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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. You could make a workflow that has similar functionality and would preserve the clipboard. It WOULD still use the clipboard but would basically save whats in the clipboard, copy whats selected, and send that to Alfred, and then put the original data back in the top position of the clipboard. Or, I guess theoretically you could use the second clipboard for grabbing whats selected
  2. As with Alfred 1.x if you were a previous user, you can add a Custom Search item by going to Preferences->Features->Web Search and creating a new item there. You would just simply not put in a search query placeholder in the URL.
  3. When you get it going, although I know creating/joining a channel on IRC is trivial, let me know and I'll try to hang out in there occasionally as well.
  4. Call up Alfred and press the up arrow. That will let you flip through the last searches you have performed in Alfred with the text already selected
  5. what do you mean "reverse google image search"? What are you wanting it to find?
  6. I think there used to be an IRC channel at one point that Andrew and Vero used to frequent but not sure if they still have a desire to use it or not. Are there any good IRC clients for OSX? I've not really touched IRC since the 90s, well before I ever touched a Mac and used to burn a trail doing some scripting in mIRC. Wow.. thats been ages ago.
  7. Assuming that you mean you have hotkey workflows set up for this? Have you temporarily tried a different hotkey just to test and see if something else WILL work? I use Opt+<number> hotkeys to do a lot of different things. Perhaps try one of those.
  8. Alfred isn't set up to do that. I asked Andrew the same thing when he was getting Alfred 2 together and he makes a good case for why it doesn't work that way. If a fallback could insert results into Alfred by default the way that you are suggesting then it greatly minimizes his efficiency at being able to give you the local results you could be looking for. For instance, if I wanted to find Andrew in my contacts, if I typed 'andrew' currently, he would pop up as my number 1 result and Alfred would have given me EXACTLY what I was looking for, quickly and easily. If a script filter were the default, then I would have to skim past all the suggested results first to get to the result that I am actually looking for. It allows you to be specific in what you are looking for or what results you get back instead of getting just a bunch of random results that you have to pick through to find what you wanted. If you're having to dig through results to find what you actually wanted then we've defeated the purpose of Alfred. Also, yes you CAN search Chrome History with Alfred (with a workflow) but it once again follows the same fate as mentioned above if something like that is made default. As a side note, the workflow you referenced.. there is one identical that is included with Alfred. In the workflows area, if you click the + in the bottom left hand side, and select Examples->Google Suggest, that workflow comes bundled with Alfred and does the exact same thing.
  9. Download link fixed
  10. Forcing one to run isn't possible. I will note though that, according to Andrew, script filters don't necessarily execute on EVERY keystroke. If the previous run hasn't returned you can keep typing and it will execute again when it catches up. So, his example was.. If I typed 'keyword a' and before it finished running the script, I typed 'ndrew', it wouldn't go back and execute the script for every letter. It would run for 'a' as the input, and then again for 'andrew' as the input.
  11. Is there any way that you could parse the input text and only fire the script if it matches a certain pattern? For instance, using some kind of regular expression to check the input text to determine if its ok to run the script?
  12. After tinkering around with this a bit, not sure if this one is going to be possible since Sony uses kind of an middle man page, when you try to use curl or something to request that page and parse it, it returns the data for that middle page, not the result page.
  13. It isn't possible to do this with the current version of Alfred. I don't remember if this particular item ha sheen posted in the Feature Requests forum or not but perhaps you could post it there?
  14. I'm not sure if it will affect anything or not. I'm willing to try it tomorrow afternoon/night and report back though. I would think that there wouldn't be an issue.
  15. At quick glance it appears that Airmail stores data associated to accounts, folders, messages, etc in SQLite databases which, aren't indexed by Spotlight the way Mail.app messages are. Mail.app's stuff is a little easier to find and a good bit easier to search through
  16. While the searching and showing results COULD be done, I dont know that it would be a really clean implementation. Selecting a result and opening it in Airmail, I'm not sure if that could work at all. I'll see if I can look into this further though
  17. There IS but it's probably not as straight forward as what your hoping for. Since a script filter can't be assigned as a fallback action, you have to create the fallback search item and make THAT run the script filter that provides feedback. Does that make sense? Not sure how familiar you are with creating workflows.. Anyway, an example of this would be, I type in 'alfredapp' and I get no file/contact results so it shows a list of your configured fallback items (Google, Amazon, Wikipedia). You could remove those or add just add Google Suggest to the top of the list and then when it drops to fallback, Google Suggest is an item listed in the fallbacks list, but you have to press Enter to select that before the results show up. It wouldn't be an instant search like it is if you use the 'g' keyword.
  18. I don't know of one off the top of my head but this shouldn't be too complicated. Would they always be in a specific starting format or would it vary?
  19. Eh, you're still a young buck Take a peek here and see if this helps any more. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. That's what I'm here for. Hope you're having a good weekend
  20. Awesome AriX, thanks for the info! Well, Yeraze, thanks to AriX, this should be extremely easy Try this. Import it, then go to Preferences->Features->Contacts. Click the + in the bottom right, set the Contact Field to "Phone" then for action, select "Call via DeskConnect". Enjoy.
  21. The default mail functionality works with any mail client because it opens a standard mailto: link. The workflow we are referencing here adds the ability to attach files to mail in Airmail. That functionality isn't available for all clients because it relies on Applescript.
  22. Workflows simply provide you with a trigger (usually a keyword) for performing a specific type or search, running some script, or other actions. Alfred actually contains few examples. If you pop open Alfred's preferences, select the Workflows tab, and then click the + in bottom of the list on the left, select Examples, and then try selecting something like the Google Suggest workflow. This will install a new workflow in Alfred that is triggered by the keyword 'g'. It will allow you to get search suggestions from Google as you type. So, as a quick example, pop up Alfred, and type 'g alfred' (without the single quotes) and Alfred should show you a list of search suggestions provided by Google. This is a simple example of some of the things that Alfred can do. There are many other workflows that are far more complex and have tons of functionality built in. If you need any more help, please let me know. I wasn't sure how much detail to include in this response but would be more than happy to help with anything you need.
  23. Well, displaying an info page wouldn't be too complicated I don't think. If you could set the url to the contact's info as the argument to that result, you could press Shift or Cmd+Y to quick look that result and see the info page there. For the images, that's a little more trouble right now. Alfred 2 currently doesn't have the ability to use urls to display icons for results so, to get this to work you would have to download each icon, save it to a file and then reference that file as the icon. It's not complicated but will definitely affect performance when searching.
  24. Number of contacts shouldn't really matter. As Andrew mentioned, could you check OS X's Security & Privacy > Privacy > Contact prefs and see if Alfred is listed there? If so, is he ticked to allow access to contacts?
  25. You are very welcome. Glad you got it worked out. Let us know if you need any more help
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