work perfectly on my machines at home (iMac and Macbook Air) but when I distributed to others, it broke. I'm not sure what the issue was unless it was a difference in Plex config somewhere (not sure what it would have been) or a difference in server version or what. I may just put what I have up on Github and let others fork it and tinker with it as well and see what they can come up with.
  7. The default google image search seems to be working perfectly fine on my end. I know that doesn't help much but.. as a test, do you have any other browsers installed that you could try temporarily setting as default to see if they work as expected? Alfred should just be inserting an url encoded version of your search string into the url and then opening that url the same way you would at the terminal if you typed: open http://alfredapp.com or similar.
  8. Was Launchbar assigned to Cmd+Space. It should be that, the only reason you wouldn't be able to use a shortcut would be because it is used or reserved by something else. See knowledge base article here for other alternatives
  9. Alfred uses a system call to perform the reboot that doesn't have an interface or mechanism for telling it not to relaunch. I tinkered with this a lot in the past and if I remember correctly, it's pretty much just reading a setting but only does so when you tell OS X to restart from the Apple menu. I made a workflow to do this a while back. It changes the setting and uses Applescript to simulate clicking the same button. Download here.
  10. Well.. it really depends on what you wanna be able to do. If the files have metadata associated with them correctly, then yes, a filter would work to easily let you search. If they don't, that could be a bit of a pain to get to work efficiently. You could go to your files and run mdls on them and see if they have the kMDItemAlbum and kMDItemTitle set appropriately. For instance, I tested on the song Vicarious by Tool on the album 10,000 Days. If I do "mdls 01-tool-vicarious-ud.mp3" it shows me the metadata on that file. In there, it has the album name and track name and could get artist from the file name if it had to. So I would adjust my filter under the advanced tab to look through the kMDItemTitle and kMDItemAlbum fields as well. That would find the files
  11. The Mini Player built in to Alfred already does a lot of this (if the music is imported into your library in iTunes). If you still insist of using a workflow, then yes you are correct about how alfred matches the files and folders. It would look at each folder/file as a separate item and wouldn't match a multiword query. You could create a script filter to search for you and show the results in Alfred.
  12. I wouldn't dabble in the plist. You can select any local folder to remove the Dropbox syncing. The Alfred 2 was just the default, it doesn't HAVE to be that.
  13. They can if the volume is indexed by Alfred and it is added to the default scope. Indexing can't really be enabled for all volume types though
  14. Could you try walking through some of the troubleshooting steps provided here in the knowledge base and reply back with your results?
  15. Since you are new to Alfred 2, let me explain the difference in case it wasn't already obvious. A run script (with the language set to bash) is the same as running the command from the terminal except it runs it in the background with no new windows popping up. Terminal command will launch a terminal window and run the command in that new window. If a command works normally in a Terminal Command item, then it should work normally as a Run Script with the language set accordingly as long as the script isn't reliant upon something in your profile settings or environment variables. Alfred doesn't import your environment so, if you have environment variables set that the script would need access to, these would need to be brought into Alfred. Also, paths in Alfred are relative to the folder that the workflow is stored in. So if you needed to access something in your documents folder, you wouldn't just use "cd Documents" assuming that you started in your home directory, you would have to specify full path to your Documents folder.
  16. Is there anything special about the path that you are attempting to save the configuration in that would cause this? Permissions issues perhaps? Could you try to Repair Disk Permissions (available in Disk Utility)? If you want to disable syncing, you can use the Set Sync Folder button to set the path back to a local path. The default is ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/
  17. What version of OS X are you running? The reason I ask is, the article, while not extremely old, is from April 2013 and Mavericks has since been released. I just tried to recreate the workflow with the script located at the link you provided and i'm getting AppleScript errors (in Console.app). I personally don't use either of those apps and therefore don't have them installed but have you by chance tried executing this script in AppleScript Editor to see if it works normally there?
  18. The issue would be that Alfred is passing the email passed from Alfred is character encoded (which it should be) to ensure weird characters passed it. Alfred performs the equivalent of running "open mailto:<email address>" at the command line. All other mail clients character decode the email address they are passed. Let.ter isn't doing that, that's the problem.
  19. The problem with doing something like this is that, since Alfred uses the internal metadata server for queries, there is no "exclude this location" option for that except for including it in the privacy section of Spotlight preferences which is currently the recommended method of excluding locations. In order to add this functionality, Alfred would have to query and then go back and parse every result to determine if it matched the user excludes and then remove them. While this may sound like its not a big deal and seem like something that would be easily done, the downside is that it would affect performance since Alfred would have to go back and touch every result to determine if it matched the excludes. Alternatively, I would suggest looking at your workflow and see how you can create filters to narrow down things. A lot of people think it's better to just add lower level folders to the scope so that Alfred searches everything but it affects performance and just clutters your results to the point that you have so much in your search results that you can't find what you were actually looking for. I personally don't want EVERY type of file/folder in my search results because I typically know what I'm looking for. I know if I'm looking for a picture, or a folder, or if I want to look in a specific folder that I work in frequently. I use workflows and filters to drastically reduce results to match exactly what I want. For instance, my defaults are to only show contacts, preferences and applications in results. I have filters for searching for ONLY folders, bookmarks, mail, chat, etc because I know when I'm looking for those things.
  20. Try taking your xml and saving it to the clipboard, make a quick workflow with a script filter and use bash and "cat" to print the xml to the script filter and see if the results show up that way. There's an example of this in Alfred. If you click the + to create a new workflow, its under Examples->Script Filter XML format. If the raw XML works, then we'll know there's something in the script that is, not necessarily broken, but doing something that we aren't noticing or aren't expecting. If the raw XML doesn't work, then there's probably something wrong with the formatting of it.
  21. That looks right. Silly question but didn't see it above... this is in a Script Filter right? Not a Run Script?
  22. Tried adding: <?xml version="1.0"?> to the top to see if that works? I believe it's not considered valid otherwise
  23. I looked in the typical storage folders ~/Library/Application Support and things like that. I didn't think to look in Documents. How are the files named? Are they the name of the site?
  24. Can you provide a screenshot of the output (just a screenshot of the terminal window so I can see it all)? This is normally the result of an invalid character in the xml output or, there is something else that is also being output with the xml that isn't being noticed (some form of error or something)
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